Why are there no more Muslim terrorist attacks in Europe?

IIRC, there's been only one Muslim terrorist attack in the EU this year, when a Turkish guy killed one person in Utrecht. Why are Muslims not committing terrorist attacks in Europe at such a large scale anymore? Did they finally figured out that they are on their way to conquer Western Europe through birth rates and that committing terrorist attacks can only enrage Europeans and lead to the rise of nationalistic parties? Although I'm not sure if they can think that deep, maybe they simply got tired of risking their lives and would rather just rape.

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Intelligence services cracked down hard on radicals I guess. Just gotta wait for the new generation that is still under the radar and well get a new wave of attack

Money, why bother with anything else when the government just showers you with gold coins

the west is the best, sand people happy

They are being secularized. Younger Muslim males in western Europe are obsessed with drugs and sex now; terrorism simply isn't important to them. The ones who really cared about the caliphate went to Syria and got killed by Russian bombs.

because isis was just a false flag, you dumbfuck boomer

Why attack? They won already.

the are busy fucking white girls

because Israel decided to put a pause on plans to invade Syria/Iran, no need to rile up the goyim, especially when far right white nationalist parties are starting to captivate peoples attention in a serious way. Mysteriously all the attacks just stopped, as if a magic spell had descended upon the land

they're scared of getting btfo

There's no need to drum up support for attacking Iran. Trump will just do it.

>They are being secularized. Younger Muslim males in western Europe are obsessed with drugs and sex now; terrorism simply isn't important to them. The ones who really cared about the caliphate went to Syria and got killed by Russian bombs.
good point

>Intelligence services cracked down hard on radicals I guess. Just gotta wait for the new generation that is still under the radar and well get a new wave of attack

There will probably be a big attack on America in the future that by (((terrorists))) that are sponsored by Iran

this is a dumb point of view. You act like Jews are magical creatures that don't even live in the same world as us. Certain rules still apply. They could be widely framed in an unpopular light. It has happened many, many, many times before. They don't want to jeopardize that, especially when they have all the time in the world on their hands.

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Reminder that all the terrorists are CIA trained and funded and the big mass casualty attacks were probably straight up Ops.

>Intelligence services rested hard I guess

Not true Saudis keep trying to fund salafism/wahabbism (the extreme types) in Europe and we are struggling with it. The freedoms of the constitution are under pressure because of these muslims. Because of the constitution they can build muslim schools. The article that allows freedom of education etcetera probably won't hold up. Resulting in a total ban of ALL forms of religious education. Just to treat the tumor of islam. Statistics show that the new generation is even more religious. A new terrorist attack is just a matter of time. There have been a couple of individual attacks but they are swept under the rug with the 'confused/crazy man' label. And to finish of my rant. We are being plagued by the so called 'Mocro mob/maffia'. Young kids get recruited and are becoming amateur hitmans. Not just criminals are in danger but they just killed a lawyer of a important witness. The same witness had it's non criminal brother killed. No mercy, cold blood. My country is turning into Escobars Colombia. I know i'm mixing up stories but this would never happen to a homogeneous nation of just Dutch people.

What is the lavender God emperor doing about this?

when did isis get owned again?

Its because of the jevvs!


>we will stop Trump if he doesn't respect the people
This is a delusional point of view. They're not magical creatures. But they are superior. You don't have to be magical to be superior to degenerate whites or illiterate muslims at this point.

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It's not going that well with the lavender God emperor. Due to internal turmoil and conflicts of power there has been some kind of schism in the party. Otten(one of the founders) has left and took a couple of people with him. Resulting in fvd losing virtual seats. Hope is not lost. But people predicting a second lpf(party of pim fortuyn that collapsed because of infighting after fortuyns dead) are not far off.

Because they need to make WN the new boogey man.

I hate to respond to a meme flag but the real question here is it still reported in the news if such an attack occurs. We have one every other week or month. But it’s not reported as such.

White people arent taking their shit anymore and it’s scaring them

They aren't calling assault terrorism
That's not the question dumbfuck
It's literally the opposite, younger ones commit terrorism because they don't want to integrate
No shareblue it's not bcuz israel or da joos

Hopefully they get their shit together and cease the petty squabbling. This seems to be a feature of nationalist parties - infighting. Needs to stop asap.

Nah they are out there bro. And planning and committing small terror.

It what happens when egos collide. Baudet has a pretty big ego.

>when a Turkish guy killed one person in Utrecht.
Racist detected. He was just a 'confused person'.

they are expanding into africa and preparing the next wave of attacks. The goat fuckers that left to siria are returning, hiding, recruiting and planning, even womam are doing it.
Moçambique is being attacked violently since a few weaks ago and their govermant is doin nufin.


You pull the shit Otten did at your job and see how fast you get fired on the spot.

tighter security in europe, i would've gueesed.

