The occasional coom clears your head to allow focus on your intellectual pursuits instead of focusing on whaomen or sex...

The occasional coom clears your head to allow focus on your intellectual pursuits instead of focusing on whaomen or sex all the time.
Prove me wrong

>inb4 it helps you pick up chix
so, don't have sex so you can have more sex?
>inb4 it drains your energy
desu it really doesn't
>inb4 coomcope
For all the years I've heard about nofap, there has not been an actual argument for it. I sincerely want to know if it is unhealthy, and if so, in what way

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every time im about to coom i picture myself in the line with my showbag next to other coomers and my boner dies

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Fapping is just another hedonistic outlet people give themselves. Everytime I fap I have absolutely zero energy and motivation to do anything for a month

I see this weird temp force agency quality wannabe hypno thread alot now. What is this shit?

Sounds more like ahedonia. Go get your jew pills, goy.

sage you filthy forum sliding degenerate

It's kind of a chore desu. I also blow my nose in the shower.

she looks a bit young.

17-21 to say the least.

Seriously though. Try not fapping for a few months and your energy levels will be through the roof. It clears brain fog and let's you channel your mental energy into any task

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>The occasional coom clears your head to allow focus on your intellectual pursuits instead of focusing on whaomen or sex all the time.
Literally addiction

>a jew flew over my house
>I should do whatever pol tells me
fuck you nigger, just keep following the status quo wherever it goes without questioning it

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>if it is unhealthy, and if so, in what way
It is unhealthy for society to be over sexualized and catered to this unhealthy obsession. A quick wank is different than petabytes of pick your poison instant gratification in the palm of your own hand.
If you want to get into the political side of it then pornography was legalized by primarily jewish individuals through absurd laws that deem it as artistic merit and any sexual thought that occurs is the fault of the viewer. Prostitution is illegal while two people fucking on a camera when both of them are making money is completely legal. There's also far too much rampant drug usage and general degeneracy associated with the pornography industry that quite literally spits retarded young girls out after they end up in one of the various pitfalls the industry is associated with only to be replaced by another retarded young girl and the cycle continues.
Have a wank, do it without porn. Women are too fucking retarded to see the drawbacks and venomous nature of allowing themselves to profit and be profitted off all kinds of men with a dollar bill and a desire to make them.

I think its from inventors of NPC propaganda.
Quick fact:
If you come you dont have to think about sex for some hours.If you dont come you gona think about sex all day.
Nofap is a pedo thing.

I have and I'm not impressed with the reward. Also I suspect that waste builds up in your stored cummies much like the nasty skin on the bottom of your feet that needs shedding in order to maintain good wellbeing.

Short term you're basically covering a knife wound with a bandage.
Yeah you'll stop being horny for a few hours, but it doesn't last.
Long term you should practice meditation, no porn, and nofap. Learn to transmute your lust and libido into more productive things instead of just expelling it into a tissue.
If you sit in your own electricity it's near impossible to abstain. But if you are developing a skill or pursuing a goal, abstaining from masturbation becomes easy.
Pick up a guitar, learn a new language, do something valuable with your energy.
After fapping do you ever say to yourself
>I'm so energized now! I'm going to play guitar for five hours, I'm going to learn a new language, I'm going to make that important phone call!
Not me. Usually I'll just sit back in my chair, sigh, wash my hands in the bathroom, look in the mirror with disgust, then go watch videos or play vidya till I get sleepy.

You will never have sex with a real women or have a meaningful relationship if you're a fap addict. Getting off porn makes you improve yourself enough to find a girl to drain your balls in

Test to see how a made up word gets from Jow Forums to the public. Theyre really upset and confused about it.

This. It prevents serious degeneracy by making you immune to it. I literally cannot be proved wrong in this regard

>adult male having the urge to reproduce occasionally
how is this unnatural? how is fapping an addiction?


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I'm 34, not 16.

Been there done that. It is just placebo and nocebo for you.

Now that is what I call a cope.

Joshua fucking goldberg "i am an experienced shill " ffs

Report kikes who push this , mass report them folks

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So you made these in photoshop? If not, give invite link.

Are you looking at porn when fapping? That's when it becomes unnatural.

>After fapping do you ever say to yourself I'm so energized now! I'm going to play guitar for five hours
I have regularly asked myself that and the answer is yes, in fact I truly feel more energized to that extent

6 days of nofap so far. Ive replaced Jow Forums time with fortnite.

And yet you still watch other dudes fuck women. Sad! If you gain nothing else from all of this, at least acknowledge that all-reward-no-risk stuff does nothing for you

Fuck off kike

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At what point do you become a fap addict? I have a very healthy relationship life

Fuck you kike

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Make a video out of the discord and I believe you.
You jumping to ad hominem only proves me right.

>all risk no reward
You have a vagina.

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yeah I know there is a problem with sexuality but I'm not convinced that fapping is the inherent cause of it, or even porn, although it is blamed often