Let's Laugh at Tranny Suicides

Can we all just take a moment to laugh at the freakshow? These disgusting transfreaks have ridiculously high suicide rates. As it turns out pumping mentally unstable people full of hormones isn't a good idea. Lulz.

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LMAO dicktits necked himself!

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Natural selection.
Nature always wins.
The future is clean.

god that makes me happy

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Trannies pay attention.

Come and join the 40%

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tranny suicide note

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It's not funny. It's the result of decades of propaganda and malicious targeting of the most vulnerable people in our society by Jews.

I pity someone so miserable that they will blindly hate people for being different, use harsh words to try to cause more harm to them, then laugh when the depression and pressure finally makes them break. Get help, OP. You need it more than any transgender person.


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At least post the source of that you tranygger

trannies suck, OP rules

lel i remember that thing, all those levels of bs are impressive
>mentally ill
>junkie party boy

>girl hanged himself because she was scared to tell his parents she
>somebody wrote that and thought yep that's good

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i'm white / alt-right and i feel like the romantic, deep, real love you hear about in Victorian novels is something i could NEVER feel for women of my generation. for whatever reason, I feel a profound, intense, chest-sinking love for some trans-girl dick boys. I don't know what it is. I don't fucking understand it. i could try to analyze it. i have submitted these feelings to the open grill of public opinion, to the justified shaming of each parental and extended family party, but... these feelings persist.

this is a weird time to live. i view an honest, loving, domestic, sexual relationship with a white trans girl as some kind of rebellion similar to that of a white extinguishing his genetic lineage by procreating with an oriental. I get it. I understand and feel the same urge that the white->eastAsian miscegenaters feel.

I just feel my urge more strongly, more profoundly. I feel true *love* for these trans girls, women, "things', whatever, than i do for ANYTHING else. It's fucking weird. I don't know what's going on. honeslty all I know are the feelings and they are so fucking intense, so real. yeah there are sinister elements in the culture that are promoting this specifically to hurt and destroy people like me (young American men of European lineage). and i keep that conscious in my mind as i sense my own stupid urges directing themselves. but man, I can't get over this. I already have my eyes on one in my area, and I feel the dumbass butterflies in my stomach as i rehearse my flirt/pitch to them. I don't feel this towars women - any women, including white - at all. I avoid their attention and shun them with hate. unpack all this as you will. Good luck, whites

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They're helping the white race with natural selection in this very particular case

kek i know. there must be a joker editing for the mirror.

Someone should have held him down as soon as that “Kate” nonsense started.

Of course thats what we are trying to do. We dont give a shit about these genetic misfires. We are better off without them, running around swinging their fake sewn on dicks around

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Did they mix the pronouns to ridicule it?

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Go dilate on reddit

This includes ideation, threats, and attempts, not completed suicide. Being massive attention whores with a slew of cluster b traits it makes sense.

I think generally "trannyism" is an attempt at remedying a problem. Whether they become trannies from physical abuse, lonliness (prison gay), rejection from women, etc. It's a bad attempt at course correction. Internal + External factors lead to this being a choice.

Things that don't help:
- promotion of trannyism by society
- acceptance of gay/lesbian lifestyles
- demoralization of males by society
- pigeon holing men into ridiculous latino/black "men" stereotypes where 24/7 muh dick is the only acceptable way to be a man
- flooding food and water with xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens

I'm not wrong, it's a multi-level attack. 99.9% of the population is too dumb to understand how many levels of attack there are and how difficult it is for isolated people to avoid complete demoralization.

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too-long-pasta or you-are-gay-nigger

The adults deserve it, but consider the fate of the kids they are forcing into it.
They never had a chance.

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>Schoolgirl hanged himself
Fucken LEL

looks like a couple webms i have of some doggystyle with choking

same person?

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Is this the internalised homophobia pasta

Jesus whom drew this is fucking weird

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wha? big news when was this and did cosmo do it?

Thank you kikes for giving this shit into modern society.

Oh yeah he fucking did

Imagine how this insane cruelty will be viewed historically.

Ever consider trans suicide rates are so high because they are mocked and ridiculed in society by bigots like you?
Same thing with cis gendered LGB+ folks, but to a lesser extent.

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Mentally challenged people killing themselves isnt funny.

it's fresh, just wrote it

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It's happening boys 8ch alternative is up!

