The Jews want you to cook the wrong food

The Jews want to poison you so they can make money off you when you get sick. HERE'S HOW THEY DO IT:

They make you cook meat but not vegetables

Meat: when cooked, polymerisation of the meat, causes cancerous polyps in your ass and colon. Cooks out much of the fat (necessary for testosterone, too lean diet causes gallbladder stones and other ailments) and nutrients

Vegetables: when raw, contains a huge slew of micronutrients that are fucking poisonous to every organ in your body just about depending what you eat.

Animals defend themselves from predators by fight or flight, plants defend themselves by having poisons in their tissues

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh my God, is that Robert Z'Dar‘s daughter or something?

it's bo selecta

Almost all raw meat cannot be consumed by humans without high risk for illness, unless eaten very shortly after the animal's death.

it's OP after 2 months of eating raw meat

if you are a pussy

>bo selecta

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the only meat you'll be eating is coom covered cock

Eating meat raw is retarded.
You are essentially wasting away calories because you cannot break down the protein bonds of the food.

The most major breakthrough in humans was cooking their meat. It allowed food to become considerably more calorie-efficient and it allowed it to become sterile.

Slide thread.

And this, newfags, is why m00t hated Australians

most chad chin ive ever seen

>They make you

At this point you lost me

I have ate raw bratwurst and didn't get ill.

poor woman, absolute chad jawline though

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>Vegetables: when raw, contains a huge slew of micronutrients that are fucking poisonous to every organ in your body just about depending what you eat.
is this true

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>Vegetables: when raw, contains a huge slew of micronutrients that are fucking poisonous to every organ in your body just about depending what you eat.
prove it senpai

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(((They've found out our greatest ruse! shut it dowwwwn!)))

For real.
You'd be amazed at what I've eaten and not got sick from.

haha no
That was a satirical post.

T r i p s and this, op micronutrients are shit like zinc and vitamin c you dumb fuck.
And fuck Canada.

It's the rock giants child from never ending story all grown up

Do you think you are funny

I've eaten almost exclusively raw meat this calendar year. Mostly red meat, some poultry and fish. Since I buy large quantities at a time, I've eaten red meat and poultry that had started to smell many times over, several kilos total. Especially older red meat tastes great once the bacteria has predigested it, it gets softer and when it starts to smell it has a nice vinegary taste. I also make "high meat" meaning you leave meat in a container for several months in the fridge until it starts to really smell, then eat it. Especially liver tastes great this way. Never had any ill effects, digestion is the best I've ever had, healthiest and strongest I've ever been. Whatever the government and ngos say about nutrition and food safety, do the opposite.

yes, potatoes have solanine, legumes and most vegetables have lectins, cruciferous vegetables attack your thyroid, basically all vegetables attack the lining of your gut and give you leaky gut. indigenous cultures will prepare tubers and seeds by soaking them, cooking them, boiling them, exposing them to chemicals for hours. look at how corn is made edible.

objectively speaking there's nothing wrong with her appearance. if she gives birth to a boy he will have really chin genetics so it's all good.

i eats most parts of a cow raw (except kidneys) you're burning off energy by cooking it is my reasoning. wouldn't eat chicken or other poultry raw though

>micro nutrients
Like normal nutrients, but on a quantum level?

chicken? i understand red meats but i dunno about poultry

Finns, everybody.

>solanine, legumes

No one eats potatoes or beans raw

>muh goitrogens of green vegetables

My understanding was you could simply eat more foods with iodine and goitrogens don’t have any other effect aside from raising your need to intake iodine, which isn’t that hard if you include dairy and seafood in your diet. I believe this is why gooks have such good health, they eat lots of green vegetables and lots of food with iodine

Bo selecta

You disgust me, and Im asian. I eat dogs.

The point \/

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\__ == /

your face^

Not true at all. I have eaten a ton of raw red meat this year after learning how it being dangerous is just a meme. Never gotten sick even once

you should try cooking lol. Cookbooks before the internet are so obtuse and mostly wrong. Most of the ideas don't work, or take hours and come out bad if done wrong, and cost tons of cash for unique ingredients. I think this is why junk food became so prevalent. If single moms waste time, energy, and money on failure over and over of course they are going to start microwaving everything.

really made me think, thanks OP

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hold on gays I got this

The point \/
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-your face^

You probably have tons of parasites in you now. No wonder this country is turning third world.

Don't forget to be careful about parasites!

If you bought it in a store, its precooked

It’s Rocky Dennis’ sister

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I roast everything.
Meat and vegetables alike.
Hell even bread sometiemes.
Recent check up, never been healthier.
TL;DR Just burn yer food mates.

I tried out high meat, liver in particular, but the last time I ate quite a bit of it and ended up getting the shits. Tips on what went wrong?

Jews clearly want us eating bugs, and eating more meme foods with no nutritional value.
Have some mac n cheese goy with hormones.
Vegetables are gay too, you're right about the anti nutrients, don't eat them in general.
Eat cooked meat.

