Yeah great advice you fucking niggers. So I redpilled my wife and all she does now is seethe and rant about kikes. I just want to fucking eat my supper and she wont shut up KIKES THIS NIGGERS THAT. I know it's the truth but fuck I wanna relax at home and her ranting riles me up too. And don't get me started with the power level hiding.
Other urls found in this thread:
You sound like a bitch.
Fuck you faggot. CanI eat my fucking potatoes and meat without getting reminded of niggers and kikes?
You probably aren't even white
I'll be your wife's friend she can come vent to ;)
Did you do that thread as the racist asian wife earlier? that was great fren.
Her desire to sleep with black men probably increased with her redpilling.
>has wife
t. Pajeet
>all she does now is seethe and rant about kikes
post nudes
stupid summer faggot kys
>things only a fake pajeet would say
Glowniggers had curry for dinner.
>So I redpilled my wife and all she does now is seethe and rant about kikes
How was it when you got redpilled at first? Didn't you also rant on endlessly about the kikes and their schemes? Have some understanding, it will calm. Also you're a larp.
Seriously tho, arent there like 50 men for every woman in India?
Yeah I actually wouldn't redpill people who are emotionally based (women). It's actually better to drill in her head that family and loyalty is the most important thing, so she focuses on that. Why the fuck would you worry her that the world is burning around her?
>all she does now is seethe and rant about kikes
That’s actually pretty fucking hot. Are you sure you haven’t just been gay this whole time?
Can I borrow your wife on the weekends? I'll make sure she's well serviced.
she can't talk if shes sucking your cock
Why are there so many of you here all of a sudden? Did you drop the VPNs for election day?
i always post with my flag
lol haha epic based
Why do 7/10 people come on this site just to role play?
Maybe ask your wife that, bitch.
In india they just rape one and say shes theirs. Every 8 seconds.
make the US flag twice as big
Aw thanks jews real cool!
I'm not your goy, faggot, when I worked in tourism I always spit the food of tourists of your country.
Gay larp
only cause you're nice
added you
Why can’t you do a single thing in your life right, user? You can’t even put your fucking house in order. Pathetic.
Most excellent.
based and greatest ally pilled
Your parents were cousins?
its a wip thank you for your contribution
Hate to break it to you user, but you sound like a bitch. Considering the state we’ve allowed the world to slide into, we deserve to be reminded of it and have it shoved in our faces for every second of our existence until we finally do something. Maybe then we’ll finally do something. You’re a coward, just like boomers, for wanting to burry your head in the sand. We don’t deserve rest. We’ve done nothing to deserve it. Maybe when we fix the problems your wife is ranting about, then we will be deserving of some peace.
OP is a lair and a faggot
fug I was kinda close
>We don’t deserve rest.
Am not resting, just waiting for relays to come so i can fix the UPS, man.
This is new to her but we've known about this shit for years. Be patient with her.
Sounds like a Jew larp designed to dissuade others from revealing their power levels because more and more people are getting redpilled and noticing things.
>Ultra redpilled wife who cooks meat and potatoes
So you just came to rub it in?
>>Goy slaves
B-b-but my flag is not even there, Master!
Did we do something wrong?
no you're actually fine breh carry on
I redpilled my mom and now that's all she does to my dad. He can't stand it, he's pretty blue pilled. He just wants to drink craft beer, watch the NFL until it's time to go to boomer heaven.
Quit being a pussy Cindy, you wife has bigger balls than you
I tried. Didn't turn out well. We don't have kids yet so the plan is if shit actually goes down I will emergency redpill her and if she still thinks I'm crazy I'll leave her ass here and move to undisclosed off grid location #7
hit her in minecraft
OP is a faggot.
>not there
very cool
Thanks chosen
np comfy island dude
Fuck you I had a racist gf and she made me laugh all the fucking time with her ignorant bullshit I thought I was bad til I met a really stupid redneck ho and I realize all I want is something like Murdoch chan with a husky ringing voice
actually Rothschilds own Israel and the live in the UK sooo by extension Uk owns Israel.
Don't know what you're so proud about anyway, your country was created as a sacrifice, build them up to knock them down, sorry
you got it backwards, that means the uk is owned by israel
You have actual gangs of Muslims gangraping thousands of your girls. Like for almost 45 years. And your police are in on it.
This is just sad. I think about that family where the 15 year old son was trying to protect his sister and like 12 dudes showed up and broke both his legs so they could continue raping his 12 year old sister and the police DID NOTHING
>oy voy
>sodomize your waifu goy
no you're owned by Rothschilds like us but preference of habitation shows they prefer it here
who even cares? stop acting like bleeding heart liberal trying to show compassion for all because you end up sounding like sociopath
as they say, keep your enemies closer
>turning your wife into Jow Forums
good one retard
by that logic jews are nazis
If your woman wasnt redpilled before you married her, what the fuck are you doing?
>based and kike pilled
are kikes
well, yes
This, huge fucking waste of time this all is
I've deliberately told the wife I needed her to provide a the loving positivity and support only a true redpilled naive brainlet woman can. And thus she goes to great lenghts to not let my views affect her too much. Even though I'm sure deep down she knows I'm right, she loves me so much she keeps her mind free of that baggage.
You don't want a naive bluepilled brainlet wife. But you want her to put in effort to act that way and keep you from spiralling down into blapill abyss.
let's trade