Placing Nazism on the Political Spectrum

Traits of National Socialism
Right Wing
+ Conservative Social Values: Anti LBGTQ, pro-family, anti immigration, anti egalitarian, anti Marxist, Anti Abortion (at least for Ethnic Germans, it was punishable by death)
+ Mass Scale Privatization
+ Autarky
+ Nationalism / anti Globalism
+ Ethno-centrism
+ Advocating for “positive” Christianity in public

Left Wing
- Largely Agnostic in private (leaning towards paganism)
- Big Government
- Welfare State (caveat: highly selective, people weren’t allowed to just coast thru life on social benefits, bums and disable were considered “drags on the state” and were dealt with)
- Semi-Directed Economy. Government intervention in Nationalist interest, mostly in the form of Autarkist policy and trade tariffs.

= Militarism
= Imperialism (de facto, the Nazis never really had Imperial ambitions outside of destroying and occupying the Soviet Union, all other expansionist policies were Revanchist)
= Revanchism

Regardless of how you personally feel about Nazi ideology and that this is Jow Forums let’s have an intelligent discussion about this.

1. Agree or disagree with me about the placement of these traits?

2. Taking all this into account, where do you place National Socialism in the left-right political spectrum, or if not on any other political spectrum or chart

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ummm revanchism is definitely rightist, not centrist

Probably right wing. The fact that the DNVP (the traditional right wing party of Germany) formed a coalition with the NSDAP after the March 1933 German Federal elections and had earlier formed the Harzburg front against the left wing parties in Germany with the NSDAP, while the German left parties like SPD and KPD refused to deal with the Nazis whatsoever is pretty telling. SPD and KPD were banned, while the DNVP was dissolved on its own from virtually all its member joining the Nazi party, by the party leaders own admission. The fact that Germany suffered a huge brain drain in the 30’s of intellectuals and such many of which were Jews but virtually all of which were leftists is also pretty telling. In other words left leaning people were seen as something to expel, while conservatives were too be assimilated.

In addition, on the topic of pic^ notice how the cosmopolitan left wing strongholds in Germany like Berlin, Hamburg etc had an extremely low number of Nazi voters, while the rural areas and historic voting blocs for the German Volkspartei and so forth, especially East Prussia and Pomerania voting overwhelmingly NSDAP

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>Inb4 muh Hitler was a Socialist

Leaving the cucked beta males aside who say that aside, Hitler was such a based example of a conservative
>opposed Marxism and called Karl Marx out as a Jew
>stripped all non-Germans of their German citizenship
>wanted to keep foreigners out of Europe
>wanted regain German ancestral lands
>manipulated the dumb Muslim grand Mufti into thinking they were friends all while regarding Arabs as grossly inferior
>led a Europe wide crusade against the Soviet Union, founder of the “Anti-Comminturn pact”
>abandoned gay China and allied with based homogenous Japan
>”Socialist” in party name but engaged in privatization on a unrivaled scale
>loosened gun conrtrol laws compared to Weimar
>disliked the more degenerate forms of capitalism and freedom (like anarchists) but also worked with corporations rather than nationalizing, just ensuring German interests and Autarky was maintained. Nazi Germany was free compared to the Soviet Union
>Army literally fought to the last against the entire combined world, with only impotent allies like Italy, while Japan was across the world
>Anti-Globalist (literally used the word “Internationalists” describe his enemy constantly)
>Anglo-phile (watch link)

Why was he so based?

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Written history is a lie.

The British started the 2nd world war against Germany after Nazi Germany had broken free of the Builderbergs, Freemasons and the Illuminati by having their country completely self reliant.
When a nasty plague had affected only the Jewish born population the Nazi Government had them all in isolation and on treatment, the dead numbered so high that they were forced to burn the bodies in large quantities.

The German fancied themselves the major combatant of Leftism pre-ww2, which is why before turning on them in favor of Japan there primary ally was Nationalist China, they even gave Chiang Kai Sheks son gebirgsjager training. Same for supporting Franco. Even with the Molotov Ribbentrop pact, entirely to convince the British not to declare war (utterly failed obviously) due to Hitlers obsessive admiration of England.

Chiang Kai Sheks son btw

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For comparison the Social Democrats (Socialist party in Germany) election results March 1933

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And the Communist party in Germany (KPD) March 1933 results

Forgot pic jeez

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Ideology is ultimately unimportant. Tribalism is all that matters.