It's nearly rotten and you didn't cook it enough

Lentil macaroni and grass fed cheese with sausage and a side of broccoli and butter or better yet broccolini roasted in olive oil is extremely based

>eat meat, ooga booga

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>meat is murdoor :(
I'd love to kill as many animals as possible and make vegans watch me feast on a nice juice steak all week long as an "art" exibit.


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Some meats are good to cook, like chicken and pork.
Even pork is fine rosé though.
The idea is that you kill all the nasty bacteria and parasites that might inhabit the animal, and that through cooking the meat you "unlock" more of the energy and get more calories out of the same weight of food. Whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.

Haha who is this

You sound like an extremely sane and well functioning human being.

What can humans eat then? Can you fags actually agree on something or does everything fuck us up? I'm sick to death of hearing about fags being vegan, carnivore or having some fucked up diet plan.

What the fuck are we supposed to eat?

my cum

I knew one of you fags would say cum or some faggot shit.

In other words you have no idea and cannot do anything other than shitpost. cunt

faggot vegan, if you ate your own balls the animal products would still probably manage to increase your testosterone

Thanks! I am clearly insane yes.
But hey at least I can eat meat unlike faggot vegans

taming fire was super important i'm gonna go ahead and keep cooking like my ancestors

you're right in one sense. we don't need to make shit well done and blackened


fuck off svierge


vegans are mentally ill, not you. did you know that eating raw potato in excessive amounts is considered a form of pica? eating only plants should also be considered pica, you are eating toxic nutrient poor garbage to fill your stomach out of hunger, psychiatric disorder. you are apredator

(you) on your vegan diet

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Nothing went wrong, your body is adjusting to it. Never happened to me with high meat but the very first time I made kefir I had bad diarrhea for a few days. Since then I've made it a dozen or so times, never any ill effects and it's actually great for my digestion now. So I think it's just your body adjusting to a new type of a fermented food since you're getting such a super high dose of new type of bacteria and your gut flora goes through a change. I think aajonus said if you get wet farts from high meat it's just a detox.


no shit Sherlock

so eat raw meat
we can refridgerate it now, if you're truly worried about disease sear it a little but minimally polymerise the meat. the queen of england avoids starches

Lentil noodles

They have a lot more protein, fiber and zinc than regular ones

Do you eat raw meat and only raw meat, nothing else?

raw meat, fatty cheeses, liver, occasionally strawberries, blueberries and oranges

I never got sick from store bought raw kefir

This stuff was marketed for consumption by livestock and pets, not humans. That’s not legal lol

in countries with high living standards meals are centred around MEAT. the only thing that tastes good on its own without needing to be flavoured by sugar, salt or spices is GOOD MEAT

that isn't purely raw meat. However that doesn't sound to bad to me desu. Do you not miss a good roast?

Bait threads need to be removed

I would marry her and give birth to males with giga chins

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no, I do not miss leathery tasteless colorectal cancer from polymerised meat.

The truth is humans are carnivores, not omnivores.

Our classification as omnivores is merely because of our advanced food prep. A human cannot survive on plants alone. So we are not omnivores. My dog can eat cantaloupe but that doesn't mean he can go vegan.

Humans are certainly designed and capable of eating meat raw. It's a myth that it has to be cooked. Cooking meat though DOES save you the trouble of potential illness and allows you to eat meat that was stored over long periods of time without guaranteed risk of illness.

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She took the Bogpill

>humans start cooking literally 2 million years ago
>this was a mistake

Big if true

*cooking meat

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we were eating filthy wild animals whose corpses would be returned to for food days after they died

the whole idea of rotting meat is to eat it straight out the jar. I've been eating raw beef for years with no issues, too.

Beidz būt idiots, gaļa ir reāli labākais, ko var ēst, orgāni it īpaši.

Alright. I'll get to experimenting with it again when I get the chance

I've found Mediterranean diets/Scandinavian diets to be extremely based.
Not a vegan. Also
>Vegans had higher testosterone levels than vegetarians and meat-eaters, but this was offset by higher sex hormone binding globulin, and
there were no differences between diet groups in free testosterone, androstanediol glucuronide or luteinizing hormone.
Epic. You owned them all.

research funded by jews
look up how testosterone is produced, from animal fats, you fat fucking american retard. your inflammatory diet is aging your brain and making you a demented retard

fuck this medi diet meme bullshit. it's still plant-based
>muh olive oil

listen to this fag, this fag knows

it's funny, the reason olive oil is the least bad plant fat or you is also the reason meat is best for you, but jews won't admit

I'd go with refined coconut oil being less bad, actually, removes the salicylates and quite high in MCT's.

You are right, fat is extremely important for a functioning brain and a functioning male.
Carbs are the ones that make people fat and sick.
The fat is bad meme is absolute idiocy.


More Chin than a Chinese phonebook.

>i have so many illegitimate children

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You know it takes energy to break down macromolecules into things that you can actually use, right?

Enjoy being a lethargic pile of shit due to low blood sugar.

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Fucking australian cunts, the ROMANIAN empire should have never decolonized you savages
fucking emu gypos all of you