>he still plays videogames
>he still watches chinese cartoons
>he doesn't have a master's degree
>he doesn't have a six figure job
Why do western men refuse to grow up
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Why would I invest in a society that gives nothing but contempt for my existence?
fuck off fag
I have a good income, a house, a car, I don't play video games, I don't watch anime.
And yet I am a 35 yo forever virgin.
>chinese cartoons
I lol'd
why don't they grow up?! - guy is 70 - he's mad his TV (like a computer) is broken and he still watches TV at like 70.
anime - I guess, but could be wrapped into video games.
masters degree at some ivy league or something like that who are often the ones driving the world into the ground. not all of them many many of them at least plus what's the point of a masters degree? it's a piece of paper. still have to prove yourself in the world.
six figure job. what are you looking for exactly?
A lot of them don’t even attempt to pay us well either
You are not a victim, you just refuse to grow up. Someone has to support a woman you know.
based aussie coomer
If she wants a man to support her while she sits on her ever expanding ass and watches law and order reruns all day. She may want to move back home.
I'm looking for the right white woman to support me financially.
Ill consider supporting a women when equal rights are taken away from them.
>implying I give a single fuck about women who replaced men with big government and will take every opportunity to fuck you in the ass and ruin your life at the drop of a hat
fuck off faggot
Because I coomed too much when I was younger now I am the retard.
>mfw thinking about the porn industry and any thoughts of fapping to it
hey now, i don't play vidya all the time...i also spend time building my sex robot!
well played you french son of a bitch
>Why do western men refuse to grow up
cooming is more fun
42, MBA in Comp Sci, BS in Mathematics, 85k/yr, not fat or bald. women hated it and called me a nerd. my virginity itself became a reason they wouldn't have sex with me when I'd hide my education and occupation. now im a 42 year old virgin with money in the bank I have no use for and too old to find a reproductive age woman. fuck off niggers and shove this slide thread up your ass.
>white woman
that's your first mistake
>he still plays videogames
>>he still watches chinese cartoons
>>he doesn't have a master's degree
>>he doesn't have a six figure job
I'm no interested in all that shite. I'm not into greed , don't want to work to death to keep some greedy rich cunt happy with his annual % rise in profits.
You're not cattle though ye act like cattle?
That's not much with your level of education.
thats fucking shocking. but i think its common. im truly sorry for you bro. get a hooker.
forced meme horseshit. roasties trying to shame men back onto the plantation is more like it. shove your nofap shit up your giant cavernous vagina.
He said comp sci and math. That is pretty good. He is probably just grateful he isnt a teacher.
sounds like women need to grow up
>t, coomer
>t. (((you)))
Why do Western women refuse to have children?
because we are at a evolutionary bottleneck and many of you won't make it because you simply do not deserve to have a future.
the sooner the zoomer becomes a coomer the better
Never too late bro. You don't look you don't find. How bad do you want a family? Just get a chick almost at the wall who wants a kid. They're killing themselves out there.
you can't force a meme. that's not how it works.
I think telling girls you are a virgin is a big red flag
I'm certainly better off than you, so that's good enough.
>the niggers poos and chinks are gonna survive
Nothing wrong with forcing a forced meme for the lulz though
let em fuck all the the niggers they want
Women don't need support, they can work for thier own money, fucking leeches.
Why would I fall for the Master's scam instead of getting a job?
Give me an income that allows me to afford 8 years of college
>she doesn't want children
>she wants to spend my money on new shoes every week, while keeping hers
>she doesn't cook or take care of the house
>she works less than me yet want me to do the chores
>she bitches all the time
>she wants to control my social life
>chances are high she will cheat, while being overjealous, and can go as far as breeding with other men
So until you do offer a fair bargain, I keep my house, my savings and enjoy myself.
Not that hard.
And time is on my side, tick tock, the whole is coming, while my value is increasing.
Why get a job when I can just fuck a bitch while jobless.
French faggot is a wizard, hahahahaha.
Being entitled and possessive doesn't make people want to support you.
Yeah let us all run out and get in debt only to be fired, broke, and homeless for farting in the vicinity of a woman. Sounds way better that ignoring all that bullshit and just "living my best life" as you stupid bitches so eloquently put it. What's the matter? Mad that so many guys quit jumping through hoops for your stinky pussy?
Fuck off roastie whore. It's 2019 and your parasitic kind have made you the new man. Get a career and support yourself, cunt.
>6 fig ameri equiv
>Ocassionally play video games
>Unholy amount of chinese cartoons
People force memes all the time. It works pretty well actually.
Why don't you stop watching anime and fuck some white women instead to reclaim England's soil to the whites?
that was after like a 5 pound dump to as well. bet the toilet clogged.
What do they have to grow up for?
What do they win?
So... civilisation can burn.
Says the woman. I refuse to support a woman that would not be able to take care of her own. Cunts these days have their heads so far up their asses.
I've been looking through tinder lately, at first I was optimistic but the more I look the worse reality seems. Most of these girls are alcoholics and look ten years older than they should.
I have a law degree and COULD easily attain a six figure job but I don't see the point in earning so much money when I have to throw my life away working 100 hours a week at some big law firm. I rather have a decent income with laid back hours.
Anime is for faggots.
Video games can be enjoyable.
Roasties deserve the rope.
while you, very adult, post on 4ch
Swedish women prefer black and brown men with no education, no salary and no interests but drugs to me because I don't have a BBC. Why should I put in any effort?
