Apart from making white people more prone to attack by pacific islanders, considering we have no Muslim population to speak of, what was his actual endgame?
Apart from making white people more prone to attack by pacific islanders...
Other urls found in this thread:
He left a document explaining what it was mr 1 post by this ID.
he was trying to perform an epic stunt to get people to subscribe to Pewdiepie
According to his manifesto, he wanted to force a debate about the topic of immigration. The New Zealand government ended up just making his manifesto illegal to view online instead.
>1 post in a thread with 1 post
Who is that? Steven Paddock?
Accelerationism. The yang gangers should all be arrested.
post in a thread with 1 post
Now it's 1 post in a thread with 6 posts.
Sending a message to muslims that they are not welcome in the west, that this is our land and we’re willing to lay our lives on the line to defend it from shitskin filth
The pacific islanders should be grateful for his actions in intimidating muslim hordes from invading their homeland, and removing the few that had taken a foothold already
His end game was to have new zealanders lining up to turn in their guns, next step will be Iran 2.0. I wonder what the muslims will rename your country after they have killed you and raped your daughters?
>their homeland
Note how they're called pacific islanders and not new zealanders.
Despite being a brainwashed tard at least he didnt fight islam by shooting kids in an island.
>Follow me guys
>Literally no one from this site or board follows him
Oh no oh no no no
>Apart from making white people more prone to attack by pacific islanders
any actual proof of this?
He was an idiot radicalized to violence by the shareblue shills screaming about jews and Muslims and race on the chans.
are they from another pacific island living in new zealand? not that he offended any actual new zealanders or pacific islanders anyway
Yes. "Pacific Islander" tends to refer to Samoans/Tongans, it's very rarely used to refer to Maori's.
t. grew up in NZ around those fucking coconuts.
Manifesto with translations
It’s a white, first world country. This makes it “western” even though it’s in the eastern hemisphere. Ditto Australia. Remember that the Middle East is in Asia, would it be accurate to call them “Asians”? Strictly speaking yes, but they’re not because the term Asian means specifically East Asian (Chinese/Korean/Japanese), not shitskin muslims. Or what about calling Venezuelans “American”? They’re on the south AMERICAN continent after all! But in spite of that, calling them Americans would be inaccurate.
Tldr “the west” is a style of society, not a location.
>Brenton "it's DoOrDie, PewDiePie" Tarrant
>Brenton "kill a slime in record time" Tarrant
>Brenton "remove kebab, ya fookin knob" Tarrant
>Brenton "dumping mags in muslim fags" Tarrant
>Brenton "sandnigger gravedigger" Tarrant
>Brenton "make a stream to inspire the team" Tarrant
>Brenton "navy seal making muslims squeal" Tarrant
>Brenton "baconator" Tarrant
>Brenton "shiites in my sights" Tarrant
>Brenton "grap your gats, copycats" Tarrant
>Brenton "strayan cunt on the shitposting front" Tarrant
>Brenton "grab my 9 for prayer time" Tarrant
>Brenton "i read your plan in the koran" Tarrant
>Brenton "drop dead, ahmed" Tarrant
>Brenton "white man's battle plan" Tarrant
>Brenton "putting the christ back in christchurch" Tarrant
>Brenton "spraying the praying" Tarrant
>Brenton "Got more than onne with my shotgun" Tarrant
>Brenton "Help me please! She cried from her knees" Tarrant
>Brenton "Invader Terminator" Tarrant
>Brenton "Muslim womb sent to a tomb" Tarrant
>Brenton "Saint with white paint" Tarrant
>Brendon "The Muslim Slaya From Straya " Tarrant
>Brenton "Spyro the Dragon Trained Me for Muslim Fraggin" Tarrant
>Brenton "The Mecca Wrecca" Tarrant
>Brenton "The British Grenadiers Bring Me to Tears" Tarrant
>Brenton "They lost this mosque" Tarrant
>Brenton "frag muslim noobs better than the jews" Tarrant
>Brenton "GoPro Hero" Tarrant
>Brenton "Blame ebaumsworld" Tarrant
>Brenton "AR-15 cleans the mosque pristine" Tarrant
Read nigger read
>Anyone found to possess the manifesto could face up to ten years in prison, and those caught distributing it could face up to 14 years in prison.
>'no Muslim population to speak of'
That's the whole fucking point retard, he chose New Zealand as it is remote and shows how far reaching our replacement is.
He even says that in his Manifesto, which you obviously didn't read.