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You forgot the most based one. He completely reversed women’s rights. Germany is the only country where women gained the right to vote only to lose it and get driven back out of the work place 2 decades later. Kek! Also killing all those LGBT peeps

The good guys

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>Was Nazi Germany the most based right wing society in history?

No but it was the last legitimately based and rightwing government in the 20th century.
Beyond them ((((boslhivism)))) and ((zionism)) dominated the world untill the zionist jews finnally won when the berlin wall came down.
We now live in their crumbling empire when the BEGININGS of legitimately rightwing movements are starting to form in central europe again.
The sad thing is that most of what we consider today the "radical" policies of NSDAP were common place only a few centuries ago.
Its basically a representation of the natural state of man.
Everything from racial in group preference, to opposition degeneracy, marxism, atheism, to their basic economic nationalis plat form were all common place in europe at the begining of the 1800s.
Now our civilization stands on the brink of collapse
And the ONLY thing that even has a chance of saving it is the adoption of a fascistic regiem to return our policies to relative sanity and end the poisoning of our culture.
The problem is those ((vultures)) currently picking meat off the corpse of western civilization have spent the last 80 years levying atrocity propaganda against anyone who even has one common policy with the NSDAP as a "Nazi".
Which is just about the worse thing you can be called in our culture.
Being a "Nazi" is worse then being a child pedophile
Evidenced by Kevan Spacey's existence.
Endless reals of piles of corpses shown to school children in their most impressionable years, usually before they've seen their tenth birthday has radicalized them against their own survival. Defined as "Racism"
The one and only saving grace to any of this is the existence of the internet.
Which, while being nowhere CLOSE to having redpilled any decent part of the population.
Has redpilled more of the population then at any point in the last 50 years.
And that alone is where we must put our hope and efforts.

I am now hijacking this thread and making it a /National Socialist/ General
Hitler declaring war on the United States and justifying the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and why it had to be broken

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Hitler waged war on the west tho

is Mel Gibson /ourguy/?

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We have a love-hate relationship with Germany on here. We hate Merkel, but love Hitler

You said “aside” twice

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Typical BS. Hitler never wanted a war with the west. Actually Germany and Poland were on the same side at Munich, the Poles helped the Germans divide Czechoslovakia. The only reason the Poles didn’t come to terms was the British gave them a blank check of support. Hitler signed the non-aggression left with the Soviet Union for the sole purpose of dissuading the British and French from intervening in the German-Polish war (obviously that didn’t work but still) most German decisions during the war were just reacting to the allies. Germany invaded Norway because of the Altmark incident where they felt Norway’s neutrality was fatally compromised. And they were right! When the Germans did invade the naval force heading to Narvik ran into the British who were mine laying Norwegian waters at the same time! In the case of Yugoslavia it was a German ally but the British sponsored a coup and again the Germans invaded. Germans had no desire of invading Greece but their ally Italy did and got its ass whooped. Then the British sent troops to Greece, which again was compromising to Greek neutrality so the Germans attacked and utterly wrecked the allies in Greece and Crete. In fact the only country Germany invaded completely on its own terms was the Soviet Union, which was almost entirely Hitlers decision, basically his belief was the Soviet Union (and Bolshevism-Globalism-Marxism as a whole) was some Jewish conspiracy to destroy Aryan Europe. Otherwise the Germans were just reactive the whole time

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Right of centre

The Nazis despised multiculturalism and of around would try to destroy the EU, regardless if they were actually Socialists or not, which is all that matters in my book. Right Wing, based as hell

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>Let's save Poland!
>Let's ignore that USSR attacked Finland!
>Let's then give USSR half of Europe!
>Let's then show everyone a bunch of lies and then when they find out without a doubt that some are fake we'll just make up more!

Just check this out. You know how shills keep saying that the tattoo skin, lampshades, and soap stuff is made up by neo-nazi deniers etc? It's right fucking here and they are showing it off. Check at 7min mark.

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Even the Reichstag of the time regarded them as right wing. On typical German stoke they say the parties by the left-right Political Spectrum. Nazis sat on the right, Volkspartei to their left, Catholic centre party in the centre, and Communist and Socialist party on the left.

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At 3:30
>“The struggle against Marxism has begun in earnest”
At 4:45
>“When the day comes you can again proudly state that you are German”
At 5:03
>Banner reads ”Make Germany Marxism Free!”
At 5:47
>”...I eradicated the Marxisitic party”
Wow, why didn’t Hitler ever name drop capitalism in his speeches I wonder? Why did he outright ban the SPD and Communist party in Germany while the German Volksparty (the far right party in Germany) was assimilated into the NSDAP?

