Bibi will be in office forever.
Say something nice to congratulate /ourguy/ pol
Netanyahu has won!
he still wont for a majority government.
Israel collapsing soon =)
>Israel collapsing soon =)
Says the increasingly nervous goyim for the 50000th time this month
Not forever but yes he'll be PM
kike faggot boomer jew
Bibi needs to go!
>he can't see the goyim collectively noticing the jews
oh you're in for a hell of a surprise kikeanon
Jews are not gods chosen people they are the evil scum of the earth
t. moarpheus
Replace bibi with another Zionist cockroach!
Like it really matters.
Israel's left wing holds basically the same positions on foreign policy. Destabilize Syria, attack Iran, subvert America and manipulate them into fighting for Israel.
Congratulations kike subhumans, wish my country would have a leader 1/100 as based as Netanyahu.
I predicted this.
Langley says you are welcome.
Trust the plan.
Tomorrow Iran.
Explain to me in your infinite wisdom how a country that took 8 years handing Iraq over to Iran is going to actually beat Iran.
I'd like to meet Bibi. But if I had to roast him, based on this photo, I'd note all the ways that his outfit in this pic is LARP
Nice to see a true hero prolong the era of prosperity.
In your book:
They control the world and make your folk collectively off yourself
and you call them "sub" human?
White nigga pulease
Ummmm Q says we ARENT going to war with Iran
This “fight” post was meant for the people of Iran to fight for their own freedom from the deep state elements trying to force it into becoming a black site like Iran.
If you’re going to shit on Q at least know what you’re talking about.
fuck off back to plebbit kike. you are too obvious
It's true, even normies are noticing now
Black site like North Korea was
Again for my own indulgence.
>8 years
>Had to go back, still there
>Started in 2001
>Still there
>Taliban still active
>America's allies BTFO with $100 drones
White nigger please, Youe probably have ashkenaz blood anyway
You forgot that MoaB that was served to them just some 2 years ago?
Trust the plan.
Now he can keep taking care of Jew Neets
Did Bibi give the order to do 9/11?
imagine being this bad at war
This man got his position originally by killing the most peaceful prime minister Israel ever had via a stooge. He'll imprison, deport, denaturalize, bankrupt or even kill any dissidents from his agenda instead of respecting their right to protest his utter prison state. His international policy is completely hypocritical in perspective to the policy he chooses for his state and he knows with the power he wields, nothing will be done. Congratulations.
Is that young him? He's pretty hot for a kike.
Turn off memeflag
Rumor has it he has the One Ring