Anti-Gook Thread Only
Anti-Gook Thread Only
why are you doing this fren?
The Whites in Jow Forums really ought to stay neutral in the Korea-Japan rivalry. Both nations are more-or-less functioning democracies, and both countries are filled with human beings. Not soulless bugmen. Not savage niggers. Human beings. After the White ethnostate gets formed, Korea and Japan will both be allies.
Be sure to log in with a burner ID. It's pretty obvious that the Discord rooms that get spammed here are Antifa honeypots.
>After the White ethnostate gets formed, Korea and Japan will both be allies
Neither will happen in a million years
I doubt Jow Forums knows enough about the Korea-Japan antagonism to adequately comment on it anyway, you certainly don't when you use the word "rivalry"
They've hated each other since before Toyotomi invaded the mainland, I know. Doesn't change the fact that both countries are democracies full of civilized human beings, which is all too rare on this planet.
I've never even tried those links, but I do post them occasionally. It weeds out the weak. Only a newfag would stop socializing with people on Jow Forums and crawl into a Tranny-Trap full of paywalls and fucking furries.
both governments will restore relationships when this leftist government is kicked out in the next election
Korea-Chan, I know this isn't /x/ or /trv/, but how well received would some white dude be if he came there and wanted to talk to innawoods about if they've seen ghosts and shit?
>both governments will restore relationships
Your government always falls back on Japan bashing whenever public approval rating suffers, whether it's right or left-leaning
Same with China, to a lesser degree
North Korea is the only decent Korea.
South Korea is just a disgusting cesspit full of cringey copycat degeneracy.
A South Korean looks like a le 56% freak to a racially pure North Korean.
I almost envy those gooks for being able to live in a fascist military race state. Best Korea stronk!
I haven't heard of much paranormal stuff goin on in the woods
here it's mostly about specific haunted locations
I know politicians on each side bashing each other for approval ratings have been going on for a long time
but they didn't have real influence on diplomacy & economy
but what's been going on recently is out of the norm
All the good ones I hear about come from innawoods (People who live in remote areas, but you probably knew that)
I want to visit east asia one day; I just know whites are a bit unwelcome
>what's been going on recently is out of the norm
It's because Moon really really really wants to unite the Korean peninsula and is dumb enough to think Trump will convince Kim
I understand your conservative faction is calling him out but honestly things have changed, probably forever
US goes on about South Korea being one major buffer against China but honestly SK is closer to China and NK currently than it is to US and Japan
I can't say for other east asian countries, but korea certainly is a country friendly towards foreigners
well friendo, why do you export kpop?
It's sad this country's political apparatus is gravitating towards them
I think unification is the most retarded political idea around here
why even unite with 20 million people with no skill, no resource, no wealth?
for what? a small plot of useless land?
I also forgot to mention, why do you let the feminists infiltrate politics?
Moon won't last very long I'm sure, he embarrassed Kim and annoyed Trump and the trade war with Japan won't help anything
I hope he stays president for life so he could cut diplomatic ties with my country once and for all. We are tired of dealing with that peninsula
kpop? I don't give shit about it
the media here always overhypes about how popular and successful it is abroad, and I find it hard to believe
the feminists themselves aren't in politics, but they sure are heavily influencing it
most politicians don't even care what it is they support, they just push it if helps to collect votes
in the case of feminism, both left and right are trying hard to procure their share among female voters
the left has been overwhelmingly successful so far
kek this exact sentiment is what I see everytime I scroll down the comments section for a Yahoo JP article on Korea
You are able to read and understand our moonrunes?
I kinda agree, except you can't have your own business or anything like that, which explains why north korea is a colorless cultureless nation. What I mean by that is that they don't have that cultural archictect like the german bavarian village, or Japanese Castles, everything just seems souless. Still, North Korea has qualities like Strongman Leadership, ethnostate, nationalism and most important of all... banned Kpop laws.
Japanese American user?
Yes, my parents made sure I learned their language first before English
So many Asian Americans around here only know English and don't know a thing about their parents' culture
do something about those silly statues if you can
>a colorless cultureless nation.
That's not true. Infact the opposite. They obsess over "Traditional Korean Culture" there and how pure they are. I put "" around "Traditional Korean Culture" simply because it's a farce and a made up fraud. Not by the DPRK by any means but by the Japanese when they ruled Korea. South Koreans too hold these false cultures and identities. There is actually a good seminar explaining on this here
>North Korea is the only decent Korea.
what is it about people here on pol hating on jews and worshipping dysfunctional shitholes because the leader is just as fucked up as the average pol user
because you don't have this in the DPRK unlike in Western nations or nations they influence.
Your nation was respectful under the leadership of Park Chung Hee. Now its a faggot paradise. You did say that feminists aren't in politics, now why would you say that when abortion law is being drafted?
