The absolute state of Jow Forums

This board is full of people who don't even want to discuss politics.

They just want to spam stupid forced memes and kosher JIDF divide and conquer "memes" and baitslide and datamine and so often 1 post by OP's ID. Nobody even knows how to put "sage" in the options field not to bump a thread when it's just stupid bullshit so it doesn't slide redpilled content.

Just look at the catalog, almost every single thread is a slide thread and anything that's classic Jow Forums content, meaningful discussion, or even just an OP with a source in it for once just gets slid off the page within half an hour. There are only 10 pages for a board this fast and the mods are too lenient on typical COINTELPRO malarkey.

How many threads have content from years ago, with no source, no dates, and one line OPs? You've been told the pattern, now you cannot unsee it.

Attached: cbe3d3a78f2b0abc006daf989f9e7b66.jpg (780x512, 36K)

Have sex.

Attached: starshades.png (1265x720, 736K)

It's 3am. Jannies are asleep. What did you expect? You're on the worest or best hours of Jow Forums depending on whether you like to shit post.

It's 3am. Jannies are asleep. What did you expect? You're on the worst or best hours of Jow Forums depending on whether you like to shit post.

Fuck this cancer. I aborted. Why did it double post?

the entire website is that, user. phoneposters ruined Jow Forums over 5 years ago. the most intelligent discourse you can get is on /news/ and that's just because people copy paste articles. People just want to make their snarky one-line posts as if they're fishing for karma on reddit. But there are no upvotes on Jow Forums. It's really weird.

I know, but this place also has the biggest audience of the chans. Especially since 8ch was nuked.


There might not be upvotes but there are still (You)s.
Being here as made me miss the seriousness of 8 Jow Forums, I hope it returns soon.

shut up boomer. Wtf do you want? More BASED BREVIK HAIL TARRANT threads? Would that give you stiffy you sick little sociopath. have sex betas.

Attached: alt right cringe.jpg (1024x1024, 295K)

>Just look at the catalog, almost every single thread is a slide thread and anything that's classic Jow Forums content, meaningful discussion, or even just an OP with a source in it for once just gets slid off the page within half an hour.

That's true . Iate kikes and nufags so fucking much.

Suck cocks faggot

get a gf coward

Fuck off Lahey

That is why Jow Forums has not been shut down

bump. The state of this board was already on a decline, but with the new jannies it feels like /b/

No, thats part of whats ruining Jow Forums and why 8 isn't a good alternative. I just want real political discussion and it hasn't been on this board in a long time

politics is a joke right now. we are discussing just fine by making jokes all the time.

you ever get we are in the right time frame then? it all becomes a joke and/or too tiresome to care before it all collapses in the end.

also jews jewed the west so hard and that's obvious, but mention it here.

not getting better any time soon. just let it all fall apart then for now at least.

Jow Forums has always had jokes and memes. The difference is now they are so obviously created just for the purpose of divide and conquer and/or sliding

Yikes, your post was pretty cringe, you should dilate, so you can have sex. I know I made you mad try and cope, with it.

nice numbers
i agree fully