Why does it seem like the more WHG admixture the less civilized a people are. The two largest historical European civilizations, Rome and Greece came from places with little to no WHG.
Why does it seem like the more WHG admixture the less civilized a people are...
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Civilization is overrated. Raiding limp dicked farmers is the true redpill. Now drink your milk and hop on your chariot
> Calling Finns uncivilized, what the fuck you on bout?
Person who's country's basically known for prostitutes and drugs.
Hunter Gatherers are basically niggers
Just like your mom, mutt.
Scarcity of natural resources that are considered valuable. Roman empire was basically built on salt.
Indo Europeans were not high in WHG though.
I didnt say we are civilized
I have to agree with you
northern europeans are the exception to the rule that barbarians are always primative. We are barbaric and intellectually superior. I will say it again. Northern europeans are 100% certainly intellectually superior. Nice aesthetic architecture and society btw, means absolutely nothing.
at least I don't squint permanently
At least I don't get shot by cops.
>Nice aesthetic architecture and society btw, means absolutely nothing.
Then what does? What is intellectual superiority worth when you are basically a nigger sperging out in a cold wasteland.
But you do have gay sex during conscription.
Because Italy has mild winters and little trees.
It’s extremely difficult to clear a forest for farming plus winter killed most people
Im not just talking about how succesful their civilizations were, but also the culture. For example compare the French with the Germans. Despite relatively close proximity there is a big difference in culture. Germans are far more warlike and “barbaric” than the French.
this is retarded but at least that map seems to demonstrate that fair phenotype is related to whg and not to yamnaya
Why is it retarded?
High EEF admixture in the areas with low WHG admixture. EEF admixture in large amounts is basically a requirement for developing an indigenous high culture and civilization. It's basically why all the major civilizations have had large amounts of EEF admixture with the exceptions being barbaric shitholes under the thin veneer.
Unfortunately it seems like this is true. Though most Europeans these days have a good amount of EEF, so theres that
France was subjugated and pacified by the Romans, their most warlike people were exterminated, Germany was never conquered.
>Germans are far more warlike and “barbaric” than the French.
Having said that I don't really know how true this actually is when looking at both of their histories, both have had periods of high civilisation opposed to periods of barbarity and extreme violence.
>Rome and Greece came from places with little to no WHG.
The creators of classical Roman and Greek culture were indo-aryan who at some time migrated to their respective areas, both were bred out in the ensuing two to three thousand years. Latins and Hellenes don't really exist anymore.
>Southern Europe wins again
Indo Europeans had very little WHG though. They were mostly EHG and CHG.
My grandfather was a redhead with ancestry from Southern Italy
What is he exactly?
Probably a Celt or a Lombard
Now that you mention it he does look a bit Irish
And he apparently used to go to the Italian part of New York to visit my grandmother and was asked why he was there since he didnt look very Italian
German tribes ran a train on Italy after Rome fell.
eupedia is a meme website.
WHG admixture is
1. based
2. peaking in the icelandic and basque populations. so it's quite widespread all over europe.
pic realted the utlimate map of the european man. i have been totally super partes.
So we are most uncivilized. Nice talk Dutch faggot enjoy sharia law
Woah, seems like modern greeks carry identical nuclear DNA as minoans and myceneans did 3400 years ago!
Nordicists are unsightly.
i'm not a nordicist big guy, non-aryans had civilisations too.
>intellectually superior
>Waste all the resources building a gun you can only transport via rain road track and can only fire 35 times before the barrel degraded and needs replacing.
>build not one but 2, one of which was never fired.
Germans a special kind of retarded. They have no concept of resource management.
Nordic=/=Aryan though. Look at this
It was literally a dick measuring contest. We have a longer gun than you. Kek
Lotta good that did, Germnigger women still got mass raped at the end.
