So if you mark the coordinates exactly for this thing's location, you will see that Google/Nasa blocked out its original location. However, it moved itself from the original place it was blocked so now half of its face is exposed. When is this going to go away from the sky?

Coordinates: 13h 50m 44.0s -8 13' 59.7"

step 1) go here

step 2) click constellations which bottom left corner
step 3) search for virgo
step 4) click infared which is in the top right corner

Then look between virgo's legs

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Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck why is half its face being blocked out

Nigga, only thing you gonna see between Virgo's legs be me.

Guess I be dat dragon. den. I know I gotta be censorized, man. I just too hot!

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kek, so what are your actual thoughts?

>Then look between virgo's legs
So you're saying the constellation roastie has a literal sarlack monster between her legs?

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it looks creepy as fuck m8. Look, google trying to block it but people are saying it'a growing

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>dabedabedoo nig nig fo'sho bix noods bruh muh dik

nigger get lost

My actual thoughts are that a hard rain is coming.

By "rain" I mean visitors. I try to be funny sometimes, but a clown has only so many tears.

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thanks, based clown.


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You be welcum.

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Google sky isn’t a real time camera retard

then is it still there? does anyone know?

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Haven't seen this thread in a while.
Sky pepe. It exists. Google is blocking it for some reason, but Google is far from the only publicly avaliable satalite. Look for other sources user. Better exist.

We can all feel it, I think. Something's wrong, something's about to change. I don't know what it is, but I look around and know that we're never going back to the way things were.

The simulation's fucking with us hardcore these days.

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For your future, for science, for all of humanity! Stare into the beaver of the space dragon and...well, shit. That sounds hella furry.

Gross, man. Ain't we supposed to be talking about Nazis and shit?

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the dragon of COOOOOM!!!

it's ridiculous how more people aren't talking about them trying to hide it

then why is the dragon STILL STARING AT US FOR 2 YEARS NOW?

Can I get a rundown ?

Always thought this was some shooped pictures of hurrican Mathew

Is there something that shows real time? Or know if it's still there? Is it growing?

How do you know it's not some late stage binary star system or digital artifacts?

Does this only occur in Infrared?

It is that growing sense of unease, the restless dreams, the voices in the night. (Or perhaps we just need our medications adjusted.)

I feel a growing dread, like we will soon take incoming fire from all vectors. I sometimes see errors slide by in reality, like bad splices in a worn-out film reel where characters jump out of their scenes.

But of course, I am just a clown. I see stupid shit.

Be safe and be strong.

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naa, it is a real image that occured when people in 2017 noticed that Jupiter exited the virgin virgo after being in her for 9 months "like a normal pregnancy". Afterewards, a dragon appeared outside of her legs and this is to symbolize that it wants to eat Jupiter, which is also known as the king planet, ie: Jesus being targeted by Satan

infrared means its hyper chilled

>black hole sun, wont you come and wash away the rain

google attempting to censor it means, streisand effect happens

watch this

Thats just a smiley face, why play it up as a great dragon or something powerful?

Theres a video in this link that shows how you can see it in different colors. But you have to click on infrared to see this.

Seriously what the fuck is this in all seriousness

because if you read the Bible it makes sense.
Watch this video and you will understand

>looks at same picture for two years
> ?

nobody knows exactly, but they are doing everything they can to hide it

just watch the video and you will understand all the hubba

Antichrist is at the door. Get eternal life now before he deceives you with his miracles.


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Right? If it wasnt such a big deal, why is google, NASA, and whoever else trying to hide it? Why does what it say in the bible come true?
Something serious is going to happen and the elites want to hide as much as they can in my opinion.

It's in the ecliptic

It is relatively stationary

Only visible in IR(?)

Anyone else have any F A C T S they can add here?

I mean come on, surely there is more information here! A BLACK SQUARE!!! WE ARE DEAD! ALL DEAD!

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The catholic church has an infrared telescope named lucifer.

This, Google and sky are fucking trying to hide this hard.

The most amusing thing with all of this is that AFTER 9 MONTHS of Jupiter being in the VIRGIN'S STOMACH "aka Jesus and Mary" THIS FUCKING DRAGON APPEARS AT HER. The very first page of Revelations explains of looking for this sign AND IT HAPPENED. That is what is so crazy, people.

Nasa, google, and skyview are trying to scrub this

Can I get that for about $7000 Ameribux? Seriously, that's all I have ATM.

Can Amazon do this for me? Or will that Bezos dude just troll me with dick pix if I try? HALP

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turn on infared, retard

And a big ass face to hide it

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gahd dang it, leaf!!! that's not square, back to elementary school with you!

