But voices from across Europe, the US and even Asia urge Germany “to spend more” and to “let national debt levels not fall further”.
How come? What’s wrong with paying off your debt and not paying any interest?
But voices from across Europe, the US and even Asia urge Germany “to spend more” and to “let national debt levels not fall further”.
How come? What’s wrong with paying off your debt and not paying any interest?
Other urls found in this thread:
they missunderstood the phrase "in the black"
diversity works
The debt will shoot up right after that again, since you have no replacement generation once the boomers fully retire. Good luck maintaining an economy almost wholly dependent on exports with no workers.
(and no, i'm not shilling for shitskin immigration, on top of the numerous cultural and preservation of white people arguments, they simply don't want work anyways)
For comparison, the US pyramid is pic related. We may be doomed to Brazil-tier mutthood and decay over the long term, but Germany (and the EU as a whole) are in for a much more acute economic situation in the next decade or two.
you got the canadian one?
German government spending is rising every year and has reached its highest ever.
Áll talk of austerity is leftist propaganda to justify even more spending.
Austerity means less investment which means less growth, which is what Capital always wants because higher growth means higher returns. Debt can always be paid if you are growing fast enough, so Capital never sees a problem in a country racking up debt, only when growth stops. The average corporate budget is only planned 6 fiscal quarters ahead though, so Executives will always make the dumbest, most short-sighted decisions possible, even when they can see the logic behind Germany's fiscal policy. Germany is trying to make sure it doesn't get fucked with debt if growth stops, which it will along with the rest of Europe very soon. Fiscal conservatism is always a long term strategy and is therefore only possible through government.
This is getting really silly. How does German mentality work anyway?
So better wait with buying real estate when all the fucking boomers in Germoney die.
Unless they get literally replaced by monkeys
never mind
> (OP)
>The debt will shoot up right after that again, since you have no replacement generation once the boomers fully retire. Good luck maintaining an economy almost wholly dependent on exports with no workers.
>(and no, i'm not shilling for shitskin immigration, on top of the numerous cultural and preservation of white people arguments, they simply don't want work anyways)
This guy gets it. No workers. No growth. Hence Merkel's "big heart".
The fact you pay for nothing else and shaft the rest of Europe into buying explicitly your goods.
Canada's boomer majority is a few years older than most of the rest in the world, so you'll be feeling the effects first. However, the problem is not going to be quite so severe for you because
(1) you do not have the same STEEP dropoff that Germany [and many other developed nations] do
(2) your close proximity to the US who will be mostly unaffected will keep you (and Mexico) propped up for a few more decades until our Mutt-ness becomes too advanced to ignore.
basically, expect to see rising costs for acquiring capital & higher taxes coming down the road
EU as a whole (again for comparison). The current EU is doomed. A modern economy cannot run without a workforce, and rather than do the sensible thing and embrace automation while managing stability and encouraging native fertility, the EU leaders have decided to import a bunch of shitskins who won't work and drain the system even more.
Silver lining: the coming turmoil may be enough to shock the normies into action. There MIGHT be a chance for some nationalist countries to emerge out of the chaos. This will NOT be the case for the USA, which seems destined to slowly decay until we are Brazil 2.0
Europe is in for rough times, but it might have a CHANCE to save itself in the long-term, don't waste it. Prepare.
>But voices from across Europe, the US and even Asia urge Germany “to spend more” and to “let national debt levels not fall further”.
>to “let national debt levels not fall further”.
Why is that an issue? Who could possibly have a problem with that?
>What’s wrong with paying off your debt and not paying any interest?
I'm sorry, I just have to call you out on this blatant anti-Semitic rambling
>Good luck maintaining an economy almost wholly dependent on exports with no workers.
Why are the most bluepilled, idiotic economic "arguments" endlessly repeated on Jow Forums ?
Do we have not enough workers or do we have too much exports? Which one is it?
Of course it's increasing in absolute terms. In relative terms it's not.
Pay your damn NATO bill already
>which one
It's both, the two are not opposites.
You do not have enough workers, AND you rely too heavily on exports. The US has more than enough workers to keep the economy going in the future AND we aren't going to collapse if foreigners stop buying our shit.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't condone the US strategy here (since I'm white and I don't want to be made a minority) and I think that Europe has the *possibility* of a better future due to the likely collapse that is coming for you.
>It's both, the two are not opposites.
