

Attached: VD09afj.jpg (645x729, 64K)

>memeflagging with Nazi
>current year+4

>be me
>mfw collapse

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Never understood the "I don't vote to fight the system" retards. At least vote a third party.

there is only two partys in ur country lmao,

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Yeah and if people stopped being tards and voted for a third, they'd receive funding and be officially recognized.

>vote for a party which never gets even 1%

There is only one.

>pro-white genocide
>pro-white genocide

Vote goys, fight goys!
It totally does matter which one of them wins.

>vote for nothing then complain about it

watch outuniversalism- genetic realism left right
eudemonism capitalism up bottom

>not voting then REEEEEing at the results

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Trump could've used the military to stop the invaders, but he hasn't. The wall is a joke when the policies are all broken and still incentivize illlegal invasion. Also, AG barr needs to indict and prosecute mayors and governors of sanctuary cities and states; but they won't, despite it being his obligation. There are also UN "refugee" invaders which they're flying into the middle of heartland America to destroy it. The ultimate goal is disarming Americans. The controllers want everyone enslaved and whites are all about freedom and liberty.

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>implying that voting for something would make any difference.
Voting is just a show to keep retarded goyim calm and give them illusion that they have a choice.
People who really run the show are the ones financing these parties, kikes.

"democracy" = plutocracy

I'll vote for free shit


Yes shareblue people should vote

No shareblue you aren't accomplishing anything