How am I supposed to defend myself in a country where the law and elites actively work against me ? Killing my aggressor would mean the end of my life. Not killing him, all the same.
So what do ?
How am I supposed to defend myself in a country where the law and elites actively work against me ? Killing my aggressor would mean the end of my life. Not killing him, all the same.
So what do ?
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Move to another country
Fuck France.
Join a private army, do a service to the elites, and during a time of crisis, take power. Thats Napoleon did.
you flee
Not that the first one was much good, but what about French Revolution 2.0?
It's always better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
French are just too retarded. I could go into detail, but basically the gilet jaunes are far left and pro immigration.
Come up with a solution that fixes problems the elites exploit and deliberately create in order to subjugate you.
Smashing a psychopath in the head with a rock isn't a solution as they'll just be replaced by the next psychopath in line.
No worthwhile nation was founded on a democratic vote. If you want things to change, find like minded capable men and wait.
>smash more than just the first psychopath
thank you user
I will do that
Move to Hungary, Poland.
Change the law or be prepared to live outside it.
Et bien go attentat mon khey, je suis de tout coeur avec toi
kill yourself fag
Too late to fix this your country. It has been fucked in 1789, and totally fucked since (((Mai 68))). That's all I can say.
Yeah I globally agree.
>Too late to fix this
There's technically one solution: Form "states" and establish electoral vote system. Also, ban (((labor unions))).
The price of liberty is, always has been, and always will be blood. The person who is not willing to die for his liberty will surrender it to the first tyrant willing to take it away.
Im not sure labor unions really are an issue, the real issue is that they are entirely submissive to the power.
Pic related is a mischievous piece of shit.
Why did the Jews take over and why didn't the fdesouche elites do anything about it?
Kill them anyway and hide the body.
Federalization is only a short term solution. NGOs are now importing refugees/immigrants and putting them in our dying conservative areas in the middle of nowhere.
You're a retard. Hitler didn't kill anybody to access power.
Convincing people of our ideas is more important than random acts of violence that will be spined by our enemies in their medias.
Correct. Hitler came into power because he had good ideas that people agreed with and he spoke in a way that united the German peoples.
His ideas are still good, however the public does not agree with them.
You need to learn how national socialism works and then you need to work towards breaking the Marxist brainwashing the French masses have undergone.
Have faith in the future; only thus shall you win it.
>came into power by ddmocracy
What a faggot. Mussolini was more based.
No Lmao, they're not, originaly it's a right/far right movement, but the leftist infected it and throw away the rightist
Once upon a time, some guy had a bigger stick.
-The End-
There is no place to run. Stand your ground, faggots.
In the words of Enson Inoue(paraphrased): In a streetfight anything goes, afterwards get out of there as soon as possible.
Without proof or a suspect its going to be hard for the police to create a case, if its just a streetfight they probably wont spend alot of time on it especially if you were only defending yourself.
You wait until the time is right.
When the time is right you have to act like lightening, get rid of the "elites" and your enemy as quickly as possible.
Labor unions are the main issue with French-French people. Let's be clear: you guys are lazy as fuck. That's why you chose socialism. Yes, France has been a leftard socialist country since 1789. The commune system remains nowadays is the evidence.
As long as you maintain the commune system, the retarded workers' unions (like the way RATP made Paris blocked last Friday or SNCF blocked the traffic of a whole country that heavily depends on railway last year) and the popular elections, then you'll never able to get out of your fucking situation. You'll soon become an islamic nation.
The real French-French elites had been either executed or evicted. It was French people's fault that they let socialists (who would later be submissive to kikes) take over
>Killing my aggressor would mean the end of my life. Not killing him, all the same.
Then fucking kill him if its all the same. How is that even a decision you have to make?
>muslims terrorist kill frogs in France
>media: you have to understand! We helped the americans or whatever once during some Middle East war
>french kill muslims in France
>media; YEEESS! See? this is the far right! In France, we kill Algerians! The racist french are at it again!
The prisons here are full of shitskins. Imagine being in jail for killing a kebab/nigger.
If all options end in your own death, take as many of the enemy as you can with you.
And there's no death penalty
>the law and elites
that's called kikes you fucking alt-light moderate nigger
Pedovores and their legacy and social media protectors are being delivered to justice.
Import me as your champion, I'll kill them for you
with a shovel and a bag of quicklime