Please be nice to each other

please be nice to each other

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I just don’t see it happening here. I’m all for it. But this place is filled with too much pain.

everyone is fine bar any stuck-up leafs and meme flaggots in general. fyad

yes fren

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No u


I’m comfy. I luv OP.

This is a comfy thred

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Come to this thread fren!

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I approve

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actually for time to time you can found someone to talk polite without "muh,muh fag"," you are not white" or other shit.

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I'll be keeping this friendly thread open, don't disappoint.

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Bumping for muh frens

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Bump for some peace. And dignity ffs.

Bump for frens

let's keep this thread alive

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nO Fuk u nigr

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Bump for frens

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Agreed. I try so fuckin hard to not come here as soon as I get up but I’m a news junkie and after even a small msm headline browse I’m rolling my eyes and getting angry. Then I come here and ya it’s the Wild West and open and unfiltered and that’s why I come here but fuck man, it gets so exhausting. Sometimes I just want mindless pablum to laugh over. Or just be nice to someone. So yes. Keep this going on principle.

Shareblue has rotted their brains. To be fair it wasn't hard, most people here are unironically low IQ.

>Sometimes I just want mindless pablum to laugh over.
you should try /b/, i know there is to much porn and other stuff but sometimes you can find the funny thread

right there with ya :/ i was a redditfag for the longest time but i can’t stomach that site anymore because the way they present news is even more biased than the msm. at least on here you’re able to see everybody’s opinions without anyone being shutdown and censored

all i ever see when i check /b/ is cum tributes and ig/vsco/facebook threads then i just come back to pol lol

it's pretty rare but happens

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Ok op, but you're still a giant faggot

Thems the rules

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i need a hug

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I hate TV, it's gotten so bad, I saw jimmy kimmel crying over a gun shooting? LIke he's crying his eyes out while demanding law abiding Americans give their guns over to the state, how sick can this get?

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Kill yourself and I'll think about it.

This is so comfy. I luv u all anons.


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It shall be so.

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It's not that easy, user. The world is fucked up and it's dangerous to let your guard down.

I am everyone to nice.

Dammit, user...consider this a hug. What's going on? Everything ok?

Emotions untempered with rationality will consume you and blind you.
Be kind, but do not be irrational.

Don't let hatred consume you.

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I wish it were possible, fren. The world would be a better place if there weren't so many angry communists in it.

Sure thing fren

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Bump for all FRENS

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>be me
>depression all through high school
>drop out of 3 colleges before 22
>get hooked on crack cocaine at 23
>wreck 2 cars driving drunk
>constantly using until 31
>in and out of jail every other year
>2 felonies.exe
>about to be sent to prison
>lawyer tells me to attend every program in jail because the judges can see the list and it might help
>start attending AA meetings and Bible studies while incarcerated
>start realizing there is something to the Bible
>tell the Lord that if he can get me out, I'll serve him the rest of my life
>mfw Judge grant's me a chance and offers probation
>mfw I go back to school
>mfw I graduate with a BS in Sociology
>mfw I apply to nursing school for an RN and accepted even though I have 2 drug related felonies
>graduation Dec 2019
>go down swinging
>get up swinging
>never give up, anons

You fucking asshole. I'll probably have to take a day off work to fix what you just did because I know you don't have the mental capacity to do it yourself.

Leave this evil board and don’t ever look back, user. Escape. God bless

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Can't be comfy yet, im at work still

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Good job user, keep up the hard work and dedication