And also they fought the Soviet Union, and the Socialist Democrat FDR? Sorry, BASED Adolf was a man of the right, sick of this wimpy cuckservative crap. We are the true right. And when we come to power we will crush you and faggots like dinesh dsouza alongside the leftards and mudslimes!


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You came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker
2:38 is a mistranslation. Hitler does not say “Kamerad”(comrade) he says “Volksgenossen”(countryman)

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The Nazis tried to create a monoethnic/monocultural German nation, very anti diversity state. Tho they only annexed some parts of occupied Europe, the parts they did were cleansed of non-Germans, such as poles being deported to the general government, a nightmarish anti-multicultural state of you will. I think the Nazis transcend left and right desu

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Wouldn’t the height of German expansion be when the Germans occupied Tunisia and Vichy France directly in November 1942?

Not too mention the rest of Greece

Centrist extreme authoritarianism.

Not hard to classify

Natsoc is far-right populism. I have no issue with Hitler being described as a socialist, but he wasn’t a left-wing socialist (i.e. not concerned with social equality). Natsoc can be understood as follows: For the good of the nation/race, all other causes shall give way.

Incidentally, I don’t see welfare and a social safety net as inherently left-wing. Welfare and social safety nets are only left-wing if they exist to reduce inequality, if they’re just there to keep you above water until you find work then they could be seen as centrist or even right-wing.


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Irving getting targeted

Based David

1:40 on he talks about the real reason the Austrians arrested him

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Rare flag!

I dunno, but Sean young is /ourgirl/

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Holy keks on a stick, BASED as fuark!

I hereby declare sean queen of the alt-right!

I’m no Nazi but interesting discussions about it

Hitlers final speech to the German people

Arabs and Germans have always been mortal enemies, especially during the Third Reich. Moroccan Goumiers were savages

It’s funny how people ignore how in Mein Kampf Hitler says he has no sympathy for the oppressed races of the world and the British are in their right to kill Egyptians who rise up and calls Arabs “half apes”, or “Affe”. Nazis were not fans of Arabs, the fact the Germans gave no support at all to the Ba’athist coup in Iraq is telling. Virtually no Muslims fought for the Axis, whereas tens of thousands of Arabs fought for the Free French Alone. Most Free “French” were in fact North Africans and they fought the Germans in Italy and Western Europe. Hitlers supposed comments on Islam are taken wildly out of context, his point is Christianity and Europeans needs to be more aggressive like Islam and Japanese Shintoism to survive. The only non-Christian religion the Nazis really liked was Thor and Odin worship but whatever. Either way, the only source for Hitlers quotes are Speer...the same Speer who told lies to avoid the noose!

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Anyways expounding further when you compare Hitler to Kaiser Wilhelm and his hopes for a Muslim uprising, it’s like night and day. Hitler was a well known Anglophile as mentioned earlier and respected the British empire. The Nazis were not anti-colonialist like Wilhelm which is why the Mufti of Jerusalem’s attempts to Align his cause with Nazism were an utter non-starter and failure. The only reason Germans were fighting in the Middle East to begin with was Italy’s disastrous defeats threatend their southern flank. The Middle East wasn’t the oil giant it is today, most oil came from South Asia, the US, Soviet Union and Venezuela back then, German objectives were limited to the Suez Canal, they capture that they sever British link in the Ames and the British come to terms.

Wilhelm wasn’t really an anti-colonist, Imperial Germany had many colonies as the name would suggest

Ralph Fiennes makes one hell of an SS officer

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Strasserists were definitely socialists, but their ideals got swept aside in Long Knives Purge 1934.
>”On 19 May, Totenkopf suffered 16 dead and 53 wounded while killing 200 Moroccan soldiers and capturing another 100 men.[8] Soldiers from Totenkopf executed many captured Moroccans, due to Arabs being considered “racially inferior”.[9]”

Nothing more based than when Aryans remove kebab.
>pic: 3rd SS troops mocking North African just before this massacre (note the Deathshead on the collar rather than typical SS Runes)

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DId the germans have any guaranteed rights under the nazis?
Here is the problem with this type of government. It can set out to accomplish certain well intentioned objectives, and use good language and even be run by relatively honest people, but since it is fundamentally authoritarian, everything is really just fairy dust and promises. WHoever is in power can wield the power of the state any way they see fit.
You might think you are in the right, until someone decides you are in the wrong.
"For the german people" can quickly turn into "for the best interests of whoever is in power"
This is why Nazi'sm and communism are fundamentally left wing because all the promises that are not enshrined in law are NOT BINDING. Thus it is just authoritarian.