Yes, they are.
If we're short of workers then we'll have less people working in the export industry, and therefore we'll be less dependent on exports.
We only export so much stuff because we can not because we must or because we want.
>since you have no replacement generation once the boomers fully retire.
Once boomers are in the grave, theres less expenses too.
>balanced budget bad
What is wrong with people
what a nation of cucks. They tell you the debt is going down and you all cheer like autistic apes screeching without knowing this is the mechanism used to cut your wages. Really, germans are the insectoids of europe. Work work work obey obey obey never think different never think different never think different masters are good masters are good masters are good.
>“let national debt levels not fall further”
>debt is good
Each migrant costs over 60 000 euros a year
Over a million
Thats a nice budget...shame if someone were to...make it diverse
M8, no they aren't. They are two separate issues, again I ask that you look at the US which has enough workers AND does not rely on foreign trade for upwards of 80% of our GDP. We are more *self-sufficient* than you are, if trade ended tomorrow we would take a decent hit, but you would be totally devastated. Imagine your GDP shrinking to 20% of what it currently is.
>If we're short of workers then we'll have less people working in the export industry, and therefore we'll be less dependent on exports.
In a roundabout way that is technically correct, but you seem to be under the impression that that is "harmless" or that your GDP would stay the same somehow. Yes, if you stopped exporting, then you would technically "no longer rely on" exports, nobody is arguing that is not the case. The issue is that your GDP would absolutely plummet which would likely crash your economy.
>We only export so much stuff because we can not because we must or because we want.
lol, no.
They try to pay their debts. Well done. They'll be blessed for it.
Right, weather the 15 year wait for them to die and it's paradise again with a smaller GDP and a higher quality of life. Oh wait they tried to fix it.
Very true, but the issue is that our retirement age is way too low. When it was started, 65 was basically the life expectancy. Now boomers plan to live until 90-100 and still retire at 65, that's 30 years of non-productivity where they ALSO demand extravagant gibbs. Not sustainable, day of the pillow must come soon.
It's not a personal bank account. Government debt means the economy is growing.
Hello abbo. You don't understand northern europeans at all. Having debs is considered a sin in many places. It's something shamefull
But a central bank can print out 4 times that amount against that one migrant.
It's free Euromoney!
That's true of people, but not governments. Surely your ignorance would be all the more shameful?
So why are the ECB printing presses back on?
Because of shitskin countries. Portugal, grease, spain etc
Germany not paying interest? As a fellow European I believe going into dept is a massive boon to any economy, the interest payments are simply going to re-circulate back into the economy, making every ones lives better, this is for the best interest of all.
>export industry
its not industry. it means you sell your shit so more money comes into your economy so you can afford higher standards of living you are used to now.
if you are short of workers and cant produce enough product to export so you could afford all the minorities welfare +administration and other spendings you will start getting poor.
and as you are only economic power today, you'll lose all you have and you'll be left with multicultural failed state
which we will gladly annex parts of if i have to be honest with you
and obligatory replace at least big part of inhabitants
>lowest debt in all of Europe
>3% GDP growth
>flat income tax
teach us your secrets Estonia.
Hurr durr debt means your economy is growing. No it means you're spending. Spending does not equal growth. most money send to the government is just thrown away on npc's sitting behind desks bullying small businesses with paperwork while giving hand outs to globo homo mega corps.
those nations should put more tariffs on your goods, then they’d see germany national debt rising
oh btw, paying off debt means taking from the german worker and giving to mr shekelstein
What about them? A devalued currency does nothing to help them. Wait you think printing cash and handing it over to the governments of Grease and Poortugal will help them?
Debt enslavement doesn't work.
German economic model.
>this is the mechanism used to cut your wages
Really, Mario? You need denbts to raise wages, huh?
You aren't jewish by any chance, are you?
>They are two separate issues, again I ask that you look at the US which has enough workers AND does not rely on foreign trade
Ok, again.
IF you have enough productivity to satisfy all you domestic needs THEN you can export your surplus production.
>We are more *self-sufficient* than you are, if trade ended tomorrow we would take a decent hit, but you would be totally devastated.
We only rely on foreign trade to import oil and other resources. We could cut our workforce in half and still produce everything we need for ourselves.
In short: The more your trade surplus is the more self-sufficient you are.
>Imagine your GDP shrinking to 20% of what it currently is.
