I see enough Catholics here so let's have a rosary thread. Here's one i'm looking at buying.
I see enough Catholics here so let's have a rosary thread. Here's one i'm looking at buying
Other urls found in this thread:
Also considering a battle beads rosary.
Where’s the rest of it? Here’s mine from a while back when I first got it. The Rosary is more powerful than most can possibly imagine. Get one user
We are in a holy war. Never forget that. Pray the rosary.
Frankly at first glance i thought it was the white tree of Gondor
I hvae yet to see a good online guide for how to pray the rosary. I know there are certain Mysteries that you're supposed to reflect on, but they never get listed with the prayers. Hos many decades is enough?
Also, what kind of power are we talking about here? I'd settle for salvation.
Another version of it, sadly it's sold out. I love Dogwood trees and have a special relation to them i'm not going to share here.
Sure feels like it.
This has everything you need. We should be praying all mysteries each night, but that’s a lot to begin with. Start with the 5 decades and 1 mystery each night. You will see for yourself the impact of it
That is my favorite version of Salve Regina, ever. My first ever real mass was a traditional Latin mass on the Assumption Day of Saint Mary. I started praying the rosary before even going to mass. Mary definitely drew me into the faith and showed my Christ.
My first mass was a trinitine one on Christmas eve, will never forget it.
Is it because you love dog knots
I propose to you anons, if you are a true believer in Christ, ask Him in prayer whether His own mother is worthy of veneration and praise. No one worships Mary, her only source of Divinity is being the vessel to bring the Christ into the world.
I did, hence why I go to mass and i'm looking for a really good rosary.
Nice topic. Not religious myself but really like beads and have several diy bead bracelets to play with or wear.
Another interesting approach would be to get ranger beads or pace count beads and just hand a cross at the end. Pretty sure it would look nice. Of course no bead counting with the pace counter, just for style.
wearing dead Jesus is Satanic
Catholics are not Christian. They got rid of the 2nd commandment,and they worship statues besides being loaded with pedo's and Jesuits. Educate yourself They are also the asswholes sending refugees to my town knowingly or unknowingly because they have their head up their stretched out pedo preist ass.
Christians don't worship ISIS the Queen of Heaven. Show me where it says Mary is a co-redeemer. SHOW ME. Catholics NEVER read the Bible either. They let the pedo tell them what God and MARY is Lel
The Queen of Heaven FULL PRESENTATION by Jonathan Kleck and Clay Eudaly BE4THEFIRE COM youtube.com
The CCHD and Saul Alinsky youtube.com
Ruben Israel | THE MOVIE | Open Air Street Preacher | Documentary Film by Jesse Morrell
Saint Jesse Morrell - The Loving Street Preacher
>but really like beads
Yeah, I'll bet.
Nope. There are so many symbols with several definitions from different time periods.
One symbol could be pure evil when interpreted it like e.g. theologists from 1700. But the same thing could have been declared pop culture or non satanic 300 years later.
It's not the symbol itself it's what you make of it and what power you channel through it.
If there wasn't something worthwhile in the Catholic church, Jews wouldn't work so hard to corrupt it. I'm not a Catholic yet, but I'll pray for (You) all the same.
Incidentally,what's the difference between a living person praying on your behalf and a dead one?
The rel second commandment tells you not to make graven images too. And not smooch statues. Catholics don't know shit about the Bible.Pedo Enablers
GFO with your ignorant pity party
Catholicism, as all religions was and is a way to control the masses. At some time it was used for good and at sometime it was used for bad stuff.
It's not all catholics, Those who go to church and give money are only the ones that put certain figures in power. And these figures are, by their nature corrupted and do not serve the common good. They serve this clique of (((them))) that wants to be in control of the world.
Also, not only catholics are like this, we have evangelics here in germany, they are also pro refugee and being a good goy.
Believe in god or a good energy/spirit/whatever but do not let a church of any kind tell you how to live your life.
kek, well, these are pace beads of the other kind.
>No one worships Mary
What about those Mexicans who believe that Mary came down to them and she had healing powers for some reason?
Oh shit, forgot about it, but it's hilarious. Saw it in an old anti pope thread.
I am totally on the side of critics of christianity, without being an atheist, those are pure cringe.
But there are so many images like this where you can def. see the evil symbolism in christian stuff.
I mean, what the actual fuck, even when i have no clue about religion, this thing looks evil as fuck.
I believe that christianity got corrupted hard, long time ago and turned more and more into an occult cult that funnels energy to some gay ass diety like moloch.
It was a demon. Demonic Apparitions of Mary youtube.com
The basilica is the basilisk which is a serpent. This is the serpent church.