Yep. The Nazis were too preoccupied with retarded shit in many cases
The idea that whg relate to less civilisation
They still fall for the aryan shit nazi myth
Let's draw lines must where we wants. Ritardato rottinculo
So that's why southern Europeans are so weak and small
Looks like its true though. WHG areas on the map were historically white nigger territory
This explains why I hate France.
Lazy cunts.
t. cuck
Thats why they cucked nordicucks so much
Just start dumping your snownigger folder, we can already tell this thread is just a thin pretense to give yourself an excuse to do so.
i think that map is outdated and whg admixture is a lot less than it was previously thought to be. ive seen someone on /his/ post a graph showing it to be around 10% in brits. i dont know which is correct.
>identical nuclear DNA as minoans and myceneans did 3400 years ago
what language did minoans and myceneans speak? were they pre-indo-european?
Eastern Europeans are EHG, not WHG. Outdated map.
Scandinavians are half EHG and half WHG.
You think so? EHG were afaik not blonde where as WHG is. It seems like WHG is directly correlated with blondeness
It's fake admixture map.
Linear A and B.
Yeah they are PIE languages.
The greeks slowly replaced Linear A and B for the phoenician inspired greek alphabet. We took the phoenician alphabet, created the 5 vowels, created Β, Γ and ι and made it our national language.
According to tests and skulls, WHGs were of swarthy skin and blue eyes and had wide face.
EHGs were more light haired and had more narrow face and had also blue eyes
you guys think its genetics but its only linked to genetics
dark souls reside in dark skins
EHG had flat chinese faces like you guys, bichon has a more European jaw and chin area that contributed 50% to modern Europeans
Population closest to WHGs by PCA distance are Balts
Raw admixture yes, but you are in fact fully EHG as that's the source for your WHG
EHGs didn't have flat faces
EHG skulls are half "Nordic" and half "Cro-magnon"
WHGs are "Cro-Magnon"
>EHGs didn't have flat faces
Yeah they do gook
Nope, Baltic hunter gatherers contributed to Balts. They were the closest population to WHG after Neolithic farmers replaced WHGs in Western Europe
EHG skulls
Baltic hunter gatherers are Eastern Hunter gatherers.
EHG is largely WHG with some ANE tho.
WHG skull
Villabruna (WHG) skull
BTW this bichon skulls looks similar to other WHG skulls and is also cro-magnon with wide cheekbones
Why did wh*Toids have to mix with swarthy and oriental women? They knew that giving in to worldly splendors would be their dowfall and yet they allowed themselves to be enticed. Now most of the mediterranean and all of Asia is mongrels.
I wish I was an innocent and pure swarthy man but I have wicked wh*Te genes. Fuck you.
Looks native american
no it looks like cro magnon.
Natives have UP European ancestry though which is why they might seem similar to some extend.
Estonians need to be annex by Russia honestly, and preferably sent to Siberia where they belong, it's weird that they are in Europe with these Mongoloid faces
Roughly the same mix as them plus they had Asian Haplogroup C
The most likely cause of these flat faces is that Eastern Europeans are Nordics who have been alpinized
Nordics have gracile faces unlike UP Europeans
These people on your pic are not Estonians BTW according to other posters here.
Cro-magnons had also haplogroup I.
But they lacked Asian admixture.
baltics master race
Lol you guys extol EEF while countries with the highest consistence of EEF in DNA are literally niggers whereas countries with the highest HG are the mist developed and have the largest percentage of blue eyes and white hair
Also it's scientifically proven that nowadays Greeks, Italians and Egyptians are closer to Africans, than their own ancestors.
This admixture map is old and fake
EUPEDIA is outdated
I agree with you that HG admixed people in Europe produce better societies in current times, but Greeks and Italians aren't closer to Africans than their ancestors. Only Egyptians have been blacked to some extent. And actually Greeks have moved more closely into the European cluster by being SLAV'd
Greeks and Italians are closer to Africans by small amount (1-2%) and they are 10% (Greeks) and 30% (Italians) closer to Levantine populations but this type of ancestry probably came from some other source in which case they are 7% and 20%