New haircut

Say: Madam President

Attached: 4000.jpg (1240x744, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

she's tired

madam rhinoplasty
>muh vanity

Attached: IVANKA SLUT.jpg (347x525, 29K)

She looks like a tranny

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Madam Juden

secretary of the fence

a better hillary

Jared was forced to marry her not the other way around Its all so clear now

We finally got that wall boys

She is 10/10. Imagine that the feeling of her boobs.

She’s as dumb as the day is long. Won’t happen unless it’s a bush type situation

i hope she does to Kushner what this bitch did to Ben Affleck

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Can I coom to this OP?

Say Mommy

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She definitely needs to speak to the manager

Natalia is better looking

More like hit the wall

Watching him create a dynasty

she has herpes

She was brilliant in that.

bibi losing the election really took a toll on her

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She will never be President. She’s a leftist, so she can’t appeal to conservatives. She’s a Trump so she can run as a Democrat. She’s married to Kushner, the “first first man”.

Took me a minute to figure out who she looks like to me. Reminds me of this chink names Lauren Tsai.

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President Yael Kushner. I will be your best goy, mommy.

I'd rather slam a door on my cock than see her be president. Her and her kike are 90% of the problem with the Trump admin.

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she dances kind of cool too

holy kek

why do dumb bitches think short hair makes them look smarter?

it doesn't

Shiksa in Chief


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She really ruined the show. They should have just kept Kevin Spacey. He's a rapist, but they all are. No reason to shun him from the den of degeneracy.

Disgusting jew rat

Yes daddy, I was a bad girl. Please punish me!


already hit the wall

Just Say No

yea if the wall is being a believable president

she will be the first


she cut it because China is being difficult she will no longer be their mommy
Xi said to be inconsolable

Best Ivanka

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She's starting to look a little roastie there. I guess mounds of plastic surgery only help so much.
Well no matter. She has a nice pubey headed kike husband to make pubey headed little kike children with.


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nepotism barbie is hated by both right and left so her chances of a successful political career are pretty much zero.

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Looks like she's rebounding off that wall. I love only knowing women for a few years and starts off they're quite pretty, then a few years later.

She will be the hottest president ever

I hate it and she hit the wall to boot

absolutely false

everyone i polled in California on the question (mainly hot females) who opposed Trump also said they would vote for Ivanka.

get fucked retard it WILL BE happening.