This fat disgusting pig eating russian is holding the entire

nation by the balls.

Attached: Israel-Election.jpg (640x360, 149K)

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That smug smile.
He knows that he'll win.

Can I get a quick rundown? What happened in the election?

Lieberman already said grand coalition of him, Benji and Ganz is the solution. Don’t worry, bro. You’ll get your dysfunctional gov.

Of course he does, he’s a like. The game is rigged and he knows it.

I hope someone will put a bullet in his skull tho

Nuffin, go to sleep, Burger.

Think of the memes. Policies will not change. Only the lies will change.

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so what, exactly, is going on here? who are the red and yellow guys? what do those numbers/this election even mean? i'm gonna need a




Based. Fuck the ultra orthokikes. You deserve a dick up your ass for supporting (((bibi))) you damn mizrashit.

same, why don't you like him? Why do you prefer Gantz?

Israel has new leaders. It’s a small country, shit happens.

Kikes high on their own supply have taken over the government (probably.)

Ganz could ask the Arabs to coalition with him. You want that? A lefty plus Arab gov?


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Liberman is holding the country hostage to fuck the kikes and remove their laws

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Gantz will cuck to likud on everything

Threadly reminder that a vote dor bibi muttanyahu is a vote for these hasidic draft dodging, tax evading, government tit sucking subhumans.

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I rather an arab than a hasidic subhuman draft dodger.
As the saying goes: Traitors get the rope first.

Blue= right wing block
Red= left wing block
Yellow= liberman , he'll support whoever backs him on his anti kike policies

Spit of sand shithole


and you are their little bitch.

plz explain the issue to me. Are those the ultra orthodox jews that only live on gibs? Isn't there someone pushing a law to force them to join the IDF?

Soooo rather than put up with a few autistic leeches you'd allow an arab, a moral enemy of the Jewish state and people, have a measure of power within your government?

Red pill me on Liberman.I heard he is a secular but what are some of his policies?

by the exit polls no bloc has a majority.
so Lieberman is the kingmaker and he wants a unity government.

not gonna happen. it will break up the joint list because Ballad won’t sit in a Zionist government and no one from the right bloc will sit with the Arabs. so no majority.

Pic related is the reason he went for reelection last time.also he wants to remove laws against opening shops on Shabbat or selling non kosher stuff and remove marriage from the rabbinate.

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They will if the Arabs promise to help them get a Temple.

Judeo-Slavic master race. The Blade of the Jewish vampire race: all of the Ashkenazi strengths (intelligence), none of the weaknesses (pathological leftist tendency).
We will make Israel great again. Then, the world.

Arabs don't want to sit with him and no one else would want to sit with him if they did.
Most likely solution is a Bibi liberman gantz government with some agreement to have elections again in 1y or rotation where Bibi does 2y and gantz 2y

I would make a good cattle

(((Russians)) behind all evil of jew society. Why we allow them to control all banks and media?

A rotation of 2 years?
That's disgusting.
What kind of country intentionally has a two year window of rule?

>Orthodox Jews would proudly go to jail rather than join Zionist Army
Based and Redpilled

Didn't Moses tell people that if they didn't want to fight they could go back to their homes?
How could anybody that calls themselves Jewish have a problem with that if Moses set the rule?

And not a moment too soon. Your country has been brought low. You need all the help you can get.

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Why don't you go explain Halacha to them? I'm sure they will listen to you.

I wonder if the Israeli flags were actually mussies shitposting all along

And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say: ‘What man is there that is fearful and faint-hearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren’s heart melt as his heart.’ -Deuteronomy 20:8

Maybe instead of listening to me they should learn what their own books say.

Which party does Iran prefer?
Russia prefer?
Syria prefer?

I already know the USA and UK love to suck off Bibi.

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"Arab" literally means "mixed", Jews are mixed too.
They're just a different type of mix, that's why Jews with tans and arabs look like the same shit.

kek, they're mostly low brow alchoholic bydlo with criminal tendencies
most of them don't even have 20% jewish blood in them, just your regular slavic mongol mongrel blood


Vicious earmog by Bibi, miring.

Everybody looks confused in that picture. He has dementia. They are high on something. Every day that goes by, he seems more and more like the perfect fit for USA.

if I were them I would prefer Bibi because
> If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
>t. Art of War
and they had a lot of time to get to know Bibi


Originally the laws exempt orthodox jews from serving in the military and paying things like tax. They also received benefits, stipends to study, etc.

At the time the laws were created there was only a couple thousand of them. Now there is hundreds of thousands, they dont work and spend their entire youths screaming passages from their holybook in hebrew over and over. They men reach adulthood able to annoy the shit out of secular people lacking actual life skills. The woman are traditional wives.