- Fresh new Jow Forums board
- No captcha (or gay pass)
- Tor posting
- 50mb file limits
- Free speech respected
- No shills


All tranny articles should be written with mix-and-match pronouns.

This is spot on I think. Good post

Their suicide rate is so high because they are completely fucked up in the head. They are better off dead because they will never be happy, and will always be a burden on themselves, and to those to love and care about them.

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I know, I'm a degenerate, drown me but the rate of detransition amongst trans camwhores on a paticular site I visit is steadily increasing. Many really popular ones just going back to being male after living their fetish for a couple years and realizing that's all it was. Happening more and more

>22000 CAD paid for by the government

>99.9% of the population is too dumb to understand how many levels of attack there are and how difficult it is for isolated people to avoid complete demoralization.
you're right. we need people who aren't tarred and feathered with the cringe of Christian Fundamentalism to preach this reality in a secular way. the fact that no one is is an indication that the program is deliberate and intended to hurt and destroy white America until they suicide themselves into non-existence


Jeb GF is the best GF
fight me

Imagine sucking one of those meat pillars

Am I'm loosing this fight
losing my mind
Thank god leftists tell me I'm fine.

Someone should make a full cover of this song.

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Lots of sad tranny songs


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True. There are very vulnerable people in society and that’s what mental illness clings to. Kinda sad if you think about it. Unless they’re some Instagram or flamboyant tranny then I have no problem with their faggot ass dying.

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Tranny Suicides is my secret fetish.

Ice pick lobotomies seem merciful compared to this shit.

Imagine being so morally corrupt you do this to a mentally ill person for money.

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Better not ruin nobodies car bitch

i wish


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you can blame Christian Fundamentalism if you want, just remember that it has been completely infiltrated by Jewish Zionism and they actively steal church donations via guest speaking and many members sign their own sons up to go die for Israel. If you think the Jews haven't targeted everyone multiple times over, you're wrong. In trying to appear informed on *this* subject you have appeared uninformed on another subject.
Remember, I am not personally attacking you, but merely trying to widen your vantage point. Remember, the full picture is incomprehensibly complex and takes significant time to grasp / come to terms with.

Just like the black death have birth to the Renaissance

kikes are brainwashing our people into committing suicide and you think its fucking funny?

We have every fucking right to hate them you insufferable faggot. These types of things never stop at the person -- they influence. And more and more kids these days have taken the bait. If I ever find out my kid ever had a "conversation" with another fucked up tranny they would be found the next day rotting in the desert.

yes. the weak should kill themselves

>meow meow binge

/v/ would be a much better place for these posts. That board is filled with trannies like a fucking roach infestation. Helping a resettranny sort himself would feel great.

>Ever consider trans suicide rates are so high because they are mocked and ridiculed in society by bigots like you?
haha yeah


weak shall die

its basically meth


so instead of attempt to fix the problem at the source you would endlessly combat the symptoms?

The tranny mods watch that place like a hungry hawk. They keep porn threads up but God help you if you try to point out the political agenda in today's video games.

I'm glad the problem solves itself.

What's this dudes problem? I feel he has way deeper issues than being trans

if anything I feel like this deluding himself into believing he is trans is just a way to distract himself from whatever real issues he seems to be having


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"By whom was it drawn?"
"Who drew it?"
"By me."
"I did".

Do you see the difference? Help me help you help everyone else who may see you attempt to use "whom" in a sentence so that in the future all will be increasingly exposed to more and more correct grammar and thereby uplift the use of the language. It's the only way.

How can you cut yourself in a way that lets you write that shit on the wall and then proceed to neck yourself? Fuck it seems that trannies can't even draw a good tranny suicide.

He set himself on fire in a Portland, OR city park during the day, tons of witnesses.

Only the ugly and old ones do it, which is a good thing.

>Ever consider trans suicide rates are so high because they are mocked and ridiculed in society by bigots like you?
That means that we are very good at what we do...

oh no
is she ok

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Honestly, people who enable trannys need to get killed and that’s that. As far as debating them and getting angry with them: that not even to be considered: anybody that enables trannies and encourages them needs to be thrown off of a roof

no, that was a different insane tranny """game dev"""

Kill yourself trannies! It is the only way out.