Polls from the german federal state of Thuringia

Polls from the german federal state of Thuringia.
Linke and AfD are having a majority together.

>Literally built the Berlin Wall
>Has Ex-RAF (german terrorists, not to be confused with the british air force) Members working for them

>Is lead by a NazBol that praises Marx and wants a crusade
>Holocaust Deniers are welcome here

This makes Thuringia the most anticapitalist place in Germany

Attached: grafik-thueringentrend-118_v-variantBig16x9_w-576_zc-915c23fa.png (576x324, 85K)

>RAF (german terrorists, not to be confused with the british air force)
sounds exactly like the british air force, kraut

Attached: dresden.jpg (685x385, 42K)

They called themselves Rote Armee Fraktion (Red Army Faction)
They were allies of the IRA

Attached: raf-fahndungsplakat_plakat_1997-01-0365.jpg (1280x1806, 342K)

Cringe and bluepilled

IRA were a bunch of pro-open borders socialists

Do the AFD even have voters who are under 40

Not really, most of their voters are between 35 and 65. Elders seem to hate them almost as much as the 20yos do.

Yes always weird because there seem to high support for AFD, Lega etc among 25 - 40 but when it comes to 18 - 24s it's low.

Actually, in the east at least, they have a major share of the young people, while most of the seniors voted for the establishment cuckservatives. Their main opponent in this age group are the Greens. Really made our mainstream media struggle with their narrative. The west is way more cucked, though.

Attached: ck01bqx2701a30nubbr295lgv-neueueu.0.0.1200.1200.l (1).png (605x605, 119K)

It seams die Linke has in all age groups the same amount of voters.

How many Volga """"Germans"""" are there these days?

Dunno I really can't tell if they volgagerman or just russian.

>results from Brandenburg and Sachsen
>compare result to polling
AfD and CDU are underpolled
Linke, SPD, Green overpolled

Attached: results.png (1153x559, 78K)

Well seems like we have to cull some german youthlings alongside the general infestation.

You know that Polls always have a 3% inaccuracy? Also you have to think about voter shifts after the polls are made

what is your point? my point was that AfD polling is 'inaccurate' negatively, while Linke, SPD, Green are 'inaccurate' positively and that should be considered when considering poll in OP

>Germany polarizing hard

Freikorps when?

>>Is lead by a NazBol that praises Marx and wants a crusade
I thought AfD were right-wing?

Also let's say that opinion poll is right, surely Die Linke will just try and make a coalition with SPD and Die Grünen, if they have enough seats.

But the AFD is pro free market no?
So they are cucked but nonetheless the best alternative in Germany

>But the AFD is pro free market no?
Yes and that's good!

>tfw Bonn is no longer the capitol of Germany

Attached: 6bf78ba6e66da2bef0c37033572eda84c4cb0496f0def8b4b328636c4005d5d6.jpg (255x255, 11K)

> Yes (((Free market))) is good Goyim
Memeflag only on Jow Forums, Why?

germans are usually slow with changes, the slowest in europe. that's why 25% is more than good for AfD.

not true, zoomers love em

I see Linke posters everywhere here in Thüringen but I also get the AfD paper Blauer Mut in my mailbox. A civil war is coming, theres just too much rage.

>Britain: Brexit
>Germany: AfD are largest opposition party in the Bundestag and doing better than either in die Landtage
>Italy: Lega (despite sabotaging their coalition) are still top of the polls
>France: Rassemblement National won the EU election in France this year
Why don't establishment parties realise that shit is going to hit the fan if they don't respond to the concerns of citizens who are turning to these outsider parties?

*better than ever in die Landtage

Soros and his 18 billion $ have alot of people on payroll my friend. You think politics is about what the people want? KEK! You're in for a wild ride

Afd is always underpolled but that works to our advantage

You havent seen shit my bad teethed friend
when recession hits they will wish they had adressed the nog question and stop that climate shit when they had the chance

true, there are a lot more of us than commies and fellow travelers. the fire rises

daily reminder

Attached: 1566122028847.jpg (2922x1511, 1.68M)

Our teeth are tied with yours for the best in the OECD (this was from 2006 but it's the most recent data I can find)

Attached: oecd teeth.png (1936x1290, 353K)

kek saved

Right after the next world war when a standing army of about a million gets dissolved without any civilian prospects for the veterans.