I guess its a sweet irony to it when you think about it

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I didn't realize they were so based. They way you describe them makes me want to like them. Certainly I must be missing something.

I lived in Israel those Ultradox literally don't shower because they dont want to pay for water and go down to the rivers to wash themselves.

It's disgusting


Realistically though the Arab list wants to dismantle israel as a state, how the fuck does the left wing find enough jews to support them when they're in coalition with those guys to begin with?

I guess no matter what country you're in, there will be race traitors

Aren’t the Druze related to Jews and Arabs through marriage to Moses?

Druze are literally a sect of Shiites who larped so hard they became a race.

Absolutely, unequivocalley, undeniably based and redpilled. Traitors first.

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orthodox are not to blame TLV secularists are busy being gay, incels, career women and single catwomen instead of making children
traditional culture always wins because it's natural vs unnatural

orthodox are also untouched by (((the media))) culture wrecking propaganda because they don't own smartphones and TV
all in all they are the only barrier that stands before Israel becoming a mirror image of how US and EU jewish communities are like - aka 90% crazed leftists

No not my jew overlords

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>Ben Rhodes seething like a little bitch right now

Jew, can normal people there afford to have a stay home mom family?

which one? i see 3 fat disgusting pig eating russians.

Kek. No. A 2 house apartment costs 450k usd.
The hasidikikes evade taxes AND get government gibs so they can afford doing it.

This is just proof that pissrael needs to be conquered and an islamic regime needs to be installed.


2 room apartment

Its rigged for bibi like always fucking war criminal

>from left to right
Ashkenazi blue eyes master race
Russian blue eyes master race
Muttanyahu brown eyed subhuman


Can you pretend to be hasidic or is there a DNA test to apply?

Well you can't blame the women for choosing career then, maybe get amerimutts to send you more money?

So who do Israelis of Jow Forums like the most?
also who so you think will have the best relation to center right Austria
I personally like Netanjahu. He is a Nationalist who is loves his people.

most families can do with only one provider, just need to lower one's living standards
the state wants everyone to wageslave from dawn to dusk and spend so that they can register "growth", get better credit ratings from moody and get gibs from investors
it's really not in the interest of the individual though

Well if u pop out 12 ugly shitskins and dress like a fucking dark wizard (level 7) from runescape you could prolly get that shit going

What does that mean?

He loves that hasidic circumcized cock more than any other jew.

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Your from the UK, they have a parliamentary system.

If there is no majority to decide the PM, they need a coalition. Therefore unity government.

left and right in the coalition

>Kikes subverting Kikes
What a world we live in. Sucks when this comes home to roost, doesn't it?

>left: sweetest guy you'll ever know
>right: total psychopath
>middle: conscience

Which means the majpority party within the coalition get's t choose the PM, which means BIbi?

Also, means another election pretty soon, right?

Yes, give your daughters to the inbred Arabs, accept interracial marriage and allow them to slowly take over your nation. Nothing wrong with that.

Me in the center :)

usually it means rotation 2 years from Likud 2 years from B&W

Well all that needs to be negotiated, and Bibi has alot of enemies.

israeli left-center treats FPO like literal nazis, same as AfD
when you see some of the secularist israeli gaymen shrieking here about how they hate bibi and the orthodox, you must know they are the enemy

Can a coalition so finely balanced and so antagonistic towards each other last that long?

>liberman , he'll support whoever backs him on his anti kike policies
Liberman sounds German. Are you sure he's not a secret Nazi?

Is Bibi actually the good guy or is he Satan as some believe? I am confused on this.

Full disclosure: I am veering towards him being Satan.

So on a geopolitical sense what does this mean for the future glass pit?
Will I feel remorse when i look at glass world or will i laugh even harder?

we had these governments before, so yes.
two notable ones, during the six day war and during the first Lebanon war.

>t. Mizrahi
What is rhe difference between a mizrahi and an arab?
>pic related is a mixed couple. Csn you tell whos arab and whos mizrahi?

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in that case is their enmity all made up, a giant charade just for show to keep the plebs beliveign there is real choice when there isn't really?

During war you have a common enemy
Without war the person effecting your power becomes your enemy

He's literally satan, but all the kikes are children of satan.

we are always in a state of war.
these are emergency governments and we have an electoral crisis.
B&W and Likud aren’t that far apart ideologically anyway.
nice conclusion

Both are literally sand niggers Mizrahi is just sand niggers who moved to Israel.


Orthodox are the worst. They are Arabs with Jewish tricks.
You know how the shitters we have here at least to their very small credit act civilized when they aren’t cannibalizing Christian children in blood rituals? Imagine if they acted like gypsies or street shitters but still pulled all the same Jewish tricks

based Arab list
