Is there a single human being over the age of 15 that takes this retard seriously?

is there a single human being over the age of 15 that takes this retard seriously?

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My boomer parents

I'm so sorry dude

If he could just speak a tiny bit slower, and maybe pitch his voice down like 1 octave, He would sound like someone I can take seriously. Right now he just sounds like a smarmy, weasely, high school debate team captain.

Holy shit this.

Jews are the least masculine fuckers out there.

By the way, is Shapiro a Zionist ? Does he support Israel ? I’m willing to bet he’s allowed to speak out loud on sensible subjects because he’s a Zionist Jew. We have the exact same here in France with finkielkraut and Zemmour.

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Lots of boomers and Gen X, but Gen X are very receptive to criticism of him.

Only boomers and college conservatives take that anti white rat seriously

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he's serious about israel being first
and special laws for special classifications of people
>different laws for different goy
>hateful goy
>mentally ill dick cutters
>corporate goy
>religious goy
>male and female goy

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people who haven't yet noticed his shilling for intervention in the middle east and his anti-white immigration agenda.

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I would watch this if it was a ongoing cartoon

If you think you can do better be my guest. This guy has a head between his ears that Jow Forums must envy...

I take his sister seriously

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even if he did that, he would just be a deep-voiced zionist kike midget still

Thats why he's the most requested speaker in college universities? I say its pretty impressive with that voice..

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I thought it was because he was Jewish

Boomers. They really approve of his peepee snipping

I do because he is the typical subversive Jew.

Hey shareblue

I’ve never heard the guy even talk about anything. 80’s style conservative politics I guess. Nothing substantive.

i can't stand his whining nasal voice. he's worse than pocahontas and AOC.

>80’s style conservative politics I guess.
Whats wrong with that?

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It’s boring and stupid. But go ahead enjoy if that’s your thing

He can't because the speed throwing you off is part of his Jewish skillset


Based Minnesota

I love these threads that attract every fucking retard on the site like flies to shit. Ben Shapiro is brilliant, and you all are laughable fucking idiots if you don't understand this. You're the laughing stock of the entire fucking world.

Save it for your black bull boyfriend as you gag on his cock, faggot.

a Ukrainian dude i know likes him

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He’s a religious quack, yes.

BUT he creates literally tens of jobs. He a driver of the economy!

Remember when the rich were job creators? I miss election season.

Any jew is to be taken as serious. A serious threat. Only a fool would dismiss them.

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He sounds like a bitch and gets easily deplatformed.
No. He's a clown and had Leftists not act like completely incompetent buffoons, then he would've been the butt of everyone's joke.
Also, does anyone have the puppet video of him. I thought it was funny, but YouTube appears to have scrubbed it

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How many people would really go on tv and call Bruce/(Kylie?) Jenner a man? To their face? If they have a public persona to maintain?

After the bbc interview, many conservatives have abandoned him realizing what a retard he is.
they'll still watch his videos out of curiosity but aren't diehard fans.

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hes pissed bolton is gone..nothing more to add
fuck this subversive retard

This one:

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Did you know his wife's a Doctor?

>How many people would really go on tv and call Bruce/(Kylie?) Jenner a man? To their face?

He's based on trannys and nigger noise, not much else.

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>Thats why he's the most requested speaker in college universities?
Only because they started cancelling / deplatforming Milo.

Shabbos Goys and Retards.

Piss off benji.

I'm okay with people listening to him, after about a year they realize he's pushing an agenda other than a pro American one and start to go down the rabbit hole

what are you on about? he's boomer core.

jews and boomers run kosher conservatism in the united states. red pilled zoomer cinservatives are being banned from attending meetings and beung oart of the political process. these horrible people must be stopped or white america is finished

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i dont know about ben, but his sister is a literal goddess that must be worshipped by all of humanity.

Why is there a gorilla on stage?

He's another pos.
In fact I can respect Shapiro more because at least he's honest about who he supports.

my stepdad loves listening to him.

A gorilla? I only see a nigger. Gorillas are chill and eat leaves all day. Niggers are shitskinned savages.

For all the past trouble Jews are White again.


sadly, I know a few people personally that like him

>Thats why he's the most requested speaker in college universities? I say its pretty impressive with that voice..
>>Thats why he's the most requested speaker in college universities?
>Only because they started cancelling / deplatforming Milo.
Yeah Ben is the connected Jew who is at the very edge of what is allowed, by definition because that is his sole purpose: to manage the right wing for the uniparty.

>my stepdad loves listening to him.
Boomers, having not been exposed to the internet enough, are not aware that people with Ben's debate skills are a dime a dozen.

Controlled opposition

Israel first

Fuck that guy

His sister has nice tits though, would bang

>is there a single human being over the age of 15 that takes this retard seriously?

Sssssssstop picking on the widdle guy.

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The left hates him, Trump supporters hate him, basically everyone hates him. He's a living meme.

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Little Ben

Shapiro is controlled opposition. His base allegiance is to the kikes.

Ben Shapiro is really tall.


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He raises some good points, but then you bring up Israel and he goes full retard trying to explain why Jews should get special privilege, right after explaining why nobody should get special privilege.

Says it's only for the defense budget and general welfare. All taxpayer funded: Foreign aid (((38 billion))) (((bank))) bailouts, and (((corporate))) welfare should be illegal.

As a rule, if he disapproves of an action by the US, someone somewhere made the right decision.

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For all you youngfags that might now know, neocons sold the right out completely to Israel. All that "America is Israel's golem" shit is directly from that. This faggot is the second coming of neo-conservatism in the US.

Not only that but it says all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform, implying a flat tax.

How the fuck is Shapiro not a foreign agent?