People have even made audiobooks of the manifesto.
>No Muslim population to speak of
>There was several mosques in a small town
Choose one and only one...
I unironically prefer the company of islanders over maoris
I gotta say, it seems like he scared the shit out of the muzzles, no big terrorist attack in Europe in months.
> people have made audio books of the manifesto
Good ol chuck e / pols / metalworker
Don't you get it yet? He never had an "endgame" because his whole concept was faulty and pointless. It's like asking what the endgame is from the person holding a "The End is Nigh" sign - there isn't one, they are wrong. This deadbeat was dangerous as well as wrong, sadly.
Can someone link me the manifesto in Spanish ?
Who? I don't know who you are talking about.
He thought Jow Forums was actually NatSoc and not just a bunch of larping 16 year olds. His plan was to start a race war and be followed by Jow Forums but all he did was make himself into a semi-funny meme. Nasim Aghdam was a better meme, honestly, and she was much nicer to look at then Mr. Potatohead.
>it's all just irony!
You need to go back.
It looks like we have our next meme in the making. Let me tell you about the jews, kid.
Wait, you mean to tell me that pol is full of people who are just lying about the Jews being in controll of everything and using their control over the media to push things such as a Muslim takeover of the west and race mixing?
I knew it!
This whole time every single point I've slowly found myself agreeing with, I now completely disagree with.
Thank you for helping me see the error of my ways.
I think I'll go race mix now :)
I am the god of hellfire and I will bring you fire!
imagine believing, even for a second that this event was real.
Are you actually blind and stupid or you are just shill to not see it clearly? It's blue shoes with white soles. Pic related, there is even colors picked from the video.
the vid and memes were a jew made attraction to newfags. The newfags would then go on to think they are redpilled because they hate muslims, yet wouldn't even question the jews because muh based kebab remover said they were ok. This is why Jow Forums has so many tards who actually believe niggers or muslims are the biggest problems in the west when its just the jews that import them in the first place
>considering we have no Muslim population to speak of
Only like 2 of the """people""" he shot were actually citizens so you're not far off.
He faked these shootings to recruit white nationalists to the jewish controlled Kikes Templar
Take your meds, idiot.
I bet you think he was really radicalized by Candice Owens too? The statement "I have no problem with Jews who don't interfere in other countries" is pretty obvious.
He saw whites as a connected people, specifically Anglo's and Britain's old colonies.
He was also focused on Europe though.
His goal was to wake white people up, basically.
More gun control
white people painted as violent racist scum to be eliminated everywhere
not obvious to newfags. They take the bait. Same thing with the great replacement. Is it real? Yes, of course. Is it the fault of the muslims? No, but newfags believe that and pick the wrong target.
>white people painted as violent racist scum to be eliminated everywhere
How exactly is that new? You lived under a rock for last decades?
>More gun control
NZ law changes were empty virtue signalling which had pretty much opposite effect there.
The mosque he shot up had a history of radicalisation, they were his enemies, they are our enemies. You don't have to love muslims because you hate jews.
not a single point in that image debunks anything, it contradicts itself (timestamp on mag drop, somewhat nitpicky) one of the points was never asserted by anyone and it completely ignores all of the other obvious evidence. like the changeover when tarrant hops in his car (masked by camera shake)
bullshit. sloppy job mossad
That isn't the point I'm making. Do I have any problem with his actions? No, not at all. However, he brought in a wave of newfags who picked the wrong enemy. Some of them snapped out of it, a lot of them didn't They are both enemies but the jews are the much bigger problem in the long run
>like the changeover when tarrant hops in his car (masked by camera shake)
>not a single point in that image debunks anything
Prove it with specific arguments, not with this sad-ass cope.
>it contradicts itself
No, it really does not.
>timestamp on mag drop, somewhat nitpicky
Not a contradiction.
>one of the points was never asserted by anyone
It was. The fact you didn't see it doesn't make it true.
>it completely ignores all of the other obvious evidence
Such as? Your magical shoes you idiot?
>like the changeover when tarrant hops in his car
Explain further, this gonna be gud.
definitely had nothing to do with this, look away user, look away
Body moves
sick and unrelated incidents. Christchurch was a FF
You're a shill
Nice argument, you fucking braindead retard.
>what was his actual endgame?
Accelerationism, ban guns. Just like his lame 'manifesto' said. seems like either; terrorism works, or the government was in on it from the start. It's gotta be one or the other.
Fuck you, Jacinda.