I play video games, I watch anime, I have a masters degree and a six figure job.
Wheres my gf?
This may sound like a "cringe incel" comment, but its seriously women that refuse to grow up. I recently got out of a relationship with a 27 year old girl who was insistent on continuing her 17 year old party antics "because she just graduated and got her first job where she can afford things." She didn't want to move in and help out around the house, and I didnt even expect her to help with a mortgage. Essentially she just wanted to being able to crash, drink for free, get dick and "have fun" and call it a relationship.
>53 replies
/nu-pol/ is fucking retarded
its fuckin quarter to 4 in the morning in the midwest here, fuck off
Way to dodge the fact that women do the same thing but can easily suck and fuck their way out of it. Typical gynocentrism.
imagine live only to impress random girls who don't even care. Stop caring and start enjoying life
what is there to fight for. Legit i walk through the streets and i dont say to myself "JEE how can i work to make these people breed." i think JEE give me a fucking flame thrower.
I'm 22 and I don't meet too many women. Women my age aren't really interested in me because I am facially average
I take dance classes but I am awful as I only do it once a week (I am busy with other exercise or socialising other nights) and take it more for fun. In order to attract women with something, you need to be at the top of the totem pole and I'm not going to push myself to become a good dancer for the sole purpose of attracting women
I watch anime on my commute and in the evenings before bed. Very /comfy/ life. Will try and snag a waifu but don't meet any wifeable women
>she's not a virgin
>she's not a housewife
>she doesn't want children
Why do western women refuse to grow up?
Good point
> implying you need a degree
Go away nigger jew. Nobody wants your crippling debt in exchange for a worthless piece of paper.
I'll be over here making 6 figures while playing video games and watching my chinese cartoons.
>post an ugly nude whore on a toilet
>imagine being such a mercantile slut
It is great that men finally realise that we have been jew'd. Everything that a roastie needs is her vagina, while men must be rich, funny, attractive, athletic, talented etc etc etc...
Good thing they are getting absolutely BTFO when they hit 30 or so.
I play video games, I watch Chinese movies to help me get better at mandarin because I want to be multilingual, and I have a masters degree in chemistry.
What now, slut?
I make 6 figures, play vidya every now and then (looking forward to mcc on steam), own a house, multiple cars/trucks, have two boats, dirtbikes, quads, guns, fuck different whore every month then never speak to them again. Women are literally cum buckets and I dont think I'll ever find one that I would be willing to marry. I'm going to buy another truck this weekend. A 250 diesel to pull my albemarle 27. Quit worrying about women and just improve yourself. Once you do that they will throw themselves at you and you can enjoy them all. Just dont marry one until you're absolutly positive. Even then I'd get prenup. Only a fool wouldnt now a days as devilish and these whores are now.
>she has no hymen, ass or connections at 35 but expects me to cheat on the mother of my children with her
What a fuckin' laugh.
currently doing nothing but playing WoW all day and working out for an hour each morning
my gf (with job) is so hot, that most poojeet turbovirgins that concern troll this shithole board, would instantly commit suicide if they saw me walking down the street with her
oh yeah, and I'm incredibly good-looking and tall btw
>>he doesn't have a master's degree
>>he doesn't have a six figure job
Like engineering?
What good is a Masters when potential employers hire pajeets on a H1 visa, put them in a cruise ship in international waters and pay them 5 figures?
I have a six figure job but no master's degree. Or even Bachelors degree for that matter.
Am I based or fucked?
Because they can't compete with Asian bulls
why do you think you're so much better than them? You're a whore yourself no?
G8 b8 8/8
Because western women won't. Modern women really don't understand the power they hold over men
Don't you have a class to teach?
Men have been jumping through hoops to survive and reproduce for hundreds of thousands of years, you owe your entire existence to it, you ungrateful lard. Man up, grind, and make white babies or you’re already dead spiritually and genetically.
You're a fucking loser and she will leave your ass the second she finds some better prospect. I fuck girls who have bfs all the time because they believe I'm going to move them into my life and home and give them all my shit or let them drive one of my cars. Thinking I'd want to be with someone so unfaithful. Yeah ain't happening, thanks for the free pussy though. Go back to your man let bf who plays video games all day and think about why you're there in that situation then kill yourself.
Nice cope wh*teoid. I fuck a ton of white girls from the UK who come here for kpop
What job do you have?
>Just get a chick almost at the wall who wants a kid. They're killing themselves out there.
When THEY are desperate and feel like THEY are settling, they will only be resentful towards you. Do you think they are going to take it out on themselves for their perceived failures? This is how divorce rape happens.
Just go MGTOW.
epic cuckpost, turbovirgin
try it on someone who has never held down a gf though
the sheer delusions of cucks, who have no idea about girls and how desperate they are for something stable
lmfao@ur loife, shitskin fatboy
No, they've done enough growing up. Hence the current state. They are fully grown children.
so you fuck other peoples women and still claim to be better than whores? He's a loser, but you're subhuman.
Every guy cant just go out and fuck tons of girls. But almost every girl can fuck a different guy for everyday of the year effortlessly. There is nothing special about dumb female whores. (You)
imagine the smell
Peepe poopoo
so you do all the shitty parts and get none of the good. Id rather be a basement dwelling NEET
I have a master's degree but no job
In what?
what do you spend your money on then?
video games, media, Jow Forums, and jewtube is how I distract myself from having no life. hard to imagine staying "sane" without it.
Found the manchild