They could decided to nationalze any business they want. they could decide to silence, imprison or confiscate the wealth of any person they want.
There are no protections for the citizen enshrined in law, just temporary rhetoric.

And so is Trumps support. Literally Hitler!

Right wing vs Left wing does not mean more vs less government.

Wtf I love kike degeneracy nao

yes it does actually that is the real political spectrum. Like I explained. The nature of the state is not in its language or its rhetoric, it is in its authority. It does not matter what it claims its intentions are, only the means it has to carry them out. Because people will do what they will.
So, the only true distinction between political structures is there size and authority. In that sense both nazi and communist govt's are the same and both left wing.

you can put any symbol or slogan you want on big brother it wont change the fact that he is big brother. In the end his nature will manifest in the same way, total control.

Ok Boomer

And the shill cries boomer. haha Maybe you should have called me a kike instead. it would have changed everything I said from absolutely true to false.

right wing: people are not equal, and an unequal system is just
left wing: people are equal, and an unequal system is unjust

nazism was very far right

>Arabs and Germans have always been mortal enemies


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>nazism was very far right
even compared to other fascist regimes
Mussolini was doing whatever he was doing, and then Hitler came along and took everything into overdrive.

those are not real political structures or laws, just vague rhetoric. only whats in law matters.THe authority granted to the govt under nazi'sm is the same as communism thus they are nearly identical

Just imagine how perfect the world would be if the germans didnt subvert and shit on real, actual fascism.
W can only dream now.

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communism and nazi'sm are equally unequal with the people in power deciding how it is wielded. In the short term their goals might seem different but in the long term it will end the same.

Capitalism and Communism both reduces all of human life to two things
consuming and production
They just argue how materialism should be distributed.
Its the economic system itself that is the enemy.

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Nazism isn't a government structure, but an ideology, meaning it is inherently "vague rhetoric".

wrong. communism is authoritarian. They do not wield power to distribute resources they wield power to control. the distribution of consumption and production is pretense.
Capitalism is just free people engaging in commerce it require no authority other then one to enforce contracts and property laws. They are total opposites. They capitalism you have been taught is really just a hybrid of authoritarian and free enterprise.
The truth is all humans want to be productive in some capacity and all humans want to consume and have a fair balance between the two. THis balance can never be perfect but the market is always more reliable then an authority.

exactly. vague rhetoric with an authoritarian government that can interpret it any way it pleases.

>communism is authoritarian
So is capitalism as it forces us to become consumers that most work for the ever lasting economy, that must always rise. Always grow.

For a Chang, Chiang was pretty well kempt. A shame they couldn't have won, Chinkland could have been the White Man's Friend.

it doesnt force you to do anything. It is fundamentally the opposite of force. You get to decide what you do and what you want. you can live in the woods and eat berries if you want.

It forces the entire world to be centred around production and consumption. It forces us all to still live in 8x3 cycles of each day.
It forces human nature to be nothing more than mere materialism that always must make the markets grow. They must always grow.

>you can live in the woods and eat berries if you want
no you can't, because the guy that owns the woods will force you out

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why must they always grow? You are complaining about the world as it is and incorrectly assuming that is because of capitalism, it is not. Anybody can choose to do what they want, that is freedom. Capitalism is just what happens when free people decide they want to be productive. What people value, what they believe, how they view the world is their personal philosophy and just like in a free market of goods people should choose what they believe in a free market of ideas. Again you look at what is wrong with the world and incorrectly try to over simplify and reduce it to the fault of capitalism. There is so many things wrong in this world as the result of so many isms. But capitalism isnt one of them. People have the wrong materialist philosophies because they have been brainwashed not because they are free to produce and consume.

Someone has to own the woods. If a guy doesnt own it, the govt owns it and they can throw you out too. Who do you trust? There might be a part for govt to play in protecting natural areas and other collective interests but it is a very slippery slope. In general, you want to keep it to a minimum, because once govt starts controlling something it has total power and you have no recourse. If a man owns the woods, he can be bought out, or rented from or even held to some legal standard.

Lol, Neonazi communities and traps go together like bread and butter

Nazism was about as hard right as it gets.
Some may argue its too far right.
I'd argue many of those people are communists and they deserve to be gassed.

I think it is only hard right on a scale invented by the same people you want to gas. hows that for irony

right, left, is an abhorrent concept, in the nature there is the strongest, the smartest and everyone else

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