What’s the deal with the “incel phenotype”?

What’s the deal with the “incel phenotype”?

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Lower half of the IQ and attractivity curves

Jewish infiltrators

There is no deal, you made it up.

1/2 jewish 1/2 hispanic

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It is over.

did you also know there were 4 hispanic jew shooters on the same day, all looked similar, all dressed alike

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and reports of 4 shooters from eye witnesses


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Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-04 El paso Texas shooting falseflag confirmed.jpg (1721x3014, 1.1M)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-03 Shootout in aisle 6.png (1357x1884, 239K)

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>shot by stranger
so you telling me this was a money move?

4 shooters, they all looked identical from a distance, same clothes, 1/2 hispanic 1/2 jew,
1was killed, 1 was arrested.
2 flew back to israel.

(((incel))) , nice work rabbi, really drool

i don't know all the details, there are always mutiple levels to these false flags. I just know, 4 shooters, reports that they all looked similar confirmed by pics, 1 was killed, obviously to make it very confusing to the public, and also they can then say it was just one shooter.

remember the report of the terrorist training camp in New Mexico that got buried rather quickly. Wouldn't be surprised if all the guys came from there.

How many people even wear glasses here
I don't
I'm sure most others don't

You give me hope user. Instead of actually responded to weak bait you just turned it into a redpilll thread. Incredibly based

Incels keep to themselves and play vidya alone. Im more worried about emcel lashing out when they hit 30

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It's not a thing
This is literally based on a small handful of incels who don't know how to take selfies so they angle it up and hold their phone close to their face

Damn this sketch is literally me that's kinda scary ....

I always lay down my glasses in pictures to not look like an incel

Vučić Is incel.

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It's only emorional though because they keep jumping from cock to cock.

It's just a pathetic attempt at projecting made up shit onto "the big bad anonymus nazi squad" that for some reason thrives on the world's biggest publicly available forum for free speech, because they fear we don't actually 'look the way we speak here.'
And that there's no way to tell us from everyone else outside of Jow Forums.
They are scared that what's rising anonymously on Jow Forums is NOT a small subculture which only exists amongst losers and weaklings, but something that's happening with their neighbors, friends and families. And they should be.

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And just think: all they had to do was not be filthy whores but alas they couldn't resist the cock carousel. It's a darn shame they had to be oppressed like this.