Take the Iron Pill /pol

/pol, I am an actual lurker/poster and I post this once in a while for fellow actual lurker/posters.

If you are unhappy, and you haven't taken the iron pill, give it a try. If you're older, and don't know how, find a serious gym. Not a glamour place. Not an Instagram place. A place that's mostly men, with a de-emphasis on machines. Free weights. Olympic weights. Power racks.

You will find that all of the biggest and most intimidating motherfuckers are also people that have had big problems, and that they're super willing to teach you how to find what it feels like to be physically strong, if you're willing to learn. If you stick with it for a few years, you will literally level up.

You will have access to all that it takes to give you real confidence. Then, and only then, will your morality actually be tested.

And either way, you'll be far better off than a beta male faggot.

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heavy weights are gay and a waste of time desu

you can workout in your own home using bodyweight and maybe a dip belt, bag of sand/rocks, adjustable dumbbells

t. used to do heavy squats that made me almost die

Frank Zane? Haven't seen him in awhile. Men were Manly back then.

>made me almost die

possible faggot detected

With a body that's 100% achievable by most men.

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this is a true post, welldone

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if you're not fit you're not redpilled

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Absolutely based post. Lifting can not only pull you out of the depths, but take you to the heights. A strong soul needs a strong body. Each supports the other. Get lifting, lads.

holy shit that guys neck is fucking god tier

In reality mind and body are one so it's not just that one supports the other, they are actually identical. A strong soul is a strong body, a weak body is a weak soul.

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A person with a strong neck is a strong person.

This is going on my wall right now, thanks.

this image holds up so well over the years

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If you want to try this do pushups until you can't, do dips on the side of your bathtub until you cant, and do squats until you cant. Obviously crunches too. Yes, until you cant.

>biggest and most intimidating motherfuckers
Implying Size = Intimidating? Are you not armed?

you're welcome, user. thanks for the based post

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Came here to post this. You are correct, just add in martial arts and cardio and you're golden, only gym membership you have is the one to the boxing/bjj gym.

Fug that's old

Lifting wont make your dick any bigger.

>You will find that all of the biggest and most intimidating motherfuckers are also people that have had big problems

The day you started lifting is the day you always remained small because you'll never be as big as you want to be.

OP is on target. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all spoke of the absolute necessity of physical training and a sensible diet. The iron pill is real.

goes up to 2009, twas a different time and a different internet

A .45 can beat your dick anyday nigger

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Most lifters are manlets

Frank Zane was a manlet but he made it work. Always mistake him for young Stallone.

T. Fat person who will die quick in the boogaloo because a fit person with a gun > a fat fuck with a gun all else equal.

And a .22 can be a good fleshlight for you.

I'm on the bike pill, it makes my body tougher while lifting makes me stronger.

What's your go to concealed carry when your girlfriend wants to go to the beach/pool in foreign country?

nice meme bro, but its not about getting bigger.

Get fitter, healthy, stronger, and more confident.

You don't have to be 'that guy'

I'm actually pretty fit
shit needs work though

how the fuck did this guy die before he was born

pump iron and you will COOOM!


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Plato does not just talk about it on its own though. The general idea of Platonic dialogues, especially the Republic, from my understanding, is that you should only work on your soul and everything else will fall into place. Most people who lift are doing it for purposes of the body, at least from what I've seen. As a matter of fact Socrates would probably consider bodybuilders sick of the soul.

because he lived BC, not AD

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Jesus fucking Christ...

Ancient Greece was weird

>that entire post
No one listen to this idiot.
He probably snapped his shit because his from was incorrect or he was ego-lifting.
Calisthenics are no substitute for heavy barbell lifts, but they are a nice accessory.
Every sport/physical discipline carries with it a risk of injury, but you can greatly reduce that risk if you learn the movements properly, be patient, and focus.

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>be patient, and focus
then COOOOM!

gr8 b8

Anti social incel detected

Get out the house sometimes neet

Lifting feels like COOMING.

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Pro tip: don’t do deadlifts

>With a body that's 100% achievable by most men.

That's not achievable naturally

I started it (shitting on this dude) and that was wrong. He should try finding a new trainer/mentor/coach though.

Squatting is the best basic lift. But you can get hurt bad if you do it incorrectly. Especially if you're older. Maybe it can be learned off youtube. But maybe not. Wouldn't recommend.

I did my first neck curls of my entire life today, currently have puny 15 inch neck hope to have 16.5 by early 2020. were all gonna make it

>Call others beta males
>Can't even fart without his gym support group

There is no point in living if you cannot do deadlift!

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Deadlifts are amazing. Including for grip strength. Just do them after squatting.

Starting Strength is a great place to start. It's simple and the reps/sets ratios they recommend are in my experience the sweet spot of least likely to injure/most productive, with an emphasis on least likely to injure.

bodybuilding is for faggots.
do powerlifting instead.

You mean Olympic lifting.

I'm not trying to un-cork a whole "naturally" discussion, but how old do Stallone and Schwarzenegger have to get before you admit that steroids didn't kill them?

based retard

you can't do that in 99% of the gyms.
it's mostly skill. if you fuck up you wreck your joints. most likely you'd need a trainer. which is homosexual.

I think you'll get better neck luck with this:


I don't think powerliftng means what you think it means.

That's cool though. Just find a better gym, my dude!

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I don't care that they used steroids. I am just pointing out that Frank Zane's body isn't achievable naturally.

He looks stupid anyways. That's not aesthetic and that's not what women find attractive.

