New York Times staffer tweeted racist and homophobic tweets years ago

And here... we.... go

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Other urls found in this thread:

>10 years ago

Holy shit what a fucking world we live in

dump it faggot

>denonrats are da real racists

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force the niggers to play by their own rules

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If this was someone on the right they'd be crucified by everyone but because it's a leftist they'll defend her because "people can change! It was 10 years ago!"

I guess this one isn't so problematic

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Well it depends on whether they can weather the irony

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Yikes she is ugly

She really hates Asians

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She doesnt even look human.

Man they be finding ways

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She's not

They won't care about this one I think

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This guy has them all

You know the rules bitch. Career over. No atonement.

Now we need to find her tweets trashing other blues for their past tweets.

Imagine digging through everything someone has ever posted on Twitter just to find something offensive in order to destroy them.

Her twitter:

she's implying that a decade is a long time, while writing total horseshit stories about kavanaugh's past.

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How do they not see it coming at this point

uh oh, how is this bigot still employed?
why is he not homeless yet?

Breitbart has picked it up. This is the real deal. This girl is done.

I'm going to be shocked if she's not fired. You can't say faggot and dyke on a public website as a journalism student

Live by the sword, die by the sword

or you know just do a keyword search

and now you know how the enemy things.

People are hating onher in the comments. Currently at 999k

damn, she really doesn't like asians

what comes around is all around

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eye for an eye, bitch nigga

>I'm sorry that 10 years ago I said all japs should be gassed, whoopsiedoodles!
>This just in! Trump may or may have not stolen pancakes 12 years ago! White House refuses to respond!

If nothing else, american media is funny in its hypocrisy.

If she would've stuck to hating whites she'd be fine. Going after the fags is a big no-no in our globohomo world.


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Don't forget about the racist opinion editor @sarahjeong

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cool gif, mind if i save it?

I know the left did this first. I just can't believe someone came up with it, and it became a thing. Some people really have nothing better to do.

She's black and a woman, nothing will happen to her.

I posted racist things today on twitter. Fuck niggers and kikes. My name is Tim. My number is 6153537081. I live at 4016 Nebraska Ave in Nashville. Come and get me you stupid niggers spic faggots.

>using "they be" unironically

Lol at the thousands of applicants with master's degrees and published works who lost out on the job so the NYT could hire this shining star of diversity

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What the fuck is her problem? Isn't the PC word for this "weeb" ?

>Some people really have nothing better to do
Weaponized autism is a frightening thing

sup FBI

>still not even 8 years

It's fine if they do it, right?

Dis bout to go national in the morning,

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Would be a shame if this went public

she washes herself regularly? neat.

This, let them hang by their own nooses.

NYT sure is having a bad week

Nope. She's a niggress. She'll just sue Twitter for discrimination based on race and sex.

>hasty generalizations

Found the Asian feverist

yeah I mean exactly, this is the fucking world commies have built. imagine the people who made it this way. and understand where they belong

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I like these numbers
Next dubbles decides the NYT response

oof, she's more racist than the average poltard

lightbulbous sapiens?

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What does -__- mean? Is this an emoji of an Asian lady???

That is the worst part

She is truly basic and truly unintelligent

I lived with a guy who wrote for the paper at a state flagship university. He was quick, well-read, and well-rounded. And actually very moderate politically

This moron should be nowhere near a fucking newspaper. She's an arthoe embarrassment that could barely write about who-gives-a-shit Brooklyn scene bands, let alone work at the New York fucking Times

How do you upvote this, thing?

>being this hopeful

sarah chink gook didnt get fired

Women of color can't be racists, because they don't have institutional power . . . like editing at the NYTimes.

on a scale of 1 to Je Sui Charlie, it's not been bad enough.


Other than the faggot post that was pretty lame

This is great, all these normies thought racism against asians was fine.

The New York Times is a joke

Blacks don’t like Asians

every nigger hates asians because for the most part asians are the model minority.

This will be the one that sinks her.

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There's just something about non-whites being racist against other non-whites

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It's the New York Times

She'll be promoted

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>all those retarded conservatives replying who have been gaslit to believe she's going to be fired.

Never going to happen. They didn't fire Sarah Jeong and they fuck sure aren't going to fire a sheboon.

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to be fair, bonnie was a bitch.

They didn't fire Jeong because she was railing against white people, which is A-OK
Railing against Asians and homosexuals though... well we'll see

Kek she's a fact checker:

This racist bitch is the one telling us what is "true" or not.

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that's just part of nigger culture and they will give her a pass. Joy Reid had anti-faggot blog posts along with the 9/11 truth stuff. They won't fire a sheboon.

What I find amazing about moments like this is, why don’t you just quietly and discreetly delete your entire account and wish for the best in terms of archives etc? Why do they announce it or leave it open for anyone to find once they become a household name? If they’re so woke they can take the temperature of the room. You know you dissed asians ten years ago. Just shhhhh and delete it all. Is it really all about keeping a good @ name? Or just being unable to stop doing social media to your existing followers? Are people really this invested in Twitter?

>You know you dissed asians ten years ago
Maybe she forgot
Same with James Gunn

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Ya. Bitches like this can’t remember what they tweeted a week ago. Literally living in the very fucking moment. No excuse though. You step up to a bigger league you check your tracks behind you ya know? This seems like common sense. Like not having anything online in your real name. Thirsty cunts just need that attention though.

Joy Reid is still gainfully employed by MSNBC and has said far worse.

Every black I know hates asians, I havent really figured out why but the Asian masculinity crowd has made me pretty sick of them too.

This. I know for a fact if I ever ran for some sort of political position one day in the future, I would make sure all my current social media was deleted and I would start fresh, just to be safe. These people are morons.

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Wait until millenials start running for office, this is gonna be the main disqualifier, did you post stupid shit years ago

No facebook, no twitter, no instagram, no full retard. Shouldn't even be a picture of me online

Reminder that the anti white racist Sarah Jeong still works for the New York Times. Nothing will happen to her or Gina because they have liberal privilege.

Worked for Joy Reid except I’m not so sure about its gender.

niggers are untouchable unless they speak out against the jews. michael jackson is the perfect example of what happens to a black man that exposes the jew.

>These people are allowed to have jobs
America sucks

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Man I'd be fine, I never posted any offensive shit on my social media since I've always had Jow Forums to post that shit on. Jews cant touch me.

Not really because the ideology/party who clearly doesn't give a fuck about such non-issue will prevail. Oh wait, it's happening already