We Nordics are very worried about you Sweden.
Lets hope it's not contagious.
We Nordics are very worried about you Sweden
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Finland will be the next. Enjoy it
Are you still there Sweden?
Perfect, perfect, at least some one still there
Sauna tonight?
Any long term plans for your future?
At least Norway is doing well
get well soon bror
> Norwegian royal family
> single mom who had a sex with a drug dealer became “CROWN PRINCESS”
> another princess is blacked.
Such a cucked country
not false
Breivik should have killed more invaders
Is there any russians here? How do you comment about Sweden situation?
You should be very proud of your royal family. I always think that modern royalty is useless as hell. I don’t know what they do. I think your people are so dumb that they give money to them. Such a dumbass country
He is just an Jow Forumscel. How can we understand their mind. Maybe we can ask Elliot Rodger
Hage you been to Helsinki
Don't be worried, be happy. We'll be the first to reach the state of race war. The final glorious battle. We'll be waiting for you in the afterlife, brother.
desu, Sweden is the most fucked, which means it's more likely that it'll be the first country in the north that really pushes back.
Sweden is doing great
You guys need to invade Sweden and liberate it from itself.
>Lets hope it's not contagious.
brown cock is best cock
are you sure bror?
fuck niggers and fuck shitskins
1st for death to all non-europeans on european soil
>police warning people to be careful when out after dark because there might be bombs that can explode and kill you
Yeah this place is completely fucked. FUCKED
lmao WHAT
She is legit insane though, she thinks she can see angels and talk with horses.
There won't be any race war. People are too engulfed in being replaced, the ones that know are too few. We'll slowly boil like frogs.
They are not really our royal family, the bloodline of the true norwegian king is probably dead and long gone.
>fuck niggers and fuck shitskins
>1st for death to all non-europeans on european soil
calm down there
>Estonian, Finn and a Swede partake in a sauna contest
>at 120, the Swede suddenly feels he needs to take a shit, but maybe it will pass
>at 140, the need is getting more painful, but again maybe it will pass
>at 160, the Swede shits himself
>the Estonian and Finn run out and the Finn screams: "ai vittuun!Neekeri suli pois!" (Oh shit, the Swede is melting)
What the actual fuck am I looking at. Danish military doesn't teach men how fold their pant legs?
t. abdi
G’day neighbour!
Lets just say, big things are happening. A few municipalities have gone full resistance against the state, which could spread.
Theres even more. I almost start to think that the establishment knows we are fucked but dont know what to do.
I like how you translated ”neekeri = nigger” into ”swede” lol
Currently living in Sweden. It's fine. Just don't go to Mälmö. Stay away from the South and the country is fine. No bombs in Gothenburg or Stockholm. Further North you go is better. Niggers don't like the cold. It's beautiful up here and I'm getting paid plenty. Much better than Finland but it's sad to hear about all the shit happening in the South. The asshole of Sweden (Mälmö / Varberg etc) are totally fucked.
Sweden is slowly waking up though. Taking a lot less refugees now just for a start.
This 100%. This is the general consensus for anyone who isn't cucked here.
Also very, very important to note that the men here aren't really cucked at all but women are the ones causing all the shit arguing about "muh feelings" and shit. And the men out of dumb blind "respect" for women let them get away with that stupid shit. Most Swedish men don't want any niggers around.
monarchy is legit retarded, but not as retarded as democrazy, and "liberty"
What have you done ASIO nigger?
>Lets hope it's not contagious.
And a Perkle to you fine fin
Sweden you'll not be forgotten our former rival. Sweden is now New Somalia so goodbye.
Sweden is a Walking Dead
Im from the forests of the southwest. It has bit the same mentality here as up north. Like every man is a hunter, hard working, dont really like foreigners. They just didnt paid attention to what was happening, becuase the change happened slowly.
>one white womb at the time
God, how I do love being black!
>you can't ger rid of what you are attracted to
Your people are ours now and until the end of times. You can't resist prime masculinity, no mater how much you intellectually want to.
Sauce for this?
The problem is it only works on women because black woman aren't the most feminine and there always women who are not interested blacks so not really.
