Why does Jow Forums often support rapists/pedos?

Kavanaugh is a credibly accused sexual assaulter! Why? Because Ramirez has many additional sources who back her claim, which the FBI did not investigate, thanks to the GOP.

Now we know another classmate of his witnessed him getting his dick pushed into another girls hands. Maybe she was so drunk she doesn't remember, but others do.

Why defend rapists like Kavanaugh? Why defend pedophiles like Roy Moore? You do realize it makes you look like Jeffrey Epstein might as well have been the GOP Senate leader, right?

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kill yourself shill rat

nice fucking bait, retard

Fuck off jew.

Steel Dossier 2: Publication edition

What kavanaugh did is funny. College girls love when Chad's pull this kind of sexual hijinks on them

is all the new Kavanaugh bs just a warm up because old ruth is about to die and there will be another judge to appoint?

neck yourself retard

Why do you hate whites?

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I raped kavenaugh in his mouth with my ballsack when he passed out at a frat party stupid freshman. iMPREACH

>kill yourself shill rat
Who do you think I'm shilling for? I am merely speaking out because I know many great women hurt by this man's ascension to the highest court of the land.

>thinking Kavanaugh is a chad
He looks like a rejected virgin choir boy.

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Revealing how no one mentioned Roy Moore yet. I guess banging teens as an adult is cool w Jow Forums

So fucking what?
Bill Clinton is a rapist, and you stayed silent then.

You only give a shit because someone is telling you to. At best a useful idiot.

Kek. I was in middle school when news of Bill Clinton came out. I've hated the fucker ever since. Where do you guys get the idea that the left loves Clinton? Most of us hate his fucking guts, and you know it! Stop being disingenuous.

okay shill nigger

Why do you hate whites?

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I'm pretty sure just three years and some change ago the Clinton's were venerated above every other single leftist politicians. The leftist collective loves the Clintons and if you don't you're not a real leftist.

Hell, every politician who has achieved major success on the left has bent the knee to those two, even Obama and Barnie Flanders, along with the entirety of the DNC.

They all support the Clintons, and thus they are complicit in some way or another.

Try to think a little bit more critically.

Why do you hate whites?

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Why do you hate whites?

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Stop with your cherry-picked images.

You do realize I could do the same thing, saying "why do Hobbits hate Orcs". It means nothing.

Oh yeah? And the adamant support for the person who actually silenced the women who tried to speak about it?

When shill OP makes a retarded thread and gets rolling BTFOs in xer asshole. Give up you absolute lampshade.

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>credibly accused
Stopped reading

>Because Ramirez has many additional sources who back her claim, which the FBI did not investigate, thanks to the GOP.
what the fuck is the fbi going to do, he should be on trial for rape before a jury, not what ever that was

The FBI can't unrape you.

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The FBI also doesn't release info about investigations that don't produce charges.

>They hated him, for he spoke the truth

Why do you hate whites?

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>witnessed him getting his dick pushed into another girls hands
>him getting his dick pushed into another girls hands
>getting his dick pushed
Why exactly is Kavanaugh the aggressor here? For all we know he was blackout drunk and his mates being assholes did that while he was barely conscious

What's Jow Forums's opinion on psychedelics? Are they useful? Can they help one gain insights into their lives?

Most importantly: should they be legalized, as they were in Oregon?

Why not legalize helpful drugs like this, instead of making the Sackler family richer by anesthetizing pain with bullshit like Oxycodone?

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Not getting away that easy OP

Why do you hate whites?

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>Why exactly is Kavanaugh the aggressor here? For all we know he was blackout drunk and his mates being assholes did that while he was barely conscious
He shouldn't have whipped his dick out in the first place. How many University parties have you gone to where dudes just whip their dicks out? I've been to a few crazy ones, but never seen THAT.

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Oh fuck
I originally thought I posted this on /b/, so I made a thread here.

Turns out I made the original thread here. Please ignore that thread.

Just focus on how much Ben Shapiro wants to know what Kavanaugh's penis looks like. twitter.com/JasonSCampbell/status/1173628757221019651

stuffing your dick into a hot drunk college girl mouth is not "rape"

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>Why does Jow Forums often support rapists/pedos?

Why does the political system?

>he Times articles, along with the 2012 trial of the Rochdale child sex abuse ring, prompted the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee to conduct hearings.[14] Following this and further articles from Norfolk, Rotherham Council commissioned an independent inquiry led by Professor Alexis Jay. In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, most of them white girls,[15] had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men

>One in three South African men admit to rape, survey finds This article is more than 8 years old South African survey in province of Gauteng finds 37.4% of men confessing to rape


>credibly accuses
>reddit spacing
gtfo faggot.
go jerk yourself off on r/politics

everyone I dont like is a nazi
everyone I dont like is dumb
everyone I dont like is a jew
everyone I dont like is a republican
everyone I dont like is a pedophile
everyone I dont like is a rapist
everyone I dont like kills kittens

stop with this retarded line of debate please

>credibly accused
So credible you dont even have to remember that shit happening
Because it fucking didn’t

You disgusting fucking liar. This is why I once was a libtard, but now hate the. You lowlife cocksuckers have no bottom. There is no lie you won't tell no baby you won't punch, no child you won't rape in your craven list for power. I hope every day brings the misery to your doorstep you fucking deserve you piece of shit.


