How do i kill myself?

I've been searching google to teach me how to kill myself without needing money for a gun and it won't stop showing me anti-suicide ads. I just want to know how.

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Walk into the forest with nothing but your clothes and just keep walking until you die

aim for the head

Don't do it glownigger, razors might be cheap but it's not worth going down the arm.

Ask /b/. You jumping into the Grand Canyon in front of horrified onlookers with cameras isn’t politics.

Don't be a faggot and do something cool, buy a sword and a go-pro and go bear hunting.

Stop eating food.

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Jump off something high

since you are american, suicide by police

start car in garage
keep garage & windows closed

don't kill yourself user, if you kill yourself others will be harmed and you might go to hell

You dont. If you try and succeed in this timeline youll still wake up in a timeline where you survived and your family hates you and your life is abundantly more fucked up then it ever was on this one. Just ride it out. Things are going to get better soon. Like .. September 23rd probably

>when you're a faggot & you kill yourself your husban gets custody of the gerbil
very true & brave

helium tank + oxygen mask

Go on r9k you worthless faggot. Keep this shit off of pol dumb nigger.

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Let us know if seppuku hurts as bad as I think it does

/suicide/ on infinity

It used to be a popular board but no-one goes there anymore. You can read through their old posts.

truly, the only way to go out in clown world is with a funny voice.

walk through detroit


I thought 8ch was kill

well at least I know how I'm going out now.

>You dont. If you try and succeed in this timeline youll still wake up in a timeline where you survived and your family hates you
I'm not even sure if death is real - from my perspective anyways

Start by trying to love yourself faggot.

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Maybe after he can try self betterment and try hard at getting his life together. Best way to be an hero.

It's true OP. You don't want to wind up like me posting on Jow Forums about how we got shunted into clown world after "dying". It only gets worse the further down you go. Hang on to what you've got.

Your family hates you. No one cares . Your kids will never even know who you are anyway. Nigger bullshit

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Utilize Truck-kun. You might even isekai.

I just don't see the reason anymore, I'm fucking 17 and always something bad happens to me I try to avoid and never face my problems and cover them up behind a smile but im so empty in the inside, I worry about things too much and think about my future TOO MUCH but not in a good way I always think of bad things and bad endings for my it just keeps going. I don't know what to go to theraphy because im afraid of what other would think of me, at least you retards only know faggot and nigger as an insult nowadays but thats not the problem, the problem is my mind, I just want my mind to stop thinking about the future so much.

Cheap plastic heluim tank from a party supply store. You figure out the rest. Why helium? You wont feel like your suffocating.

Peace which surpasses all understanding.

Dude this method has been defunct for decades. It's called a catalytic converter.

The CO way to go now is CHARCOAL.

what about me

I want to kill myself in South Korea

17 is to young to sudoku. We've all been there and yes it sucks ass, and it will probably continue sucking ass but you will get tougher. Dont puss out now, wait at least until 25.

>I'm not even sure if death is real - from my perspective anyways
Me neither. I suspect eternal recurrence--back to earliest consciousness in childhood. Brazillions of years might have passed in the meantime, but who cares

Recurrence and splitting... looks a bit like a magnetic field or some such, IMO. Infinitely divisible lines that all run through time to the same start and the same end.

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Accept Christ Kid, You were born in the most epic of times. To die now before the awaited HAPPENING OF THE Existence OF MAN, that would be regrettable.

If only you knew how far down the road we are right now. Repent and accept Christ.

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Just go to a gaming cafe and down to body mass in caffeine while playing your favorite video game.

can you watch this and tell me that you have problems?

how badly do you think they would have wanted to be in your current situation of safety and peace? how badly do you think they wanted to survive?

Alright user, I shall teach you the ancient secret: painless asphyxiation hanging. It is possible to stand with your waist bend and your head down, head between your knees, if you can manage it, and alter the blood flow to your brain. Then if you stand up and stop the flow of blood through the carotid and jugular in your throat, you will quickly pass out. Kids used to do this to get 'high', you can test it yourself by simply lowering your head, rising, and pressing your hands against the blood vessels to stop the flow. You'll fall unconscious and collapse, your hands will fall away and you'll wake up light-head. Make sure you have something soft to land on.

To apply this to suicide, prepare your head as before, but when you straighten up, grab the noose, draw it tight around your neck, and drop your full bodyweight against it. Your bloodflow will be constricted, you'll fall into insensibility, you'll already by unconscious as your body dies from asphyxiation and you'll never feel the pain of dying that way. It's as gentle an end as the legendary Exit Bag, and it only takes $10 worth of rope, instead of $100 of helium and CPAP equipment.

There. You now have this knowledge. What you do with it is up to you.

>It used to be a popular board but no-one goes there anymore
Now why could that be, user

make your fag slap you awake

drug od. heroin or fent. easy and painless. trust me i od'd once and only woke up because the EMTS shot that crap in me

You're brain dead.

>It used to be a popular board but no-one goes there anymore.

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Google H2S You can make it with less than 15$ spent at the hardware store. 2 deep breaths and you are dead. Just leave a note for the paramedics warning them about it.

Google needs you to live and pull through. So they can sell your information for billions and get subsidies from your wage slaving

I heared the thail mafia is killing tourists often. You could fuck with them and they will do the job.

I figure that all the suicide larping they did got old and then they all grew out of it and moved on.

im gonna help you out, user.

buy a mask that you can hook up to a helium tank and strap that shit on, and turn the valve on the tank to start breathing in helium.

you'll be painlessly dead in no time. no need to thank me.

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I always ask myself why would you faggots kill yourself if you can go hunting for international hyena's? It is not like you have anything to lose.

Get a good job, marry a pretty girl and make lots of babies. Love them all and make as much money as you can. Go on vacations and show your kids the world, and then grow old and die. Life will kill you user, it doesn't need your help.

don't do it retards, enjoy the ride full of suffering, it comes with the life. I won't tell you it will be okay, it probably won't, but at least you can witness it. If you don't try to improve your shit, just focus on few good thing s you have. You must have something, idk, vidya or some shit. It helped me.
t. suicidal for better part of last two years.

eat only your own coom for 24 days straight and livestream it

There is a difference between thinking of suicide and actually being suicidal. Being suicidal is actually a trance which is powerful enough to override rational survival instincts. That is something which can not be taught. It must be felt.

get stinking rich and be the envy of all chads by solving the world's problems and financing the betterment of every soul on the planet ...then jump off a cliff with a pool cue up your ass into a pebble beach.
thats how jesus did it

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yes goyim keep working and make sure to breed lots of replacements. save your shekles and you might get the privilege of going some place warm.

I hate you kikes so much


STFU you whinging little cunt.
You haven't even started life yet, come back in 20years.

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OP if you're still here - don't do it you stupid ass. There's always a song or movie or book out there that will change how you're feeling right now