America please explain this
America please explain this
Other urls found in this thread:
"We could, so we did"
Look. I'll eat anything I see in an advertisement.
Don't buy it, ese. You should be boycotting all jewish industries hermano
There is a fast food restaurant chain who apparently is serving a chicken sandwich which substitutes the usual bun with two donuts. According to verified Twitter user, Kate Taylor, it is available for a limited time and only at select locations.
Hope that helps.
sweet and salty, but that would be messy af
Carbs are a massively overstated health risk. As long as you aren't completely gluttonous it won't fuck with your wieght.
Also chicken+(sweet bread pastry) is always god tier.
It's food for people dumb enough to eat fast food.
>pic related
it comes wrapped in food parchment like many other fat food sandwiches
Chicken and waffles, dude.
Know when they say Pittsburgh do they include the area near it or just the city?
I might be willing to stop in Canonsburg to try it out but fuck driving into the city for it
si si. pinche judo op
Needs more cheese and ranch dressing.
At least they're trying something new. Looks disgusting to me but I dunno.
Plot twist; instead of jelly, the donut is filled with ranch dressing & melted swiss cheese.
holy fuck how many calories?
Okay, we might have a problem
Fucking kek I'll try it.
Checked, Kek'd, and Helped.
actually not that bad
And whats there to explain? Americans are fat and like fried chicken and donuts.
Based and help-pilled
They had this previously, it's as bad as it looks and tastes.
Expecting banana and chicken with a side of coolwhip ranch mac and cheese next.
Here you go nigger. It is already at KFC. Get your chicken on, muthafucka.
I want it now.
niggers put flaming hot cheetos on their chicken sandwiches. this product was catering to niggers
Youre like a little baby...
The niggers don't care. If they make to 40, then most will have heart disease of diabetes. Niggers were meant to run through Africa chasing rabbits and chucking spears. Any type of western diet fucks them up, especially since they are too stupid to do anything in moderation.
How about this?
Doesnt mcdonalds sell one like it? Mcgriddle bread i think
Now this is how you fucking beetus.
Yeah, it is scientifically engineered to have syrup in the toast or muffin bread or whatever.
Wow, they are testing one with blueberry whatever too. That might actually be worth trying.
It's a test. Can't you read moron? They've done these things in these states forever.
Bring her this and she will be yours forever.
>America please explain this
>Insert any random ad or picture from random american
your threads are so predictable. what does this have to do with politics? you know americans eat a lot of unhealthy fatty, sometimes strange foods. why do you need to make a thread about it every 2 hours?
and all you people who respond to this shit? you have to go back.
that looks so fucking good
>mixing meat with sugary food
This is a crime against humanity and a clear violation of human rights.
Spain please explain this
what the hell is happening in that .jpg
what the hell is happening in that .gif
god dammit spain
shart burger
that actually looks good/makes sense
i still don't understand wanting a donut w/ chicken tho
america is a nuclear superpower capable of wiping out every single sweatshop shithole propped up by globalists, at the press of the button
its population is being sedated with fat food, anti-depressants, entertainment media
A donut with a maple glaze would work will with that chicken.
Please explain why French people are cuckolding faggots
oh and of course mass importation of non-white subhumans for some divide'n'conquer
It’s an American thing. You wouldn’t understand.
So do Brits. They just stay hidden in the flat all day shitposting to forget about themselves.
Man I miss the Double Down from there. Is there like a secret KFC menu?
Reminds me of this
this is now a cursed image thread
Donkey Kong really let himself go
daily reminder that America is the great Satan
McGriddles aren’t actually ridiculous though. For breakfast people will eat pancakes sausage or bacon and egg on the same plate
I doubt that, they're cold and painted with shit.
mfw eating that
kfc go away
chicken and waffles is not the same as a wedging chicken between structurally weak, sugar-glazed krispy kremes
ask yourself why you would want fried chicken grease and donut glaze all over your hands at the same time, then please leave america
I could eat 4 of those right now.
>what the hell is happening in that .jpg
Straya cunt
I want one too
>how to solve the africa problem in 2 easy steps
American Southerners are 5% negro on average and are basically similar to "white Hispanics"- in fact the largest populations of "Spanish" and "white Hispanic" people are found in southern states like New Mexico and Florida.
In general this leads to degenerate tastes- southerners like to grab some donuts and fried chicken, then rub it in butter and fry that, then cover the result in chocolate syrup and gravy with some grits and biscuits and flapjacks on the side.
Just 1000% carb garbage (carbage?) designed to excite the salty and sweet tastebuds because the south is still reeeing about losing the civil war 150 years later while also trying to convert based negros to christian conservatism to "btfo" "damnyankees", ignoring of course most of the northeast is judeo-irish now and has little resemblance to the historical yankees, who have either migrated to the midwest or otherwise mixed with European degenerates and become the modern urbanoid northeastern liberal.
Interestingly "southern cuisine" is the only branch of American food distinct enough that it might truly be considered a culinary discipline like French or Italian food while the majority of the rest of American food are just spins on European foods like pizza with pineapple and walnuts.
>sometimes when you go outside you see a fat chick
>like really fat
>but her face is decent and her tits are huge so you feel that funny feeling in your dick
High test isn't something we can consciously understand, it's just a weird natural fetish the human body has- like we're attracted to big soft fat titties and somehow if those titties are bigger than our heads that's even better.
Oh, I had to download that video!
Get fucked. South GA swamp born and raised
KFC has is circling the drain due to their food being absolute shit so they keep trying stupid gimmicks to try and increase business instead of investing money into trying to actually improve the quality of their food. Or even trying to ensure that it's actually fucking cooked.
The thumbnail was from this guy's video.
How can one country be so based?
Se llama porqueria para los sudacos y negros hermano
Hey remember that time we nuked Japan? I'm just saying we have a long history of such thinking.
I did try this, it was good but messy. I'd probably try that too.
CIA glownigger detected
hello jiren
still butthurt about the tournament of power?
Owned by Pepsico. Fuck them, fuck Taco Bell, and fuck Pizza Hut. If you can't find a better local pizza joint, fried chicken joint, and Mexican joint, then kill yourself. As small business owners, local joints will probably be owned by conservatives.
Two snakes mating
I have eaten at KFC maybe 3 times this year so I can't help but feel complaints like this come about from people who rely on fast food for their entire diet.
Niggers love that place and so do chinks. I hear KFC is big in China.
This is nigger food, nothing more. A nigger loves fried chicken, and donuts are pretty popular amongst the bugs too.
KFC is just trying to make niggers too fat to run from the cops. Pretty based desu.
>the future of white people is hiding out in mountains and swamps to avoid the masses of mixed race mutts haunting the ruins of atlanta, detroit and new york
Appalachia uber alles, West Virginia is the ethnostate.
Japanese KFC is managed by the Japanese and thus maintains standards. For the nips it's their equivalent to Christmas turkey.
Stop eating all the time
There a problem with donuts and fried chicken? I might actually try one.
We should have genocided the natives
Grouping all carbs together is silly, as if sugar has the same nutritional value as whole grains. Besides, in donuts most of the calories are from the fat they're fried in.
All American fast food has gone down hill due to affirmative action franchise owners. Some of these fast food companies will not sell franchises to white men, but will give franchises to affirmative action idiots for reduced prices or free initial prices.
The KFCs where I live seem to be all owned by niggers, because those hire 90% niggers.
>proven that reducing carb intake can alleviate the symptoms of diabeetus
Why is so difficult for addicts to just cut garbage from their diet?
I've had one with a burger instead of a chicken filet. Was good. This has been a thing in black communities for like thirty years, you guys are late on the ball.