@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump arrives @LAX 9/17/19
>Pres Trump departs Moffett Federal Airfield CA 9/17/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Mountain View CA 9/17/19
>Pres Trump departs NM 9/17/19
>VP Pence @Naturalization Ceremony 9/17/19
>VP Pence @Heritage Fdn on USMCA 9/17/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Bahraini Crown Prince Salman 9/17/19
>DefSec Esper welcomes Bahraini DM Abdulla 9/17/19
>Corey Lewandowski on FoxNews 9/17/19
>PrinDepPressSec Gidley outside WH 9/17/19
>PrinDepPressSec Gidley on FoxNews 9/17/19
>FTCChair Simons/AsstAG4Antitrust Delrahim @Senate on Antitrust 9/17/19
>Corey Lewandowski @House on Muh Obstruction 9/17/19
>USAF 2019 AFA Air/Space/Cyber Conf - Day 2 9/17/19
youtu.be/qKp04e6rUVY (C2)
dvidshub.net/video/709481/ (C2)
dvidshub.net/video/709498/ (AF Update)
dvidshub.net/video/709531/ (Threat&Strat)
dvidshub.net/video/709510/ (Airmen)
dvidshub.net/video/709548/ (Town Hall)
dvidshub.net/video/709557/ (Space Power)

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



>and a subject



The Guild will hear of this

POSSIBLE ALERT:// I can't validate it. But beware all dr scams.

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Who's 4D chess move was it to use a Canadian mascot for an American general?

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i sleep a lot, like a lot a lot, what do


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better than last bread
new baker needed


This is peak boomer

Did Prince write this? What's with all the symbols?

>connect the dots

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drug den, interesting nigga

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>baker redemption arc

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(i)n t#3 fu7ur3 3v3ry0ne w|ll s3lf-c3ns0r

maga fuck ya

this thread is going to full of meth-fueled orgies

I'm bizarro you, I can't sleep a lot

Do the republicans have anyone like this dude?

i did it!

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the problem is maybe, i always feel tired no matter how much i sleep

good job

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Been gone for awhile.
Anything interesting happen?

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In the future everyone will self censor.
>Gay and unnatural

Bask in the jealousy of those who wish they were you. If it’s a problem then consider medical intervention.

Nah, the republicans that do this stick to airport bathrooms.

Try taking a walk, that's what I would do

thanks friend

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but i can't type ch1na without summoning the house elves

But E3 already happened.


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Wasn't this the one where guys would travel through wormhole gates or something to collect ancient alien artifacts? Its been forever since I read it.

are yall still hating trannies
cuz my srs went great and everything is good except tranny haters

yeah, pretty much

more like pity.


this was pretty good

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Show me pics of the wall

This one was one of my favorites. I love space age sci fi

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Does Lindsey get it??

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Only thing /ptg/ can produce is replacement fencing, that ok?

>a while
you have to be more specific. yesterday |srael went to the polls and now their deciding on who will be the prime minister. here in the US dems interviewed Corey Lewandowski former Trump campaign manager about obstruction. also some washington anons came into the thread begging for help and they were mostly ignored.

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google has no idea what i'm talking about with some of these books, but i guarantee you they exist

Exit polls show Bibi lost his majority in Israel. The left wing party now has an equal number of seats, which means the center party is the kingmaker. Of course the votes left to count are mostly from arab areas, which will heavily benefit the left wing party

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looks good, i might try that, kek

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No, hes a neocon warhawk.

Why do you guys support him again?

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what does this all mean for Israeli policy
how does this impact the domestic and global policy of USA??

Bibi's on the ropes and although it's not a Tuesday, I'm sure Wednesday will hold some sort of false flag to put him over the top.

The LEAKED Censorship File - BLACKLIST

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US Navy confirms leaked ‘UFO videos’ are real & never should have been released to the public
UFOs – mysterious objects performing maneuvers not possible using existing aviation technology – were never supposed to be released to the public, the Navy’s Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare spokesman Joseph Gradisher told... ...but the videos are genuine – and their contents can’t be explained.
“The Navy designates the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP), Gradisher said, explaining that UAP is used instead of UFO as the “basic descriptor for the sightings/observations of unauthorized/unidentified aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of various military-controlled training ranges.”

Attached: Vril Society Saucer UFO.jpg (1840x1286, 846K)


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Awwww I know you wish you had Hillary but you can still look at pictures of her and jerk your gherkin


but isn't their polling and newsmedia just as fucked up as ours?

nothing, they are basically the same on foreign policy.
Although lots of american jews will be pleased, because they generally support the left wing party in Israel

It's just funny that Bibi is getting fucked like this, because fuck that guy so much.
Lieberman wants a unity government. Basically means he want one side to rule for 2 years, and the other side to rule for 2 years.

Most would just prefer if you all didn't let Trump become the cult of personality that you bitched about Obama over. He sucks dicks, he sucks dicks.

Mostly because he makes you mad. Partially because I like his foreign policy. Partially because he is not politically correct. Partially because anti-trump shills were retarded (though not so retarded as to vomit the same debunked shit shill points) in 2016.

Partially because I just plain like the guy. But mostly because he makes you mad.

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trump the best tyvm

Nadler is so bad at being chairman of committees

>Partially because I like his foreign policy.
Move to Israel if you like the US foreign policy, since they are in control of ours.

It basically doesn't. The Israeli "center" party is still right-wing. Benny Gantz is just a new Bibi with less baggage.



how do you cope with the fact that everyone voted for bannon and got jewvanka instead? or how trump continues to jew us all? how about all the rubashkin bullshit

>We NEED more Mexicans don't we folks?!
>King of Israel!
>Black employment!
>Death for naughty speech!

you guys are a bunch of fucking retards

Oh yeah? Prove it, retard.
That’s what I thought.
If Israel were in charge of our foreign policy, Iran would probably be a smoking crater by now.

It's not MAGA


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not getting pulled into your meatgrinder war in shitastain

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How's the weather in Tel Aviv?


Fuck all you filthy anti-Semites. If you don't stand with Israel, you can't stand with America! #MAGA

No fucking way.
Ed Buck finally got fucked for all his crimes?

we need a plan to avoid getting dragged into a 2024 war with iran

>1 post by this ID

>killing nigger fags

Don't forget death penalty for Whites only when they so much as touch a non-White. We're a racial group that can legally have "hate crimes" committed against.

arabs are allowed to vote in israel? it just seems like a bad idea to me.

>be you
>get btfo

I fucking hate Israel.

I saw one this year, shiny round ball of light the size of a house just passing through changing directions to give an airplane a scare for shits and giggles and just sort of went up in the sky. The speed wasn't impressive, but the maneuverability was insane, like it took no effort and no sound to speak of while this airplane nearby was loud as fuck. I suspect blue beam, I think that would explain how it's possible to pull such maneuvers if it's just an elaborate light show.

The fact that campaign donations pay for you is a travesty..

Well tough shit cause Trump is still your president for 4 more years!

Netanyahu has some new hilarious quotes where he goes on a racist tirade about "not having Arabs in the ruling coalition" and "having a jewish only government". In the mind of any left wing person in the west he's completely irredeemable

Israel, you can remove the memeflag now.

they are now the third largest party in parliament

>be you
>get btfo
>get btfo again
If a definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result...

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>saving Israel for last
tick tock, mohel.

There are real UFO's that are round.
Folks have seen them and even been inside them since the 1950's, which was before the Project Blue Beam technology existed.

>4 more years
idk where you learned to count, but the next president gets inaugurated on January 20th 2021. I don't know why you keep saying "Trump is president for 4 more years". About a year and a half in reality dude.

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