>FBI did not investigate because they weren't "given time"

A he said she said accusation that gets made 40 years late is not investigatable. It's called gossip.

He’s an attractive man for his age. A lot of older ladies would be happy to wake up with his dick in their hand

I have plenty and I was born in 91 just cause your a fucking loser who never saw it doesn’t mean it hasn’t

sounds like you're a faggot

Never watching a guy whip his dick out at a party makes one a loser? My faggotry detector is going crazy. I am detecting massive amounts of faggotry emitting from this poster.

How many of those dicks did you suck?

im credibly accusing you of being a fucking jew

False flags. Also. Being pedo is the ultimate red pill.

Why do you hate whites

>I know many great women hurt by this man's ascension to the highest court of the land
you have no proof of anything you shill lol, couldnt hurt trump with gold digger pussy grabbing, couldnt hurt kav with "he likes beer"
couldnt push russia, couldnt push racists. seems you wouldnt even be good wearing the pants in your faggot relation ship with tyreese cause you cant push shit.

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“...credibly accused...”. Nope! No blue dress. For decades the gold standard has been a blue dress. No blue dress it didn’t happen.

>credibly accused sexual assaulter!
Well he was accused
By people who have no back up testimony
In this current case, by someone who doesn't have the backup testimony of the fucking victim.
Why that's credible to you, I don't know.

Why do you dislike the superior race?

If the "victim" was that blackout trashed then she can only blame herself.

That's even assuming there's an ounce of credibility to any of these desperate accusations.

Actually it's not true that there are creidibke witnesses that support Ramirez's story. But you know that.

>you know many great women
Annnnnd the liar exposes itself.

>Why does Jow Forums often support rapists/pedos?

Because the left lies and falsely accuses good men of being rapist and pedos.
Kavanaugh is NOT a sexual predator or rapist, he is a very decent man with a long career of treating women well.

I know these feels because I also had to build a second hidden door in my house for the google employees to use after Brett stuck his dick in my ear.

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It was hilarious how that second door had nothing to do with the fact she was illegally renting an apartment. It was all because Kavanaugh did something.

But why do you hate whites?

Becaause the joos told them too...


"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."

Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

Attached: israelcohen.png (480x590, 307K)

>pol discord
This my friend, is a scam.

Didn't Kavanaugh's accusers just get accused of being paid oppo?

Innocent until proven guilty in a court of LAW faggot

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Fuck off pedophile

Do you work for cnn? Because it sure seems like it. You motherfuckers dont get it do you?

You are a homo

>credibly accused
What the fuck does that even mean? There is no credibility without evidence.

Innocent until proven guilty. No proofs were produced. Blame all the alphabet agencies as much as you want, but it is just empty words of someone who obviously was bribed by his political opponents without proof.
All they did was radicalizing very nice and moderate man with their hit job, I wonder where it will lead.

kill your self.

Nazi supermen are your superiors

funny coming from a shill kike faggot kill your self before you spread the aids

You have clearly never been to frat parties. Also did that even happen? The alleged victim says it never did.

Fuck off pedo. Don't talk to me

Why the FUCK do anons waste everyone's time and bandwidth on such obvious fucking bait.
Fuck this fucking shit.

This fag has never seen anyone whip out there dick.

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This fucking, homophobe. You aren't making any friends tonight, shillstein

Democrats reek of pizza.

Beach friends. Indelible in the hippocampus.

Reminder that this piece of shit wrote the patriot act

You are a credibly accused retard.

The Dems fucked up when Beto the Cuck spilled the beans on gun confiscation. Now they have to grasp at straws so they don't lose any major court cases/have to play Weekend At Ginsburg's for a few more years.

Great question.

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>credibly accused
This will never not be hilarious

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>Why defend rapists like Kavanaugh? Why defend pedophiles like Roy Moore?
Because accusations of crimes are not proof of crimes. I can call a press conference tomorrow and say you raped me at a party... but if I can't prove it happened, can't find any credible witnesses that confirm it happened, and my own testimony is full of contradictions and false statements that conflict with established facts of the case, then it's a pretty hollow accusation.

To date, none of the people who accused Kavanaugh have been able to provide any evidence or testimony that investigators deemed credible enough to warrant an investigation. To date, none of the people who accused Moore have even volunteered to testify under oath and many dropped off the face of the earth the moment the election ended.

Pretty much.