Imagine we could still feed and cloth and house ourselves even if our GDP shrank by 20%.
>The issue is that your GDP would absolutely plummet which would likely crash your economy.
Why is that? What do you mean "crash your economy"?
>lol, no.
lol, yes.
>Hans, ze euro wasnt enough! Sie kaufen night unsere shit!
>super mario mamma mia! inject liquidity in ze banks!
>teach us your secrets Estonia.
You seem to forget that your account balance comes at the behest of another nations account deficit.
Your conditioned bailout packages, along with conditioned exports to bailed out Eurozone nations is on you. That's not even mentioning the 64 billion Euros worth of your debt that was dumped on the Republic of Ireland.
You're very naughty Germany, but we see you, we see what you're doing.
What do you idiots think that 'debt' actually is in relation to a fiat currency system?
The amount of cash needed to just cover Spain alone needs to be a minimum of 300 billion Euros.
Germany can't afford to have high levels of debt because there is no future generation to repay them.
Double-entry bookkeeping is too hard for the average kraut, don't bother.
They don't even ask themselves where the money that's reducing the debt comes from.
Because it's in the hand of Italians.
If Weidmann were to lead the ECB I think the whole Bloomberg editorial staff would die of a heart attack.
Oh come here, you cute little Eesti. I want to cuddle you and your low debt to GDP ratio.
They don't understand the demographic timebomb Germany is sitting on.
We're the third oldest country in the world and not even all the Polish and nigger immigrants in the world would be able to pay back what the boomers loaned.
Couldn't find the original chart but this is just to get them through the door so its not unrealistic
>Why does resettling a refugee cost £17,000 in the US – but £85,000 in Britain?
>its not industry. it means you sell your shit so more money comes into your economy
Polish economists everyone
>Having valuable goods others want to buy is begging
I suppose it's a good thing we have our own central bank and don't rely on the ECB.
God help the PIIGS.
>Having valuable goods others want to buy is begging
That's the problem, your goods aren't valuable, they're cheap, they're cheap because your currency is being devalued constantly with Q.E.
Which will if it continues lead to a trade war, which nations have been recently banging drums over.
And yes, your whole model fits the beggar thy neighbour description and the path it's headed.
Of fucking course kraut debt is falling when they literally leech wealth out of the whole EU.
Euro was a literal kraut pyramid scheme to boost their own economy.
Retarded EU regulations are set up in such a way to benefit the kraut industry.
We all need to leave immediatelly.
Reminder that during Greece debt crisis, when they just considered leaving the €uro, ECB turned the tap off leading to bank runs and all its implications.
Imagine what would have happened during brexit negotiations if you had the € too.
>God help the PIIGGS.
Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Germany, and Spain
>Germany's federal government spent €21.7 billion on dealing with the refugee crisis 2016, according to Finance Ministry data published Friday.
>The government has earmarked €21.3 billion to address migration issues 2017
>You seem to forget that your account balance comes at the behest of another nations account deficit.
>The only wealth ever created came into existence through debt
Bull-shit, Nigel!
>Your conditioned bailout packages
I wouldn't have bailed out anything
>along with conditioned exports
conditioned... exports?
Who grants conditions to whom in order to export?
>That's not even mentioning the 64 billion Euros worth of your debt that was dumped on the Republic of Ireland.
See above.
>You're very naughty Germany, but we see you, we see what you're doing.
Yes, we're not playing the game of taking ever bigger loans out from (((Goldman-Sachs))). Very naughty, indeed.
>However, even this deduction does not provide the full picture, Hentze admitted. "If refugees have jobs, they pay taxes and social security contributions. This money would be washed into state coffers."
Top zoz Kraut. Top zoz
fucking retard
>An industry is a sector that produces goods or related services within an economy.[1]
no wonder germany is going to be economic failure
>Imagine what would have happened during brexit negotiations if you had the € too.
Horrid thought.
Simply nasty
Fuck the Jews, keep a balanced budget.
>so you can afford higher standards of living you are used to now.
lol why increase standard of living for the plebs which would lead to higher inflation so less cheap exports when you can just dump all your trade surplus into lowering your debt while at the same time convincing the plebs it's a great thing to do?
Who cares if low standard of living leads to low fertility when you can just import a cheaper workforce from africa right.
>Bull-shit, Nigel!