They obsess over traditional Korean culture so much that they virtually have no traditional Korean palace still standing lol
>because you don't have this in the DPRK
you're cherrypicking that shit, most of the western world is not as fucked up as you make it out to be
I don't really care about Koreans being anti-Japan as they've always been like that, and I don't really hate the country per se.
But the current president trying so hard to be in the red team is a very warring situation for us as it would make Japan on the front line against the commies.
Basically every korean on 4 chan hates president moon
>it would make Japan on the front line against the commies.
We just need another Otoya Yamaguchi
Why do like half of Koreans support him first of all?
Do they want poor peasants take their jobs?
I just learned from your post that the constitutional court ruled the current abortion laws were ruled as unconstitutional, interesting
the mainstream politicians on the left pushing feminism are not 'real' feminists themselves, most of them being in their 50s and upper, are actually conservative when it comes to private matters, and some are sexual abusers
I wish. I really don't mind Koreans. Outside of Koreans living in Japan only to whine about living here.
approval rating for Moon right now is around 40%, and he won the election with 40% (the votes were split in three ways)
the right win party is divided and in disarray at the moment
I think it'll take at least an year for them to sort themselves out and become a proper political force to combat Moon
Agreed. Japanese belong in Japan, Koreans belong in Korea. Stay strong and proud of your culture, Jap-user.
>you're cherrypicking that shit, most of the western world is not as fucked up as you make it out to be
No I'm not, do you even go outside and talk with people? Hell even within the ever so celebrated "LGBT community" things like pedophilia are rampant there, I've seen that shit first hand. So yeah fuck off faggot
we make a negative bond yield very good price for you
Well I guess the situation is similar here.
Abe unfortunately keeps winning because the opposition parties are all divided and confused.
What are you talking about? It's heavily celebrated, watch the seminar I linked. Though again it's as real as "American Culture" as in it's just an artificial creation meant to pass off as a real culture. South Koreans even follow the same shit. All made up a little under 90 years ago.
I don't hate Korea. I think we nonwhite people should unite and make child porn legal while Western countries get flooded with immigrants. What do you think?
t. Jew who got stuck in Vietnam after being abandoned there after the US left
lol based
so where are the far right traditionalist monarchist party? You definitely need it.
>No I'm not, do you even go outside and talk with people? Hell even within the ever so celebrated "LGBT community" things like pedophilia are rampant there, I've seen that shit first hand. So yeah fuck off faggot
you are already biased as fuck dude. It wouldn't surprise me if you believed da joos rule the world and somehow a nazi dictator would make things right
>Abe unfortunately keeps winning because the opposition parties are all divided and confused.
True, all the opposition parties are fucking useless and feels like they are a korean party based in Japan. Abe is not good as he is a globalist shill who wants to import third worlders as "temporary workers" and increase the VAT to 10% but he is the only viable option as a PM at the moment.
Wont happen, everyone thinks KLP is for geriatrics shitposting on Ilbe and that when they do corrupt shit its worse than when the ruling party does for some reason. The Chinilpa slur is also very effective
Deep down you know this to be true
I agree, the opposition is truly fucked up at the moment
I just hope they can tidy up and renovate before the next presidential election
>da joos
okay kike, learn to come up with better terms then something that every jewish person ever uses as an insult online.
>somehow a nazi dictator would make things right
>you are already biased as fuck dude.
Yeah so are you faggot, we all are. How do you think we get those biases? Through personal experience and alike. They just don't come out of no where.
I'm curious, why is he raising the VAT?
is the economy doing well enough to offset the negative impacts?
Based statue
Economy is not doing well, but the cabinet says it is.
I don't know what he is thinking desu.
Well one thing I'm sure is that all he does is for the riches and the upper classes.
No fucking clue, it's stupid af. The economy is just slightly going upwards, so doing so will just ruin it and decrease consumption even more (never mind about fixing the deflation issue we been suffering from for decades). Perhaps he wants to bring in more money for the government and increase their already inflated salaries. He already lied about decreasing the amount of politician cap so who knows what kind of kike move he will be doing in the future.
We lack talented politicians who are truly mindful about the well-being our country. It's overrun by filfthy globalists.
>Yeah so are you faggot, we all are. How do you think we get those biases? Through personal experience and alike. They just don't come out of no where.
then move to another place and meet normal people instead of generalizing a whole group of people based on one bad experience you've had.
>then move to another place and meet normal people instead of generalizing a whole group of people based on one bad experience you've had.
>one bad experience
Nah nigger, it's many and many bad experiences in many different areas with different groups over the span of a decade or so. That's how my biases and dislikes develop on these groups. It's constantly seeing what these various groups do and act like. I live in one of the most multiracial areas of the US myself and there are also plenty of LGBT areas too. So yeah I know what I'm talking about and what I see on a near daily basis interacting with these people. Again fuck off.
this uh.... this meme thread turned into a discussion thread.... interesting...
I was also hoping for a shitpost fest.
I was as well