You are given a chance to change to another race without the need of surgery. Which race would you pick?

You are given a chance to change to another race without the need of surgery. Which race would you pick?

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I like being white so I'm good.



Nord white

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why do i have a horn


American Indian.


I wouldn't I'm white as fuck.

welp. hells calling me

no thanks FBI


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I'm good with being Native American

Gibs, jail, jungle gash or high iq, small penis... think whites alright with me too

white or castizo mostly because it'll help in business meetings

Same. If I had to change anything, I'd want more Scandinavian and Germanic in me.


I'm of an increasingly common pan-European mixed combination of ethnicities, as so many Americans are, nowadays. I am fine with being of my basic racial type, although I'd be curious about living as someone of an Eastern Asian origin, or a Mexican of Castizo or Mestizo type, even Black African. Of those, I might pick East Asian.

Only niggers and bugmen want to change their race.

I'm already of Anglo-Saxon decent, so I'm aight.

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Does it need to be human? If not, I'd be a timelord.

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If we're going by species, than I want to be a Wraith.

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Light to dark, how do you like your toast?

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I'd like to be a billionaire Ashkenazi


I don't. Why would I willingly pick a race the is objectively inferior which is any other race than my own?

I'd become a nigger so I could be unironically nat soc/anti shitskin in public with zero consequences

chinkasio-cortez in the bottom right


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I enjoy being European.
I wouldn't switch.
Though I have a lot of respect for the Asian races.
Especially the Japs.

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I'm 95% nordic, what more could you want realistically?

Not being 5% non-norkadian.

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>what more could you want realistically

to be pure black?

to not be a cuck.

Shoo memeflag, go be a seething racemixed manlet somewhere else.

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What is jungle gash?

make me fingolian

Why the fuck would I change race? I want to be white.



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I say no thanks since I'm white.

Japanese most based in the world


Im assuming everything else is retained, memories etc.

That said, fuck this world. Im white rn but would become black to redpill people. Could ypu imagine posting on twitter a livestream of you raping a 14 yo white girl. Going to court in gym shorts, calling the judge racist, getting 2 months probation and bragging about it on fb?

the reptilian

Another race? No, thanks. Another ethnicity? Serbian or Ukranian just for lulz, especially Serbian, I would love to be a chad balkan slav.

Asian female

>chad balkan slav
they are turdroach rapebabbys who get btfo by everyone and have incredibly high suicide rates because they can't handle their slut women


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All of them.

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I'd be a nigger

Serbs that I saw during the wc last year here did not look like turks, they were like average south russian vanyas. I dunno, balkans seem fun, at least the weather there is not ultra cold 5 months a year, I would live in some rural community with my serbian wife and cultivate crops, seems comfy.

I want to be white. I'd have something to fight against, the eradication of whites

I wanna be a nigger. AMA

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is this what you think serbroaches do?
I know for a fact that the joke ones who post here work as security guards in a grocery store (at best), if they haven't run away from their depressing proxy-village to be "patriots" from a western country

make jews smell like niggers


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Manlet cope lmao keep working wagecuck Radoje needs new sneakers for his children.

>yugoroaches being manly enough to get gibs
sorry, but those are reserved for your turkish rapists LOLKLOLLOL#
now go clean my toilet for 1 euro per hour JHAHAHAHAHAHA

im iranian but i'd like green or blue eyes instead of these crummy brown ones

Lmao gotta love scrawny manchildren being tough on the internet go get bullied by kurds and serbs pussy also dont forget to pay taxes to pay for your replacement basedslave

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Man, why do you hate them so much? Are you some turk in austria(although i dunno whether there are as many turks in austria as in germany)?


hes either an albozerg or just venting off his childhood trauma of being cucked by Serb Chads

Ok asian is out of the question because it's the worst.

So the obvious choice would be nigger.
You didn't say anything about my brain changing. I would pretty much get top positions everywhere because of being a 120 iq nigger

nordic white
even better if I get a chiseled jaw

>kurds and serbs
what a fuckin alliance ahahahahahaha i can't stop laughing!!!

have you mutthurt-belt denizens never wondered why all your "bants" sound suspiciously similar?
I mean let's take you and a turdroach for example
you pretend to fucka da women
irl, you hang out as groups of 5 niggers and never get laid
you pretend "western women" are sluts
irl roach sluts give it up in 5 minutes and a roach like you would need 5 months to stalk an actual whitegirl

have you never wondered about this? XD

I will donate 50cents to your paypal if you post your deformed head, Bilel

I love making fun of genetic trash that posts on here, it's almost like a hobby for me
Take a look at the genetic trash that tried "explaining" me to you, for example, even though you never asked him anything
He plays "migrant bingo" with ME, the Austrian, because that's the best he can hope for. That I am a nigger just like him. It's amazing and hilarious. I will never stop doing bullying victims like this, it's just too good.

I'd give Jews overwhelming empathy.
Just imagine the chaos.

Ach Kevin, calm down.

I'm not deformed. I have a warrior skull but I mouth breathed as a kid and my jaw is a little recessed + I'm a chinlet. I could have been brad tier if I had 3-4 mm on my chin

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t. creaturas americanas

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I’d stay white. I’d maybe trade in my Celtic blood for something else though.

I would still be white but with blue eyes

I like being White, so it's not really an attractive option to me. I have blue eyes but I'd have green given the opportunity.

I have myself changed to an alien race, hop in my ftl spaceship, and get max comfy on a planet colonized/owned by my people with a higher tier society where bullshit like this scenario doesn't matter or occupy people's time

>all the "white" people ITT
you shitskins do realize that coping is not good for your mental health?
I mean, you're gonna have to come to terms with being a subhuman sooner or later

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And i guess mestizo is pure blooded, eh paco?
Mexicans are nothing more than iberian rape babies. I may be austrian and danish, which yes makes me a mutt, but at least im a white mutt.
You on the other hand are the rape baby of an iberian and some filthy and retarded central american indian pig.
Stay mad, taco bender

Ex yugos go on about muh height the same as African NIGGERS go on about MUH DICK,,,

based lightbulbheads

Jews with horns

Jews. And the only thing I'd change is that I'd make them obey Jesus Christ.
Done. Suddenly the world has 99% less problems.

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i would become asian because i have a low white man iq

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I'm 100% living the dream so my answer is NONE.

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i'd have to pick a subrace, perhaps, r1a1a

Asian.- Korea to be exact. Being a korean girl and joining a kpop group, hell yeah.

What a pussy I've jumped from a bridge from a higher altitude, sank all the way to the bottom, and resurfaced.


lmao testosterone levels have just reached bottom you act like a child
damn bro now even I feel sorry for you hope your coping works out for you

Is this supposed to be satire?

bigfoot or wendigo/skinwalker