Women like the lean and muscular look.

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based and checked

Shit advice. What I will say is this, deadlifting is the one lift where there is absolutely no room for your ego. If your form is shit you won't get away with it and you will go to snap city

weight lifting is kind of a waste

find a sport and stick to it, preferably a combat sport

my fathers friends had surgery in their 60s from years of lifting heavy weights. depends on what weight you push it will catch up too you

its a fine recommendation.
Those kind of workouts are great but if you dont do them you wont lose any considerable gains

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Are you retarded? Deadlift is the single best strength building exercise you can do.

As based as a commandment

>least likely to injure/most productive, with an emphasis on least likely to injure.
That's not true in the slightest, it's the other way around, you'll find athletes like sprinters don't dead lift because the potential cost versus the gains are too risky.

>moving heavy things around
>builds nothing

youve been jewed

Competitive sprinters are highly injury prone. Also, how many competitive sprinters do you think are on /pol retard?

Don't fall for obvious demoralization.

Tearing your muscles down to grow bigger and stronger is a form self-destruction.

Amish detected

Kill the weakness

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>elevated heels
>still can't go to parallel
Frank Zane was a FAGGOT

just saying deadlifts are one lift most likely to cause injury.
I deadlift, but only because I lift for strength and ascetics, if I was playing a competitive sport again, I probably wouldn't or if I did it wouldn't be 1rpms and 5 x 5 s, I'd probably lower the weight and increase the range.

fuck off Obe(se)rst

Paul Newman took the iron pill.

I go to the gym 4x a week and do cardio everyother day. I still have drug resistant depression. Doctor just changes my medications and every 4 months have to take like a probiotic laxative to kill bad gut bacteria. Supposedly I don't absorb vitamins and other nutrients through the blood brain barrier, so I have to either do this routine or take high dosages of psychiatric drugs. It does help for like 30 mins after and I'm back on just looking at the ceiling, feeling like crap.

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Just got back from the gym, feels good to see this thread first as I open Jow Forums‘s catalogue. Shit’s foreal frens

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The inevitable conclusion to the iron pill is suicide as per its creator. No thanks, I would rather not.

Can confirm. Been trying to get into lifting. Came to pol for iron pill. Was not disappoint. My Bros we all need to stay strong. I got a bar for my apt and now after years of having shitty lifts cause of back pain and not enough room I can use it. I fixed most of my spine damage and am now back to lifting. Once I get stronger I can start making my way back to one plate. I swear to God. If you are fat, if you are skinny, if you are anything, lift. It will make your life so much easier. Women want a guy who can be strong. If you can lift your own body weight you will be way better off than most people. And the best part is that if you go home gym you never have to leave your house. I just have my bar in the living room. It's fucking great. Work on flexibility first though. If you have any old injuries they need stretching and strength. Start slow and you will see great progress in half a year if you eat right.

The feeling of nearly dying is the best part. When you have the bar right there and you just know if you drop it you are dead....

You some how push through.

You dont even need to be big, I've been working out for less than a year, my diet is still pretty shit (always get my protein though), but my muscular development has been great for being 37. I'm starting to get the physique of an MMA fighter.

I've always been confident and outgoing, but working out gave me a new kind of self confidence, and also made me feel good and healthy.
>I was addicted to cigarettes
>I was addicted to gaming
>I was addicted to porn
>I was addicted to opiates

I'm also good looking for my age, so having sexy women of all ages flirt with me is nice, my girlfriend doesn't like it though!

The only Iron pill you should take is 325 mg ferrous sulfate daily as a source of Iron so you can donate blood 3-4 times a year and save lives each time you do while reducing your likelihood of heart attacks

I'm leveling up in wow and in life. Lok'tar ogar.

Its like Dustin Hoffman and Sylvester Stallone had a faggotbabby, this nigger would be their offspring.

how's classic? I dont play WoW but I know that it was a big deal in /v/

I squat with a pair of kettlebells at home too. I have arthritis (older guy) so I don't have the joint mobility in my shoulders to squat with a bar

>If you stick with it for a few years, you will literally level up.
this x10
lift heavy, lift often

Other than the steroid-induced bitch tits, he doesn't look too bad.

Fuck ya thanks for the video, if the seals are doing it then its probably gonna work.

Base & Pill LLC

I don't lift too heavy anymore some genetic digestion issues hitting me harder near my 30s and I just cannot eat anywhere near like I used to, just maintain with bodyweight

Getting lean is great though. Been builtfat my whole life, no definition, now I wake up every day and look leaner. Little stuff like feeling the back of my leg and finding new muscles I've never felt before, it's amazing

But yeah, up until now lifting is what has kept me on the straight and narrow. It is a truly excellent thing for any man to do. Every time I was training, my life was great. When I got lazy and stopped, my life went to shit. It's like my being was based around whether or not I was training properly or not

Ive been working out since the second week in may and I've been making steady gains. Recently, however, my bench press has been stalling. I usually was able to add 5 pounds almost every week but these past two weeks I havent been able to increase my load. I do 5x5 sets and it has always felt like a good amount to me as it pushes me to almost muscle failure.

Would I see better results if I lowered the weight by maybe 10lbs and started doing higher reps per set instead? I know it isnt much, but for reference, I'm currently benching 160lbs and started out at 75lbs.

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Imagine thinking able-bodied is a slur.

What's your routine look like, how old are you and what's your height and weight?

>Anti social
This is a good thing.