Eat meat, now!

Eat meat, now!

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Remember the old food pyramid. We were supposed to cut down on fat.
(((Nutritionists)))) told us that fat is evil, it makes us all obese! Let's consume more carbohydrates. Bread is basically a vegetable, right?

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Vegetarians don't go to Jow Forums, everyone here eats meat

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Protip: eat organs. Organ meat is the absolute best for your health.

If I recall milk, eggs, meat are what gives you testosterone and build muscles
Unfortunately I'm not a good enough cook to incorporate meat much into my daily diet

I follow this recipe for a simple steak and it works really well.

How though? You just throw a beat of meat into a pan and watch it till it’s done. Use a thermometer if you have to

As an American, there's really no point in me even trying. With all the xenoestrogens in plastics, pesticides and chlorinated water, I'm just thankful that I don't have man-boobs right now. Envious of you and your non-Jewed health regulations, Eurobros.

Attached: American Obesity NSFW.webm (1280x720, 1.46M)

Check out about the carnivore diet. In my own experience I have never felt better.

Even though it is a byproduct of the leather industry meat revolts me.


That's a bad attitude.

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Bugs are cool too and studies say that they are very empowering.

Fucking disgusting

Sure they are, wafoofi.

i eat dogs
how about you?

>eat meat. just meat all the time

Be careful with the' bro science' on here anons, it's best to go with the nutritionists advice which suggest balance and moderation between food groups. A meat only diet is not good.


You are mistaken and vegetarians can consume fat

>imagine believing eating plants is bad for you
hitler was a vegan

Attached: 303664_BlueZonesDailyDiet_05_US_061819.png (2000x1333, 126K)

You mean vegetarian?

Mediterranean diet
Low testosterone

Yeah then explain our hairy breasts and high masculinity

Research that. The food pyramid bwas paid for by wheat board lobbyists in America, never health organisations.. literally to sell more wheat / bread / pasta etc.

Buy an air fryer. It's not a meme, throw meat in, wait 10 mins, eat it. I never cook steak in a pan anymore, I never cook anything in a pan anymore. I thought they were a retarded meme until I tried it and now it's used daily

I started eating high protein and fat diets with the occasional fruit and I feel so much better. If I don't get about 60g of protein a day I feel like shit.

>Falling for the excessive fruit consumption meme

just milk or dairy? Any milk or only cow?

Hitler was a temporary vegetarian for health reasons. He was advised by the same doctor to cut out meat the prescribed him meth. Imagine sucking the dick of one man so hard that you base your lifestyle choices off of the advise of his doctor from the 30's.

>Ohh, Im too weak and mentally fatigued to cook meat for myself
>My hands are sore, help me
>Its easier to drink my own semen, lots of protein

Hitler was a hipster vegan methhead

Vegans are here faggot.

And if he would've followed the natural human diet he would've won.

>Actually cooking meat.

Meat makes up like 50% of my diet just because I'm too lazy to cook other things. Milk is probably another 25%

Keto diet is the ultimate redpill.

Ironically your average meat eater eats grain fed, industrial meat - which is packed full of hormones that will fuck with your tes levels, also estrogenic. Processed dairy too. In fact when people turn to vegan from such a diet, their tes increases.

vegan cope

not even a vegan, but enjoy your moobs and low sex drive at 50, even worse, the degenerative diseases you will get from eating such shit

Hitler was a vegetarian.

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I fry my meat in lard that comes from other meat.

This. Lots of stories out there of people diagnosed with BPD, depression, anxiety etc who are completely normal now simply by eating a diet rich in animal fat. People have even cured their diabetes on this diet. They are literally trying to make the population sick, weak and completely feminized with the modern diet. Look at any footage from 40 years ago. Nearly everyone was a healthy weight. Almost no one had diabetes. No one was on all these fucked up SSRI

We don´t actually eat what the jews call a Mediterranean diet. For burgers/jews, Mediterranean diet = legumes, vegetables, fruits, fish, and the only fat source olive oil. None of the delicious pork, lamb, beef, cheese we eat regularly.

No he wasn't, his favourite meal was sausages with quail's eggs.