Most UN funds should go into population growth reduction

Targets should be all countries with a fertility rate of 2.5 or above. Contraceptives are available, just not enough in Africa, the Middle East and Afghanistan.

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Ok, let’s castrate Africans then

>Ok, let’s castrate Africans then

no, let's start by castrating YOU...

So niggers going to get sterilized?

>Most UN funds should go into population growth reduction

I've got a better idea. Let's just cut foreign aid and take the money that would've gone into food and medicine and instead put it towards space programs. Let's stop keeping all our eggs in one basket and colonize the entire system.

What are implanons and shots? An implanon literally prevents all pregnancies within 4-5yrs. One time implanting within 3 min. Just do that 300 million times. Problem solved.

I have got a better idea. Let’s cut the Christian bs out of foreign aid and buy contraceptives for them.

Allowing Third World people to come to the West rewards their irresponsible breeding. They should be forced to live in the over populated shitholes they created.

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>White Goyim have to stop breeding completely to stop overpopulation!

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But what would be the point of castrating a Nazi Virgin incel?

Really? You're gonna blame Christianity for niggers fucking? Really?

White christians wanted to stop abortions in Africa.

>buy contraceptives for them
>better idea

Listen, I don't know why you believe we need to lower the global population growth, but subsidizing contraceptive companies won't help as much as removing financial aid from those nations completely and putting it to better use. They won't use them anyway, and none are 100% effective except sterilization. Yours is a short term action that isn't even a proper solution. If we get even one more rock to plant our flag on and build our homes mine will have done far more in the long term. In the short term, sure, the groups you mentioned will keep fucking, they'll keep having kids. But the thing is, they'll only survive for as long as they can care for themselves. If they can't grow their own food they can't support birthing a village's worth of people. If they can't make or afford medicine then they'll do well to make it through a simple infection. Hell, if they don't even practice good sanitation your problem with them will solve itself within a year.

Honestly, what exactly is your logic for thinking your idea is better? Is it just some low effort attempt at making an excuse to take jabs at religion?

No but I do put some blame on Christianity for it's weak,naive response to niggers fucking, which is "they just need more charity,education,food and gibs" ie subsidising nigger breeding thereby magnifying the problem exponentially

The majority of Christians are niggers and spics. So yes. I blame you for not shoving them onto reservations like Anglos did with the Indians, and I blame you for sending billions of dollars in food aid both public and private that should be going to White Americans.


why even act like you can stop people from fucking?

do you really think throwing money at the 3rd world is going to solve anything?

>that article
You just fucking know that they will target whites

African countries wont magically reproduce less if you take the aid away. Whats kept their population in check historical is disease, frquent famine and war. Even if you take their aid away there will still be more food and better medical care than there ever was in pre colonial times, and less war.

this is the solution


The idea is to castrate whites and move excess niggers into your country

What are you going to do about it GOY? Shoot a white kindergarten like your compatriots do? Fuck you

Get to work Boer

I'll go to Medellin and give your women a good time lol

African populations weren't actually that large before we brought civilisation and resources to them even comparatively speaking.

Flag checks out.

nigger culling you say? we know some people dont we Jow Forums

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Africa is big enough to have 10 billion people living good lives. Population reduction should happen in East Asia where the rising tides will make much of their land uninhabitable.

the alt-right is latinx


The places where the population is booming are the muslim countries and the places where tribal religions came back.


fuck out of here

this, fuck niggers

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>the people in Africa are suffering feed them faster!

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This is true. Africa has had a steady population of 100,000,000 for most of its existence due to their hunter-gatherer lifetsyle. Agriculture is what creates population booms.

no you

It's LATINO, or LATINA, show some respect to our language you worthless sudaco

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>blames Christianity for his race dying off after they abandoned it
Thats because you are gay and cant handle the moral aspect.

>Africa is big enough to have 10 billion people living good lives

A large part of Africa is desert and another large part is rain forest. The point is that poverty goes down rapidly if a country adheres to a below 2.5 fertility rate. Why? Because every kid can get an education, women can be in the workforce, and there are enough jobs for the next gen.

There is a reason why the countries with high GDP per capita everywhere (even in Africa) have fertility rates of 3 or below.

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Its a joke you fucking sperg. Also, hop on over the border, spic.

I'm a spaniard
I am more related to your spanish ancestors who used your indian ancestor as a cum toilet than you are

Yes but not because of overpopulation that should just be the general rule. Other races should have to pass an IQ test to breed.

Easier way:
>Stop all humanitarian aid to Africa, South America and Asia.
>World population drops back to sustainable levels in 5 years

The UN is run by shitskins who will not accept this. The only push to have less kids will be in countries like Japan and Germany.

The UN is a failure of an organization, international aid has failed to bring people together and merely allows locust-like subhumans to reproduce beyond their means.

>African countries wont magically reproduce less if you take the aid away.

Your reading comprehension is truly a thing of wonder.

Israel is 3.1. For comparison Haiti is 2.9


There's no need of them. Just increase the vaccine price, or give them free untested vaccines.

I dont think thats the reason for birth rates dropping. Man's success in reproduction and survival are only a consequence for its search for space. When Man's desire for space runs out, his reproduction drops. This is the concept of the Long House (a tribal form of living where entire generations of a family lived in one large home) being a feminization of Man similar to what we have in Western Civilization. Once Africans form a coherant civilization (they are getting there) they will become just as cucked as we are.

Just stop spending so much money on food an medicine for the third world. Save money, save the Earth, less population. Its a win for everyone!

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I'll have my popcorn bag ready in heaven

Israel's birth rates are rising because their men have a reason to have children (to demographically conquer the Arabs in Palestine).

African men are turning into sissies. At least that's the impression I get from twitter. 10 years ago they would kill you if you called them gay, now they are the spearhead of social justice.

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>Overpopulation is a problem.
>Birthrates are low, so we need to import dark people raise the birthrates.

Why doesn't anyone question this?

Why do you ask rhetorical questions?

Because I fucked you're mom.

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because that would be antisemitic

i dont know who that is

Hmm, a headline that reads “world must reduce population”, but a picture of dirty brown third world people? What the fuck is going on here?

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It just hasn't been shut down yet. They'll have the authors disappeared and a new image of a middle class white family that owns a small business up there in no time.

What do you think will happen without our aid? Domme kaffer

Yeah, whoever published this obviously didjt get the (((memo))). White kids for stories about decreasing population, brown kids for an increasing one

Theres global crop loses, the Africans are just going to starve.


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Incorrect, agriculture is in steady decline after the dissolution of apartheid, this is due to the inability for the native poplulation to adopt such methods of food production, you cut aid, and they will starve, at least after they eat everything in the forests first(rip bonobos)