>he doesn't know how to turn on infared on

I checked what OP said. It's there. Follow directions retard

theres tons of weird errors in the the pictures though, I spent about 10 seconds on this so far and found nebulas inside of photoshoped in nebulas, tons of bright glowies that look like deathstars and random space ships.

I wouldnt sell my house and sit outside naked waiting for the rapture or anything over this.

it's that time of year to bring this one back I guess.

Turn on infrared, dork

lies, get out jew


Sorry, Clyde Lewis. forgive me for not believing in your gospel or buying all the supplements you offered on the radios to make myself diarrhea all over myself.


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>hurr durr watch these videos.

Fuck you niggers, I can make peace with the notion our ancestors had knowledge of celestial movement

But WHAT is it?

>a big ass face
no u are

Shit. Maybe its colony ships. I guess we never really stop to think one of these worlds we keep finding could be sending some new neighbors. Imagine if you just had like a 3 gen colony ship and were like "fuck it, that's in range. Hit it."

I don't think there is from that direction but hey maybe it got launched and now we just are seeing the final approach

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I don't know, what exactly DOES appear at the crotch of a virgo after jupiter has swirled around in virgo for 9 months and then pops out of its crotch only to be greeted by this fucking giant grin of a dragon?

I wasnt looking for the half face, look at the coordinates, dumb dumbs.

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How powerful of a home telescope is needed to see it from the backyard? Also is it better to travel outside city limits because of light pollution?

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what the fuck

Its the blue katchina's older brother who removes his mask after dancing in the square.
Part of the hopi prophecy

I wish I knew. I just do not have the resources to see this area clearly on my won.

I've tried to MacGuyver up the best Dobsonian telescope I can create, but the light fails me. Can't see shit, Captain.

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Yes. Always. You want low humidity, high altitude and a very big tube. Good hunting. Sometimes you see stuff you aren't really sure of.

that mouth is fucking huge

Okay I'm officially spooked boys

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Theres not a literal fucking dragon or redskin superimposing his ahit eating grin in the sky retards

We are on to you, space nigger

what in the sweet fuck...look at that fucking big ass mouth open as if its ready to eat...

what the sweet fuck

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I've conclude these are simply long wavelength emissions from a small binary star system with a nebulae

OP is a faggot
13h 50m 44.0s -8 13' 59.7"
choose IR:IRAS 100 there's nothing censored.

Your afraid of the true white brother prophecy.

is this updated? why does it's mouth look so open now?

show pic

This makes actual sense. Wish I knew why it was hidden. I heard it was because they were worried everyone would go full retard

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i'm shy.

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Wish I knew, Bro. Feels like I'm jumping freak-to-freak these days, like doing hopscotch on the Steppingtone River in the Fuck Your Skull Valley.

Mystery to me. I have theories, but they are king-hell bullshit for now. Leave half-full glasses of water around the house and practice swinging for the bleachers.

looks like a binary star system

It's happening boys 8ch alternative is up!

- Fresh new Jow Forums board
- No captcha (or gay pass)
- Tor posting
- 50mb file limits
- Free speech respected
- No shills
- Webm when audio on every board

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but you see its giant gaping mouth now too yeh?


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This has always bothered me. Normies don’t seem to care when you tell them this. Why would they need a super powerful, super expensive telescope? And why the fuck would they name anything ever lucifer?

Yes. It is also cute, like a Muppet.

But Big Bird never made me pants-shittingly afraid. (slight XAger8shun)

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is this current time?

Is this fucking thing staring down at us right now?

A binary star system eyes and an asteroid belt mouth?

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'83 iirc

83 wut

They have all that knowledge in the vaults and have priest that are well taught in all fields.

Currently trying to balance between paranoia, pareidolia, and some other p-word that does not involve my pants.

What I see now is pretty distorted, and my window of observation is fast closing. (Earth needs to take a chill pill, dude.)

I'm worried, but still honking proud.

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Quite possible! That would make me sleep well.

I am not the most reliable observer. I've always had my astigmatism...

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So the answer to resisting the influence of one liar who promises much and delivers horribly is to listen to someone else who promises much?

>And why the fuck would they name anything ever lucifer?

German Jesuits built it for the Vatican and put it on Mt Grahm. L.U.C.I.F.E.R. was an acronym word play on the Germans part from what I've read about it.

This is all Planet X shit as well. This same censored patch of sky has been debated for over 20 years now when NASA found it in the early 80s.

Hey its the eye of terror neat

But dude, how do we access that knowledge without the priests, well, you know...

I do not like my peepee (pepe?) touched by weird guys.

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