We can also add in the fact that most of your debts were written off. The UK protocol on German external debt, the reparations you haven't paid. The fact you didn't pay back any rebuilding loans to help after the war.
We can go on and on. But you are a very naughty country.
>I wouldn't have bailed out anything
Yes you would, otherwise you'd have ended up with nations having to leave the Euro currency, which you need. Those nations forfeit their assets and % of savings accounts to the ECB so when capital controls are enacted (like in Cyprus and Greece) you can just take money out. Also property values and various other things.
The EU is a ponzi scheme, the expansion has to continue to happen in order for the scheme to survive. So yes, yes you would have bailed them out unless you don't want the EU to exist.
>conditioned... exports?
>Who grants conditions to whom in order to export?
Arms sales to Greece being one.
>Yes, we're not playing the game of taking ever bigger loans out from (((Goldman-Sachs))). Very naughty, indeed.
Draghi worked for Goldman Sachs and he's doing worse, he's taking out loans on behalf of all of the Eurozone by printing Euros.
>they're cheap because your currency is being devalued constantly with Q.E.
I wish the ECB wouldn't restart QE now. But we're a slave to the ECB. The Italian goes, the Frenchwoman comes. Nothing will change.
>And yes, your whole model fits the beggar thy neighbour description
I tell you something. This "Beggar-thy-neighbour" theory is jewish bullshit. Either you want and can afford our products or you don't. End of story. Everything else are market forces.
>ends in 2010
Look at a more recent graph. Our trade balance with the EU is about zero now.
They would crash your economy to make an example out of you, and remoaners would point and say see we told you leaving the eu would be bad for the economy and then continue sucking E.U. cock, with their ass pointing to the air.
30% of our population being foreign is not homogenity
>I tell you something. This "Beggar-thy-neighbour" theory is jewish bullshit. Either you want and can afford our products or you don't. End of story. Everything else are market forces.
So why bribe the Greeks to buy your shit?
Well no wonder, Germany is the biggest leech on the entire continent.
The EU is quite a fantasticly well built pyramid scheme.
If you take a minute to peek under the cover of EU propaganda, it turns out modern Germany exists only because of the EU, thats why they will never allow Brexit, and no country, ever, will be allowed to leave the EU.
This sad, sad situation became super-obvious the moment the delusional germans used blackmail and threats of sanctions or "economic nuclear options" to fuck Poland up when we refused to take any of their niggers.
We told the germans "Ok, DO IT, fuck us up, we said no niggers allowed, so fuck off".
And what did the germans no?
They fucked right off after their minister of economy did a quick 1+1 and it turned out Germany is a chihuahua dog that can only bark, but cant bite.
Do you know what's really amusing? We could if we were really nasty and went full scorched Earth, destroy the entire financial sector of Europe.
We could plunge all of Europe into financial ruin. But we don't, because we're nice and it would fuck us too.
But 70 trillion is a lot of cash to have in reserves all tied up in savings accounts and mortgages and insurance policies and everything and so on and so on.
>that produces goods within an economy
Literally what is happening
The goods are produced here and sold elsewhere
cheaper workforce dont want to work and costs 21bln euros per year
and lowering standards of living for pleb will be a source of the unrest in the future.
that leads to failed state as people wont want work for shit which causes them to have more free time to produce shit they need themselves, so it slows down economy even more and makes people more independant and more hostile towards the gov while inflation actually grows rapidly because of less product produced and sold and by that time it can only be repaired by some form of dictatorship, and as world today is very against such form of gov it most likely will result in balkanization
>The fact you didn't pay back any rebuilding loans to help after the war.
>We can also add in the fact that most of your debts were written off.
First of all that's not true. We paid almost everything back. And secondly what has this to do with your dumb economic thesis about denbts?
>Yes you would, otherwise you'd have ended up with nations having to leave the Euro currency, which you need.
We donät need shit. The only thing we need a strong Führer to whip us into shape.
>So yes, yes you would have bailed them out unless you don't want the EU to exist.
I would NOT have bailed them out. If fiscally irresponsible members of the EU drop out in the process then that's none of my concern. Well in fact it's a boon.
>Arms sales to Greece being one.
And who applied what conditions to that? I don't get where you're going with this?
>he's taking out loans on behalf of all of the Eurozone by printing Euros.
I think I made it clear that I'm not a fan of Draghi.
Also I found this funny.
>Everything else are market forces.
