Man kills 3 black teen burglars

Again I ask was he in the right Jow Forums?
Family say 'dem boiz dindu nuffin'..."

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Ban guns

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He was in the right. Who in their right goddamn mind are going to condemn a home-owner of rightfully killing 3 masked niggers, with one of which that was armed with an illegal firearm. UNDER 21?! With the already criminal act committed by BREAKING into his house with the INTENT TO ROB?!

"Aye yo, you ain't lowd be posting dat hate speech....bruh."

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How can a brotha's moma live without worrying if her kiddos can't be robbin' and poppin' da hood?! They dindu nuffin.

Every young negro should be able to rob houses and liquor stores in peace.

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That's nice. A shame Trump can't bear the thought of a person with mental problems having a gun. To help ease his delicate sensibilities, tens of millions of mentally healthy people will just have to endanger themselves by disarming.

You're not thinking long term enough. Had they lived each of those fine young gentlemen would have had no less than 4 children. All of which will be on the dole all their life. And it would continue into their children's children.
If anything he did a community service


He millions in welfare money from the tax payers.

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Good thing each one's mama made six more.

Old thread archive ....plenty of info here.

> shit tier media leaving out the part where the teens shot at the guy first
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If someone breaks into your house at 4 AM and starts taking pot shots when you see what's going on, what do you really think is going to happen?

Homeowner should have just brought out watermelon and koolaid for them as well as all of his valuables for them to take. That's the woke thing to do.

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>kills 3 black

Wasnt there a beta user talking about some niggers close to his home the other night who didnt want to call the cops because the race card would be used?


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Damn, that's a huge fucking family gathering there

Btw, thats a female

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>mother depending on officials to explain why her children were out late armed wearing masks robbing neighbors

Good. I hope they didn't die instantly and had a few moments to reflect on their mistake.

Also, they should make Tyrell, Tyvon and Trasherious' parents pay for any property damage to the house.

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They just keeds dey don know what dey doin he a grone ass man he should know betta dis some buullsheeit

This is one of those cases where even if it happened in the UK it would still be legal to kill them off (with your cutlery rather than a gun though).

they were in HIS house without HIS permission so of course he was right

You could possibly get away with shooting them assuming you had yer shooty-shooty loicence and you didn't shoot them in the back.

You're not supposed to defend yourself with items that you have left there to defend yourself with... because that makes sense to our retarded cops.

>sign says "This home doesn't call 911"
>attempt to rob it anyway
Stupid Niggers.

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They was good boys.

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It's racist and shows privilege to stop them doing that.

The state should compensate their mommas and their baby mommas for this hate crime

The only way to deal with niggers.

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lol calm down they're just kids, they didn't know what they were doing. they just wandered into the wrong house by accident when they were going to their church bible study group.

you forfeit all your rights when you choose to commit a crime against someone else, including the right to life.

Their mothers should compensate the poor man for having to bear the emotional distress of killing them.


If you can't defent your home space and belongings with all your might you have already lost and your country is in favor of criminals.

So yes, it's his basic natural right to defend his terretory even if it means death to the intruders.

Try poking a finger into a bee hive.
Try walking into some lions territory.

Nature will try the same and kill intruders / thieves.

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Shiiet I jus wan proof niggufassa

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This is why I hate niggers

of course he was right

>Who in their right goddamn mind are going to condemn a home-owner of rightfully killing 3 masked niggers


> leftists
> in their right mind

Pick one

he did good

>Was he in the right?
Yes, he was protecting his property and maybe even his life. I don’t care about race he was justified to kill the teenagers who was robbing his home.