The Founding Fathers of the United States dreamed of a republic that was like Rome, but without its flaws...

The Founding Fathers of the United States dreamed of a republic that was like Rome, but without its flaws. They thought they could engineer a republic that would be as great as Rome, but that would not be in danger of falling into tyranny and monarchy, as Rome had done.

243 years later, do you think they've succeeded?

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the goyim like being enslaved

Based on your premise, no.
But i dont agree with your premise.

They didn’t think that people would change the constitution, unless absolutely necessary
Nor did they think that Jews would infiltrate society

no, but they couldn't predict tech / technology most likely the way it would be now is what I would imagine.

the digital age alone and/or the dark ages of the digital age alone.

I think it's safe to say we have been in the dark ages of the digital ages alone for the past few years alone at least with more and more government surviellance.

The government used to never record every conversation out in public that was had between everyone, but now they do.

1970s/1980s - not every conversation was watched / monitored / and/or recorded.

the dark ages of the digital ages alone I don't think they could of predicted, but you know that's just fine to me.

I don't think anyone really could of for the most part could of in the white human realm almost 250 years ago or so.

The biggest mistake was turning the US into a democracy instead of a representative republic
By just only allowing property owners to vote, it would immediately fix the US

They could never predict how much power and influence corporations would end up with and just how long the central banking industry was willing to wait. They succeeded until these two objects attached themselves to government and will never be shaken free without major changes our branches of government are incapable of doing.

Nah, worse than Rome, actually.
>Roman monarchy is worse than its degeneracy
I think your premises are false

>243 years later, do you think they've succeeded?

yes, but if Trump and Republican majorities don't happen in 2020, it'll be *OVER*

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this to.

1913 - woodrow wilson - the banking act.

no, leftists / jew trump types / democrats seek to give the government more and more power alone.

trump and removing guns / 2nd amendment alone type stuff.

no more leftists. let the left eat leftist jew trump.

So, then, what happens if America follows Rome's destiny and becomes a proper empire? What if the republic fails in the United States?

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Rome didnt fall. It moved. You are living in the Roman empire right now we all are. Thats why all buildings of any significance are fucking ROMAN

>like Rome, but without its flaws.
They should have written something about no Jews allowed, then. Fucking retards.

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....HOW THEY ALL LOOK........

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>They didn’t think that people would change the constitution, unless absolutely necessary
We haven't changed it in a long time. Just ignored it when convenient.

coincidence i'm sure

America is/has been already an empire:
>Colonies for economy
>International influence
>Civil wars
>Governing different people from different ethnicities and races even!
You're called a "federation" rather than "empire", but that's the only difference.
Your final step (in following Roma) is total decadence and complete dissolution.

>These buildings built hundreds of years ago are the the proof we live in Rome, cuz that's what Rome was all about guys, buildings! Amirite?

Other than purging the continent of evil indians everything else America has done has been evil. There has not been a single just war America has been involved with since the indian wars. The country was founded by deists and luciferians rather than Christians and it shows. 1st and 2nd amendments were the only good ideas these clowns had. That the founding documents were brilliant and the founding fathers geniuses is a fucking joke.

They are all greco Roman architecture. All political and religious buildings are greco Roman

They didn’t predict that democracy and the republic were the forefront of Jewish dictatorship. They were gullible retards, honestly.

Biggest mistake the founders made was creating an executive branch.

>I think it's safe to say we have been in the dark ages of the digital ages alone for the past few years alone at least with more and more government surviellance.
say alone one more time you fucking sperglord

The original intent and their framework still stands, it’s just that Americans themselves should have already acted and shot every fucking kike and democrat fucking of the USA in the name of “liberalism”, it’s also pretty obvious that kike migration to the US has made it worse in every possible way and that the founding fathers (and most noteworthy figures in relevant history) fucking hated and distrusted the kikes.

Shit, if the founding fathers were reincarnated to the current day they’d already be planning heinous shit and mass executions for the subversion and intrusion of liberties going on.

There must be some fucking jew advising Trump because he's acting pretty democrat lately

This. If the founding fathers were alive today to see Schlomo and diversity hire Shaniqua in control of what they built, they would call for RWDS and genocide immediately.

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a bunch of anglos larping as romans. Well I guess this is all the big larping of "western civilization".

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Exactly, all because of (((Christianity))).

yes but how the fuck can a quadrillion spics and niggers vote for shitty politicians that makes the jew more powerful while feeding scraps to said niggers?

I wish the founders could come back and fix this shit. they would be disgusted to see how people have ruined this place. it makes me sad because men like washington and jefferson are heroes of mine. the only solution is to burn it down and start over.

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All republics turn into democracies before falling by the wayside. so what do you think is next?