They've already conquered us

Donald Trump
> defunded ISIS
> let Russia blow up ISIS
> ended the "refugee" surge from Syria
> didn't bite on starting war in Syria
> cut the number of Muslim refugees allowed into the USA
> Qataris got sanctioned for funding terrorists
> Saudi prince went HAM on dudes who opposed him and wanted to start shit
> War in Yemen heated up

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It's not a open and shut case yet. No formal investigation. Anyways i think it was right to get rid off Otten. For the long run. But it was also a problem of egos

They're laying low. Better to not stir the pot right now when people were starting to stop buying the "religion of peace" nonsense. Lay low for a couple of years and the whites will forget about all those terrorists attacks and worship you again as magical brown cherubs.

You and everyone else here knows white people will forcefully forget any and all terrorist attacks if need be.

Its like that one guy that rammed the Mosque with a van scared them all off. Then Glenfell happened and they probably figured Allah was angry at them. idk maybe the security services are doing their job well now.

Recategorization, plenty of churches in europe were set on fire, but no one covers them as attacks, because the cause is "unknown", other acts are now considered gang violence / isolated incidents. They may nolonger be the spectacles organised by al-Qaeda anymore, but such activity is certainly still occuring

Tarrant you fucken idiots

media is not reporting and those who do it get shadowbanned

>This is hapened in mid august in north Moçambique
>the responsible cell is comanded by a foreigner that came from DRCongo.
>DRCongo also has daesh cells
>The time the redpiled journalist who published this, he was criticized by several dumb moçambican shills on social media claiming muh fake news
>meanwhile there was another attack this week

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>Why are there no more Muslim terrorist attacks in Europe?
there are, just being suppressed
this was from yesterday: nypost.com/2019/09/17/man-reportedly-shouts-allahu-akbar-after-stabbing-italian-soldier/

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also all those kids being thrown off tall heights in front of trains etc. They are changing tactics but attacks against the West are still being preached obviously.



Some white guy killed 50 Muslims in New Zealand.
Since then they have only targeted poos.

the middle east wars have been quiet too...hmm could be connected

Sort of, but it's not just shadow-banning any more. It's straight up official. Most Evropeon countries signed the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Which dictates that they must silence any press that put the great replacement in a bad light.
For instance, a couple of government buildings was bombed here recently (ineffectively, but the attempt was made). The press reported it, and reported that some young men from Sweden has been arrested.
They are forbidden by court order to mention their names or publish any photographs of these 'young men from Sweden'

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A shitload of them traveled from Europe ti Syria and we killed them for you, but apparently we captured a bunch of them too, so you guys have to either take them or pay us to keep them locked up.

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>They are being secularized
2nd and 3rd generation muslims are more radical than their parents.

Aside from the ordinary conspiracy rhetoric and kike involvement I’d say the Eb and Flow, a lot of cells carried out there mission and the next generation is plotting or awaiting their time. Also remember that ISIS emboldened the fuckers with their propaganda and had a large effect in the mudshits population in a Europe. When they got blown the fuck out (because kikes, CIA Niggers and Saudis realize they were fucked) things quieted down along with the free gibs still coming.
Countryman has a good point as well, it pays better to be a hit man for the drug mafia than it is to blow yourself up for some virgins. The second a dominant extremist force comes into view we’ll see them blowing themselves up again.
It’s a bullshit media feud and people are falling for the bait left and right because they keep forgetting that MSM news is internalized propaganda. His co-founder seems to have been a rat from the first hour with neo-connish objectives (gain access to a house seat and get free shit). Fuck him.

3 people were shot and killed by a peaceful future doctor at a gas station in a small town outside Toulouse about 6 weeks ago. It didn't make the news because I have nfi why.

they stopped long before tarrant

this, its progressing to street violence, crime and gangs now

Because random terrorist acts at this point have a too high risk of just killing their own.

there are less guns and the men are all faggots

Nah, option C
>finders keepers
After all, you created the little shits

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If they don't attack but still preach sharia we have less reason to send them back because "they aren't actually harming anyone". Now wait until muslims are 30% of the population and see how tolerant they are.

>It didn't make the news because I have nfi why.
see You signed it too. So your press are not at liberty to report anything that puts mass migration in a bad light.
It's beyond clown world weird that people just accepted this. MSM is bad enough, MSM on a global compact leash, means it not even fake news any more. Just ''approved propagenda''

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They've already terrorized the west into submission, no point in overplaying their hand.

Yes this is the inevitability of western culture. Soon they will return home and infect their homeland with what they have learned. This was the plan from the start.

Because their handlers don’t push them anymore.
Public attention needs to be focused 100% on climate change now.
Lots of shekels to make with that.

>Did they finally figured out that they are on their way to conquer Western Europe through birth rates and that committing terrorist attacks can only enrage Europeans and lead to the rise of nationalistic parties?
Yes. You can't stop them now short of ejecting them.

The CIA and Mossad must have ran out of money

These attacks magically start to happen when it's election time

Because Islam already won in Europe. No need to attack people who have willingly opened their assholes for you.

Deep state switched their MO to far right whites

Because they are winning the demographic game and are aware of optics. The attacks hurt their chances of taking over the continent.
Unlike Jow Forums, Muslim obsession with kikes doesn't override their desire to control the West.