Why are germs and spainsh so gay for penis?
Learn to fucking read. 7.4%.
Not sure if that shit is true and I am too lazy verify it but it doesn't surprise me given every gay "person" wants to live in Berlin.
Nothing wrong with a nice bit of chorizo.
I always knew germans were faggots.
lol and this is only in 2016, the fag agenda has only exponentially escalated since then
>now they say it is 74% gay
You'd think that everyone is fucking gay the way the media goes on about it.
Wtf, we need to cleanse the capital and all uni cities.
>every gay "person" wants to live in Berlin.
History really does repeat itself, apparently. Time to rise up and burn the books again.
Yes we can thank Germany for that, along with scat porn.
True pioneers.
>Aztec sacrifice
lelling hard.
You know they didn't go to a small town right?
They probably asked 35 people in the center of the most degenerate city there is.
In the German's case, it's their heritage foxnews.com
chemicals in the water
It's true though, back in school we had one adopted nigger and he was like gay. Also a fat German girl and she was pansexual. Both moved to Berlin which isn't that far away. I can only recommend to not need a blood transfusion in Berlin. Even Dracula goes on a diet there due to HIV concerns
German water is most certainly better than the North American.
By asking in certain areas. They like to inflate the numbers so people are bullied into giving in. From what I know most people are like "laize faire" at first but once they realize how gays really are they end up hating them.
People id as bi to be cool. The amount of people that are actually gay is around 1%
No they do that to lessen the impact of being homosexuals, to give false hopes to disappointed parents that want grandchildren.
The analogies inside only confirms the mental crisis homos go through. They have to be removed from their actions by a degree or more otherwise it would have been too much for their rational minds to cope with.
I mean, it's been proven some people are born homos and it's not really ok to exterminate them all, but haven't found a solution to dealing with that yet.
Obviously LGBT+ golems have to be purged mercilessly.
Based. Reform the Teutonic orders, a bit German but they used to purge in your area.
>I can only recommend to not need a blood transfusion in Berlin.
Same in Spain, homosexuals are allowed to donate blood. I had thought the medical experts would have been sane enough to prevent that.
My siblings and I are O-, if somebody I know needs I am willing to donate in case of need. However we live a good deal away and you need to get to other areas before degeneracy sets in.
i really thought Poland was less gay
4% is really beyond normal and close to be fucked up
When I lived there in the late 80s, there was a really old woman that would be around the ruins of a church in Berlin that was offering free sex. Seems the degeneracy has just kept climbing.
Fortunately, in my country you are not allowed to donate permanently if you have ever had a sexual relation with another male (if male).
I find it interesting that the country most resistant to being replaced by (sand)niggers also has the lowest rate of faggotry.
It's less gay, 4% is utopian even here (nation wide). However, in Berlin it actually may be a great deal more since it is a self-selected environment. Even your gays are here Golem. Chances are they gonna bring back some nasty illnesses.
> Implying degeneracy will ever stop
> Yet
I bet the EU will either bribe or bully you into it.
Because many of them are outside the country and for example here.
An overwhelming number LGBT people are bisexual people who wind up with opposite-sex partners and may even never have a same-sex encounter. Whether these people identify as LGBT, or just shrug and have an ordinary sex partner like everyone else without wearing their desires on their sleeves, depends on how obnoxious the other people using the LGBT term are in their society. In the US you will never know if someone is bisexual unless they are either a celebrity or someone very close to you. There is simply nothing to be gained by having a permanent same-sex partner or by sharing this information with people who don't need to know it.
Spain and Europe in general are so cucked. Coming from a Spaniard, our government has been giving out benefits for the LGBT community for years now, and our educational system is fubar so it doesn't help to have thousands of students every year be brainwashed into leftist tards
>literally asking the populus of the cities where the highest amount of faggots reside whereas the majority living on the countryside has no interest in all of this degeneracy
Hate statistics
There's a lot of drugs involved in these clubs and what he describes. GABA drugs that lower inhibitions. Mixed with stimulants like crystal meth.
That's your non-white blood mutt, read again
Kys G*rmanoid
Kys Kike
We're in the same boat. Trannies who are really just convicted child sex offenders are in our libraries reading stories to our children, to much applause from the public. Some districts are even starting LGBT curricula for pre-pubescent children.
And then one day, for no reason at all...
Big Gay Hans
No chance these statistics are accurate.
based burgerposting
>Identifying as LGBT in Hungary
They don't want to 'hang' out with other LGBT folks I guess.