>The basilica is the basilisk
nice to know you don't know anything about language
Catholics keep Jesus on the cross because they hate him. He is risen. He isn't on the cross anymore but in the Catholic world. Nice graven image fag. The Second Commandment refers to: The second of the Ten Commandments, which is: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image" under the Philonic division used by Hellenistic Jews,and Protestants. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Nice cop out statue smoocher
I'm sure you also seen this one. It's even more convincing. The pope sits between the snakes fangs. One would have to be as blind as a good christian to not starting questioning things like these.
It's not Mary. It is ISIS
It looks disgusting, senpai. A pagan version, probably made out of cheap chinese metal instead of tainless or silver. Also really bad artwork.
Buy a proper one. Not everything has to look fucking girly, cunt.
Yep! I went to Catholic school and didn't learn jack shit about the Bible. I almost got molested though but I got away from the fag lay teacher who was taking me out to movies libraries gave me all the answers to my tests and thanks to a friend who was jealous of all the perks I was getting told me the fag was eyeing my crotch. He wanted to take me to Boston with him and his non existent GF and my parents almost let me go.Fuck Catholics.
Nonwhites can't seem to grasp Christianity.
>Yo this dude died let's wroship his holy toe bone
Catholicism is a joke
Sounds like mohammedan BS. The Lord does not forsake his own image.
Digits confirm it.
Considering all the molesting that was uncovered i am not even a bit surprised. Fuck everything above me in general. I don't accept any faggot that tells me what to belive or how to live. All abrahamic religions are just to get money and power and keep people as mind slaves.
The best faith is the one that you think yourself of and the gods you shoose yourself. Nature based religion is fun and way healthier, and keeps your mind free. That's why cuckstianity hated it so much.
The basilica was actually the place where Nero held his circuses. So of course the Catholic statue smoochers found it a great place to make home
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I don't hate Jesus, he just fuckin realised that Jews where into some occultist shit. He was a Jew who ate mushrooms. There is depicted art of him holding mushrooms. I realized the meaning of Christianity based religions after I did mushrooms at Mass one day. The dude was just trying to get everybody in a woo woo type of mindset, where you don't have to bother putting your energy into lifeless bullshit. I get the point of his message, it just the rituals that get me not liking it. I'd rather on Sundays enjoy a nice mindful afternoon relaxing or gathering my thoughts meditating, than watching a coomer repressed priest, who probably fucks kids founded by the (((Vatican))).
So...you like ceremonial magick and semiotics?
No! Bad goy, go to church, and get your energy extracted from the occult dude in the front. Why do you think you have to sing?
For the uninitiated, singing is nice and creates good feelings and a sense of community thus the church goers get happy and get hooked and return each sunday.
But when i think about how music changes moods instantly it gets pretty obvious that musik is a mean of creating and transferring energy.
>unvoluntar singing = your energy gets stolen
Also the music industry is highly satanic/kikish, the puppet singers send bad energy out to the masses.
The Catholics murdered people who read the Bible ccel.org
Now they don't have to. Catholics don't even want to know what is in it. I tried over and over to get my Catholic friend to at least look at Proverbs the book of wisdom. But he says nah....too many thee;s thous and those in the Bible. But he tells everyone he is a Christian. The whole catholic scene is very fishy
>yo guys there’s a few Jesus shroom pics
>this outweighs the entire Biblical witness of His life
Music is the language of God, friend. Or do you think Heaven is silent? I will agree making necessary song is corny, but that is not Catholic tradition. That’s novus ordo pop culture Jesus saves And everyone sings along BS. Go to a Tridentine mass and tell me Gregorian chant is not Holy
They want to turn people away from Christ so they infiltrated his biggest church.
Sounds like you have both a bad personal experience with the faith and little doctrine.
This might be the most idiotic statement in all of human history. We glorify the sacrifice of Christ because in Christ’s crucifixion was death conquered forever. The entire promise of our faith culminates and manifests itself in that sacrifice and that is what we witness each mass.
bruh that rosary is new-age tier boomerism. Get a Traditional one with 5 decades
shut up prot. you ruined Europe
It's called Liturgy, what the fuck is Magick, sounds gay.
sources? prob just masonic propaganda somehow ended up on pol
>what are dramatic myths of inspiration?
But then again, I'm talking to an autistic protestant who takes the bible literally
Pick one saint from the list and find a church document teaching that the event was meant figuratively.
We will wait.
Nice try to muddy the waters
These are basic claims of the history of these saints. Use a Catholic encyclopedia, or even Wikipedia.
one of my rosaries
Of course, the whole thing was preplanned by some GREAT conspiracy as a way to control the masses, and this unnamed group somehow fooled everybody involved and developed all sorts of tomes of fake philosophy and theology and developed the entirety of Western society based on these tenets.
Or you're just an ignorant retard who hasn't got a fucking clue what they're talking about, just parroting basic level materialist rhetoric which can be refuted by anyone with basic critical thinking ability.
>ceremonial magick
Since when did liturgy and processions have magic?
Yea, don't see anything. Disinformation. Perhaps if you could provide some evidence?
what's wrong with bernarnd's one?