Pekka, East Helsinki is already a turd world dump. How about we fix ourselves first?
despite we had wars, i still feel bad for sweden. it's like fighting with your cousin and suddenly you see how he is gangraped by apes.
They are contagious.
Its creeping over the border with all the swedish workers.
Wall when.
Are you on duty for Ruska19 exercises?
Vi stottar Sverige i Minnesota.
She is the older sister to the crown prince Haakon making her our princess, and she's fucking retarded, believes she can talk to ghosts, angels, spirits and uses her princess title to get loads of BUXX. She was married to a despicably pretentious man and the whole country loathed both him and her.
Now she's become a coal burner to a Shaman from Los Angeles and at this point the whole country has given up on her and she's become the laughing stock for our nation.
Thanks to her we are so much closer to becoming a republic. It's a shame because the King and Crown prince are genuinely good people.
>Imagine having a King and Royally mandated Taco Parties every Friday
Toppest of Keks.
If I could've choosed a different career where Swedish isn't required, I would've moved instantly. Åland is always a choise though.
Sweden is only slightly worse than the other Nordic countries. Doesn’t mean they’re (along with Europe and North America) not completely fucked as well.
Royals are just influencers for really old people. No one under the age of 75 care about them, but now most people are afraid of a republic which would make a hambeast our president
>There won't be any race war.
Oh there wil. be a race war. It will be the mujahideen vs unarmed fags and old liberals. It will be really short
Good luck with that
Show this to your normie friends, Swedes
Sweden praised among our cargo liberals/leftist, but most working people here pretty redpilled about them.
The founding fathers were glow niggers for fighting and killing British invaders.
Lots of swedes settled there if im correct. In Kansas too
>only slightly worse
keep telling yourself that
Yes. What's weird is that no matter where Swedes are, in Sweden or settling abroad, they seem to love to willingly import Somali's and specifically only Somalis. Minnesota is being raped to death by em.
There are no Swedes in Finland, Minnesota but there's a lot of Swede diaspora in MN. Wisconsin was also a big Swedish settlement, Michigan's Upper Peninsula was Finnish, Danish and Cornish, and North Dakota was crazy Squarehead Norwegian.
The largest Nordic group of Minnesota is Norwegian, my friend.
Tomatoe tomato. Not much difference between you two to be honest.
Look at this disgusting little mutt
Det finns manga Svenska folk i midvast USA, ocska flera vackra Svensk kvinnor.
Breivik didn't kill any "invaders".
He killed white teenagers at a socialist youth camp.
Okay? And? Are you saying all whites deserve to live? Even traitors who work tirelessly to bring in more subhumans? Are you high?
Hickok's half-women friend's off somewheres on a tear. The orphan squarehead's in the widow's care. The widow feels put upon. She's asked me to find her some help. I suggested the gimp.
There really isn't.
We belong to the same phenotype, have VERY similar languages and our cultures are comparable.
They were brainwashed kids, who would have more than likely woken up if they had lived long enough.
look at this one
Swedish cuck vs NORWEGIAN BVLL.
Had fun not fighting WW2?
Last time I checked, you did not fight either. You just bent over for Hitler.
Quit saying you're scandinavian Karelian-cuck
Providing the bulk of the magnetite the Germans used to build their machines was pretty great, yeah.
>B-b-b-but my Norwegian Resistance!
>All the Germanic nations (including the LARPing Scots and France) at the top.
>Except Austria.
Is it really that bad in Austria or do the cool kids stay home?
Hello german.
We aren't. Lmao.
anti-finn libtards only have this image.
>provided railway access and metals to germany
>sent 8000 volunteers and hundreds of thousands of weapons to help Binland fight commies
>bent over to Germany without a fight (unwillingly)
>basically did nothing for the rest of the war, except some ops for the allies when it was basically over
Finland is getting fucked because they take Anderssons and Erikssons as mentors
I would give anything to live with these pepes
We literal Andersson as minister right now.
Can someone dump all the Swedish frog Finnish apu historical memes
Why do Finnish people on Jow Forums defend fenno-swedes so much when it's clear they are the source of all evil in Finland?
Salam aleikum, cousin