Most people who end up here seem misguided either way, I get your point, I'd say the destination is more important than the stops along the way.
the objective was probably to entrap the NZ government into doing something stupid, which Jacinda obviously would. And that is go along with it.
The dual intent was for us to pick up on what was going on, and use the scandal to end socialism in NZ for good.
Thanks spooks!
>Hey mate can I cross?
mossad confirmed
Considering muslim birth rates, I don't know how anyone could say that a tiny nation like New Zealand having multiple mosques in one of its cities is somehow describable as "few".
>no Muslim population to speak of
People need to realize a race war would be a total percentage, not numbers game in most instances. If you go to a town that's 90% white and kill a bunch of black people that town will stay white much longer. If you go to Detroit and nock off a few nogs you won't be changing the demographics of Detroit at all. This dude just helped ensure there won't be many more Muslims for a least a small amount of time.
>I'd say the destination is more important than the stops along the way.
I can see that. It just worries me because the majority of newfags stay in the misguided phase or the blackpill phase
seems legit.
Spicy memes.
>some random muslim on Twitter is a good source
Idiocy of you falseflaggot lousy niggers is amazing.
Don't disrespect our prophet, Alberto.
He was a zionist puppet. Travelled to Israel prior to the massacre. Why do Zionists send their intermediaries to senselessly kill people? Because they understand that if you stoke racial tensions and keep every ethnic group divided, they will fight one another rather than uniting together in order to avenge the endless crimes that you have committed against them. Zionists are masters of deception and subterfuge. Were I not ideologically opposed to them, I may even respect their cunning. But alas, they’re my foes.
based chuckE
imagine being 'caught distributing' or 'possessing' something that is freely available online, LMAO.
>Travelled to Israel prior to the massacre
Only source for that are Jews themselves. Besides, he also traveled to Iran, Pakistan or North Korea and pretty much rest of the whole world, Amir.
>uniting against Zionists
Tell that to your sandnigger bros in the first place, idiot.
>Were I not ideologically opposed to them
Not your thing to decide. Europe is in conflict with Islamic world for the last one thousand of years and it wasn't Europe who started it.
>t. Kike
109 countries Schlomo
Yes, you are.
ahahahah why?
translations were on 8ch and now it's gone, try here
They aren't your foes Moishe. Just drop it already the, "Sloppy Job" forced meme failed remember?
Pretty sure the police pic was taken before the incident, the muslim is saying the police did take their courses there, not that they did right afterwards.
The fact someone's actually trying to use this as evidence is hilarious.
Careful user, sharing/viewing that video in new zealand will fuck your life up. I hear you get prison time for it
Bro, this country's too small for that. I have friends who know people who went to the range where Tarrant trained. My sisters co-workers nephews wife lost 2 family members in the shooting.
The shooting happened and if Tarrant was some Mossad spook he wouldn't have had train at a public range. Would he?
Personally I think the conspiracy theories are a coping mechanism for people who can't accept our ideals can lead to mass murder. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a political solution, and this will lead to more people lashing out. We've already seen this happen 3 or 4 times since Tarrant . It's only going to get worse from here.
Who was this nigger?
>My sisters co-workers nephews wife
Some local weirdo who wears cammies. He was released as unrelated to shooting soon after and now is actually suing for wrongful arrest, because cops supposedly weren't nice to him. Why didn't you do your own research before claiming anything?
Brenton Tarrant, new zealand gunman who lit up a mosque of 50 people. Pure evil. posted a manifesto debating immigration and birth rates and of how there are less and less white people.
Yeh I know. That's how it is. Funny thing is their kid's dying of cancer and there's nothing they can do because of race mixing. She's Indonesian or Malaysian and neither parent is a match lol.
>considering we have no Muslim population to speak of
That's a fucking lie
Fucking retard, you have no idea what Brevik did.
ya right
his endgame is maori cocks forced in him for 20+ years.
I've heard stories that the Police were coming into my local schools daily for about a month after Christchurch hunting down people with copies of the video and manifesto.
The government no joke taking this really seriously, so much for NZ's prised position at the top of the global freedom index.
>Whtoid is too scared go for real deal so he shot up the defenseless people in the mosque
Funny thing is he rant about muh constantinople and has the names written on his guns
Brenton fears KARA BOĞA
because the truth would collapse the ardern administration faster than they kicked the cult leader out of the presidency in south korea.
you know it, i know it, and pretty much the whole world....
Truth? what truth? The guy was a nutjob and caused more harm than good.