Hmm.. yuropoor, you got some explaining to do here

Hmm.. yuropoor, you got some explaining to do here

Attached: 8C806AD7-2FFF-4848-A33F-0D46C0379705.jpg (580x577, 96K)

>james 'neocon kikesucker' mattis

Attached: DijsawdVQAErRqs.png (794x804, 794K)

This will help you find the explanation.

Attached: 9h1JLs4.jpg (1920x1080, 264K)


Attached: 0a6badc4c9a1c97f2c94a5bf07306e1d.jpg (625x626, 31K)

Attached: 3UkJKFZns.png (750x683, 204K)

And my world is coming down.

my contri is progressive too

Attached: slopain 65312182_ciapdkuwgaa8e0c.jpg (1024x768, 223K)

Why the hell are we even at war with syria?
I fucking hate the jews ruining my country

This actually explains quite a bit, to be honest.


Attached: defence.jpg (600x1082, 415K)

What are they going to defend you from? An empty stomach? Dirty dishes? Progress?

invade Germany when?

that's a TF2 quote you retard

What is this map even saying?

At least its still a guy

>Women that aren't GI Jane bitches in command of the military
How does Europe have a more incompetent military leadership structure than China, where the entire command structure is people who bribed their way to the top? Shit experts have even confirmed their military wouldn't hold up against a war with NATO.

It shows which countries think the largest threat to world peace

I bet you wouldn't show that picture to a marnine doughboy

Cause Western Europe have become accustomed to everything being too cushy
They went from constant on and off wars to prolonged peace between each other
Eastern Europe doesnt have this problem cause the USSR was rough

Ah. Makes sense to me

>Von Der Leyen

its not seen as a important ministry, so we give it to woman lol. gotta get the 50% somehow

Imagine if those minsters of defence went into a room and just had a full on nasty lesbian orgy, just fucking going for it right away

Europe is under amerimutt military occupation since ww2
Mutts don't want them to have an army

I don't like mattis myself and I was never a marine so he's out of my realm for the most part.

you can't trust anyone in this world from what I figure.

God (The Light) --> Holy Spirit --> Jesus Christ. - Only one to trust is God though. Only God is Good even Jesus Christ said that (from the Holy Bible).

James mattis a.k.a sniper from tf2

why do so many think france is a threat?

Based and redpilled

James Mattis is a homosexual.


>( pic )
good idea

Was I a gud boi mommie? :D :D

nigger all those countries defense plan is to call the USA to save them then call us savages after were done so they can feel superior.

Sniping’s a good job, m8

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