You do know medieval society didn't care for tits to hang out? And that the actual story is even more fantastical and many versions exist?
>According toRaymond of Capua, at the age of twenty-one (c. 1368), Catherine experienced what she described in her letters as a "Mystical Marriage" withJesus,later a popular subject in art as theMystic marriage of Saint Catherine.Caroline Walker Bynumexplains one surprising and controversial aspect of this marriage that occurs both in artistic representations of the event and in some early accounts of her life: "Underlining the extent to which the marriage was a fusion with Christ's physicality [...] Catherine received, not the ring of gold and jewels that her biographer reports in his bowdlerized version, but the ring ofChrist's foreskin."Catherine herself mentions the foreskin-as-wedding ring motif in one of her letters (#221), equating the wedding ring of a virgin with a foreskin; she typically claimed that her own wedding ring to Christ was simply invisible.She wrote in a letter (to encourage a nun who seems to have been undergoing a prolonged period of spiritual trial and torment): "Bathe in the blood of Christ crucified. See that you don't look for or want anything but the crucified, as a true bride ransomed by the blood of Christ crucified-for that is my wish. You see very well that you are a bride and that he has espoused you-you and everyone else-and not with a ring of silver but with a ring of his own flesh. Look at the tender little child who on the eighth day, when he was circumcised, gave up just so much flesh as to make a tiny circlet of a ring!"
Breasts are inherently sexual. Read song of Solomon.
Medievals did not let women run around topless, that's an artistic anachronism.
Mary—Mother of Jesus not “Mother of God”
Mary was Jewish by birth, and she was a direct descendant of KingDavid. (Luke 3:23-31) She was highly favored by God for her faith and devotion. (Luke 1:28) God chose her to become the mother of Jesus. (Luke 1:31,35) Along with her husband, Joseph,Mary had other children.—Mark 6:3.
Although the Bible shows that Mary became a disciple of Jesus, not much additional information is given about her.—Acts 1:14.
Why do some consider Mary the mother of God?
The earliest evidence of devotion to Mary dates from the late fourth centuryC.E. At that time, the Catholic Church became the State religion of the Roman Empire. As a result, many who had a pagan background became nominal Christians. The church had also adopted the unscriptural teaching of the Trinity.
Thedoctrine of the Trinityled many in the church to conclude that if Jesus were God, then Mary must be the mother of God. In 431C.E., a church council in Ephesus officially proclaimed Mary the “Mother of God.” Mariolatry—the excessive veneration of Mary—flourished after this Council of Ephesus. And as those from a pagan background joined the church, images and icons of the Virgin Mary gradually took the place of their fertility goddesses, such as Artemis (Diana, to the Romans) and Isis.
In 432C.E., Pope SixtusIII ordered a church to be built in Rome in honor of the “Mother of God.” It was built near the site of an earlier temple erected in honor of Lucina, the Roman goddess of childbirth. One author described this church as “an enduring symbol of the assimilation of the Great Mother of the pagan cults to the cult of Mary after the Christianization of Rome.”—Mary—The Complete Resource.
No, the Bible does not teach that Mary is the mother of God, nor does it suggest that Christians should either worship or venerate Mary.*Consider:
Mary never claimed that she was the mother of God. The Bible explains that she gave birth to “the Son of God,” not God himself.—Mark 1:1;Luke 1:32.
Jesus Christ never said that Mary was God’s mother or that she was worthy of special devotion. In fact, he corrected a woman who gave special attention to Mary’s happy role as his mother, saying: “No, rather, happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it!”—Luke 11:27, 28.
The terms “Mother of God” and“Theotokos”(God-bearer) are not found in the Bible.
The expression “Queen of Heaven” in the Bible refers, not to Mary, but to a false goddess worshipped by apostate Israelites. (Jeremiah 44:15-19) The “Queen of Heaven” may have been Ishtar (Astarte), a Babylonian goddess.
Early Christians did not worship Mary, nor did they give her any special honor. One historian states that early Christians “would have rejected cults and probably feared that undue attention to Mary might evoke a suspicion of goddess worship.”—In Quest of the Jewish Mary.
The Bible says that God has always existed. (Psalm 90:1,2;Isaiah 40:28) Since he had no beginning, he cannot have a mother. Furthermore, Mary could not have held God in her womb; the Bible makes clear that even the heavens cannot contain him.—1Kings 8:27.
Mary—Mother of Jesus not “Mother of God”
Mary was Jewish by birth, and she was a direct descendant of KingDavid. (Luke 3:23-31) She was highly favored by God for her faith and devotion. (Luke 1:28) God chose her to become the mother of Jesus. (Luke 1:31,35) Along with her husband, Joseph,Mary had other children.—Mark 6:3.
Although the Bible shows that Mary became a disciple of Jesus, not much additional information is given about her.—Acts 1:14.
It's idolatry, pagan Catholics