When do we start taxing the rich?

When do we start taxing the rich?

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simply raising tax rates won't work
there's always loop holes and tax havens

but we already do mate, its called federal taxes


When do we start to educate the poor about money?

When they stop making loopholes for themselves and all their lawyer friends. Democrats are especially hypocritical. Bernie sanders somehow magically paid a 13.4% tax rate on over $200k. It's fascinating.

It is impossible to tax rich ppl in a globalist world. You can only tax middle class. This was their plan since the beginning.

are you looking for like 1950/1960/1970 tax rates?

the richest 10% already pay 80% of the taxes the government collects

what % are you looking for?

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When do we start taxing niggers?

And spics?

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And roasties?

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Better question, when will we start to tax the 48% if our country that pays no taxes?

This goy gets it

when were we not?

As they should, if not more, since they control that same portion of the money.

Better question: when do we convince niggers to get jobs and stop racking up debt they can't pay?

When they're dead

memeflag - the voice of reason.
A single wealthy taxpayer, even with all the breaks, loopholes and shelters, pays more in one year than a multiplier of non-wealthy americans pay in taxes or even make in pay in an entire lifetime. What is the multiplier?
Pick one.

Cool it with the antisemitism OP

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Everybody knows it's an antisemitic conspiracy theory to say that the rich don't already pay their fair share, there is nothing wrong with our current political system

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>there is nothing wrong with our current political system
Except for the NRA and other ebil white supreeeeeeeeemists who control it, we need to ban guns from white men

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Fuck you with your smug free market dogma. It’s bullshit and ruining the world.

the government considers anyone who makes over 70k to be rich
The rich can abuse loopholes and the poor can abuse welfare
Middle class is fucked

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40% of Americans can't budget/don't know how to save/live above their means
If you doubled their salary the situation would be exactly the same. It's like those NBA niggers that go bankrupt the year after their career ends because they can't afford the mortgage on their megamansion anymore.

>40% of Americans can't budget/don't know how to save/live above their means
You do know that since we are 56%, a good chunk of the 44% could make up those 40%?

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we already do.
also, talk to me when you know how capital gains work moron

this, poor people will be poor regardless of the system because they are too stupid to use money correctly

kill yourself useful idiot

Yeah and?

A one world government would stop all this.

Turns out nonwhites make us look bad, you sheltered retard

Do you have some kind of point? Moron

Good luck trying to tax "wealth."


Nonwhites are shit with their money, ofc a sheltered faggot like yourself would never know how they work since you bribed the EU to keep them out

start with taxing FED

That would make them less dependent on the growing welfare bureaucracy and the many NGOs and social workers. It would also make envy-based populism less effective. Plus it's easier to feel like a victim than improve oneself and do something. So: no way.

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nice slavic last name he has there. points out at a sad history in the past.

the thing is there is a not so small number of population which you can't educate. In the past we used religion, rites, or laws litteraly forcing people to wear specific stuff, not spend money on expensive stuff etc. nowadays it ain't possible.

How does any of that refute my initial point?

those 40% of Americans are niggers and spics you idiot
they dont represent the actual americans

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so how does taxing the rich pull tyrone out of the projects exactly?

>40% of Americans are not in poverty
>''poverty'' line in America is 22K dollars
>40% of Americans are above this 22K poverty line
Are you supposed to feel sorry for them? These people have never experienced poverty. The headline might as well read ''40% of Americans will never experience poverty, even if they miss several paychecks.''

rich people don't pay taxes, because they do't have any income

get rid of income tax

Don't bother
Even with Trump around the government still has the Obama era bullshit of taking out certain data to look better
Hence why they dont include people who are not looking for work as part of unemployment statistics

You're still not getting it.
Those niggers and spics are "actual Americans". So nothing wrong with my statement, which even specifically mentioned literal basketball Americans as an example.
Also it's not like many whites don't like accumulating debt either. Getting into debt is a national sport in America and transcends race and class

Well then we dont have the benefit of a tiny little population of snobs and their immigrant pets
things work differently here, if we had your system the country would collapse in a week

Don't most rich people get half their paychecks taken in taxes anyways? My taxes are like 400 a paycheck, to me that's a lot, but I couldn't imagine making over 100k and getting only 70-80% of that paycheck with the rest going to taxes. Then again, if you're making 500k a year and you get 35% of that taken away, you still make a fuck-ton of money. For my final act, FUCK YOU OP, the IRS can go shove it up their ass. Fuck taxes.

I'm guessing you're just buttblasted because the truth hurts and maybe you don't have three months salary in savings either?
Most people in Europe know that you need AT THE VERY LEAST three months of cash savings to deal with unforeseen emergencies. Even though most Europeans are poorer than Americans, it has nothing to do with that.

There's nothing in your "system" preventing you from being fiscally responsible and managing your budget but yourself. Maybe next time don't fall for the nice Jew adverts on TV for that sweet loan on that hot new SUV


Free markets lifted more people out of poverty than any other system before. Tell us if you've got a better system that hasn't already proven to lead to the death of hundreds of millions.

Well... if you look at the curriculum in schools, I think it would be much more important to teach students about investment, business etc. than i.e. about literature. The problem is that teachers have no clue about these things because they are basically living off their own little welfare system.

>financial education will save the middle class
Fuck you kraut. The middle class has been dissolving for decades due to laws and court decisions. Financial education won't bring jobs back from China or Mexico. It own't bring back high tax rates on the super rich. It won't make employers fear unions.

Fucking KlKE/kraut.