Is that why the EU is a closed protectionist bloc that doesn't adhere to market forces. That does everything in its power to shield itself from market forces that would have burned Germany down long ago?
And they say Germans don't have a sense of humour. kek
Oh, Germany does bite, but only against who can't fight back like Greece.
>EU sanctions Poland
>Poland devalues its currency
>Poland buys less german products
This applies to any country without the €uro, including UK.
You don't because the ones you had in charge to apply brexit were remainers and were doing their best to stop or delay it.
export isnt industry though. its process of selling product created by your industry brainlet
>bullshit outdatet statistics
Wrong, if all, its the elites and (((politicians))) who screw over the dumb cattle working citizens to push their agenda.
Correct your statement appropriately pls
>So why bribe the Greeks to buy your shit?
Dunno. Because people are corrupt? What has this to do with macro economics?
more like all of europe is leeching german goods and services and in return germany only gets balance sheets, where its entirely unclear what it will actually urn in to, often with capital even being kept in importing countries(wallstreet recycling etc). look how many greeks post under luxury car review videos on youtube. greece has a higher fucking net-wealth than germany ffs
and coming from the eternal polak. your country runs on german money, via eu funds, via workers abroad and via importing many industries from germany, like furniture, laundring etc.
eternal polak and anglo scum. dont even get me started on (((anglo financial services)))
>First of all that's not true. We paid almost everything back.
No, you had your debts written off.
>And secondly what has this to do with your dumb economic thesis about denbts?
You've been handed a headstart and helping hand whereas everyone else hasn't.
>We donät need shit. The only thing we need a strong Führer to whip us into shape.
Now you're just being silly.
>I would NOT have bailed them out. If fiscally irresponsible members of the EU drop out in the process then that's none of my concern. Well in fact it's a boon.
So you want the EU to be destroyed? Good we have something in common, I want it destroyed also.
>And who applied what conditions to that? I don't get where you're going with this?
Your government, along with companies in your country that make the goods. I did post one link, there's others if you'd like?
>I think I made it clear that I'm not a fan of Draghi.
Then get rid of him? It just proves my point, his minting of Euros devalues the currency and makes your goods cheaper, that is a distortion of their true market value and the true value of your currency. That is not towing the line with your mantra of "le market forces".
You're happy that you're exporting so much, I'm telling you how and why you're exporting so much yet you're unhappy with Draghi, who's helping you and you seem to want the EU destroyed which would fuck you over badly because you're the biggest beneficiary of the EU.
You're a confusing person.
If I was in charge I'd have Belgium, Germany and other pro EU nations nuked.
Greece and other eurozone countries are in a worse position, but they are still being leeched more than they are actually receiving from the EU, they have leverage...
>Correct your statement appropriately pls
correct it, how?
germans and jews are the same thing, bro.
you cant just wash your hands clean of any responsibility by calling every single german you dislike a jew.
>Because people are corrupt? What has this to do with macro economics?
No, your government and businesses are corrupt. Bribing them to buy your shit disproves the notion that your goods are desirable and wanted.
Keeping the Euro devalued also disproves this notion that your goods are desirable and wanted. As soon as the printing presses were turned off GerMONEY was on the brink of a recession.
Funny that?
>Is that why the EU is a closed protectionist bloc that doesn't adhere to market forces.
It's not that protectionist. The EU is pretty open. Moreso than the US but it upholds high product standards which act as an entry barrier.
Anyway, that doesn't have anything to do with my argument. Under the given conditions the market forces apply and that's how things pan out. If you don't like the conditions, don't join the EU.
nobody is "leeching" german goods, because there is nothing to "leech".
I can pick up any item in my house and none of it will have a "made in germany" sticker under it.
>germany country runs on foreign money, via EU dictats, production quotas and via forcing closure of many industries in neighbouring countries, etc.
fixed that for ya.
>Under the given conditions the market forces apply and that's how things pan out. If you don't like the conditions, don't join the EU.
You're right, and the conditions as I said earlier will lead to a trade war.
All the conditions fit the criteria of Beggar Thy Neighbour.
The EU is paying off your debt from all the tribute, er I mean European solidarity taxes, we're sending you. It's easy to be debt-free when you own the European Central Bank.
answer me: what does greece produce?
you have to produce someting when your being leeched
herp derp
>what does greece produce?
Servicing its debt has kept Germany very comfortable.