You're right we should just let corporations and CEOs keep importing third worlders and paying for none of the cleanup fees

>Unironically supporting people who would sell out their entire country, race, and even family for profit

A 100% tax on niggers would yield you about $5000 dollars nationwide for one year

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Financial education also won't remove the millions of illegal aliens that devalue labor.

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Of course it would bring back jobs! If you would teach people to invest their money into assets (anything that generates money) instead of consumables (latest iPhone), what would people buy from China? If you would teach them to buy high-quality goods instead of low-quality goods which are instantly devaluated, what would be left to buy from China?

"Employers fearing unions": labor is NOT the path to prosperity. If you work for somebody else, you are generating surplus value for him instead of yourself.

As I said: labor is not the path to prosperity. If you want to get wealthy, you have to use other people's labor, so cheap labor is not bad.

this is an unfortunate reality most young liberal children-adults refuse to understand. You can raise minimum wage to $20/hr, you can make "the rich" pay for free healthcare, education, etc. There will still be masses of people that will insist on taking a loan on a mansion while paying off a brand new corvette, drinking single malt whiskey over Jim Beam and ordering filet mignon every meal. This is without even getting into the obvious inflation that would follow.

When you fix tax loopholes turbonigger, but then they move elsewhere and your country has less rich people.

The 40% of Americans who are one missed paycheck away from poverty can also be yacht owners.

You find people who are bad with money at every level of society.

That said, inequality is disgusting.

>gibs me monies for existing
I don't like the decadent and the ultra wealthy myself, but they provide more worth than the poorest 40% of this world.
We could lose a few poorfags. For the good of the climate.
Think about it
>less cars driven
>less A/C and energy for homes
>less muh meat industry
>less farming
Go green. Let a poorfag starve

this is what i find so funny about little kid bernie niggers.

>We will pay for every social program for all citizens and illegal immigrants by taxing the rich, companies like amazon
>but what if they move?


Fuck the poor. They’re dumb, lazy, and bad at everything. They spend their meager earnings on booze, cigs, drugs, and entertainment, instead of saving and getting educated so they can stop being poor.

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Fuck off you absolute KlKE.

Aren't they paying for most of everything?

I'm not supporting the super-rich, but the consequences of them moving their money to somewhere else would be devastating to the US.

We had the same situation of capital drain here in Germany shortly after the introduction of the Euro. The result was mass-unemployment which lead to brutal reforms to our welfare system (introduction of "Hartz IV").

Out of arguments, lefty?

Inequality is natural.

Git gud or perish.

You can call me whatever you like, it won't change the reality of how things work.

When I fuck your mom with my huge Asian cock. Which is right now

wasnt there some kind of old Italian rule of "2/3rds"? Essentially no matter who was in power or what polices were in place, 2/3rds of the population always owed 1/3rd for land, work, supplies, etc.

Fuck the poor, it's the middle class that needs to stop being screwed. Poor people have blow whatever money they get on cigarettes, drugs, booze. Give a poor person a middle class income and they will just do more of those things. Poor isn't and income bracket, it's a state of mind.


You don't tax the rich, you tariff the goods entering and leaving the country.

>but user that is an tax

Yes and no. It indirectly taxes the entire economy as a whole, meaning the rich can't evade it even if they pass increased costs on to the consumer. The core think it does is blocks the rich from creating monopolies that span multiple countries through transnational corporations. With tariffs, the rich are forced to be loyal to the United States. Without tariffs, they're forced to sellout the United States.

Part of Americas sickness is caused by "free trade", which is a fancy way of saying the U.S. won't tariff other countries, but other countries are free to tariff the U.S.

Youre partially right. Why do you think rich people buy art? It's not cus of their love for art lel

>Make $500k a year
>Taxed 35% ($175,000 goes to taxes)
>pay more taxes in a year than some pay in a lifetime
>Trump lowers taxes for $500k+ income to 32%
>pays $160,000 this year (a $15,000 taxcut
>NYT/Vox/Vice/CNN Headlines next day: Rich People Get Huge Tax Cut
>poor people who pay little to no taxes at all: "REEEE" where is my $15,000 cut?
Literally too fucking dumb to do 2 minutes worth of 4th grade math to figure it out.
Commies and socialists are truly scraping bottom with IQ points

The 1% already pay like 60% of the taxes. The real question is, when do we start taxing the poor?

>when can we steal more
When you do it to everyone equally.

But... there is no free market. If the world is being ruined and there is no free market, maybe try allowing a free market?

Where is the free market?

>When do we start taxing the rich?
Good luck with that. You need to remove the Rothchilds from their grip on international finance.

When we start taxing their assets. There's a lot of wealthy people paying their fair share, but there's also a lot leeches, hiding their passive income from the government through means of exploits and loopholes.

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Because Venezuela, Laos, Vietnam, and the Former Soviet Union did so well without a free market... oh wait.

The second women have no spending power

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When politicians stop spending us into oblivion.

You're absolutely right, the consumer market is driven by women which are highly irrational and susceptive to advertisements.

Thats from income, not capital gains...the rich dont make money on income user.

>taxing the rich

That's some bitch ass shit. I was never really on that bandwagon as it seemed to stem from envy. But after realizing that my live and let live approach was a one way street and the rich are pushing on me all the kinds of things I dislike I've decided that far more reasonable option is to lock them up and split the loot. Who's in?

There is literally nothing wrong with killing rich people

Being rich means they have not given out their money to good causes or their fellow man, therefor they are bad people and should be executed

>Hispanics counted as white

Lefties will never change

When do you learn economics? I hope you die of cancer and hope thats its slow and painful death

Bloomberg... the Wall Street Journal for liberals.

>literally can't come up with a counter argument
>just has to say "m-muh lefties"