You aren't user here.
I will put it simply
Other urls found in this thread:
idgaf faggot
Your mom knows I'm not anonymous, she knows my name...its Toby!
say my name
I don't know, but they do, they came to my house.
Just don't say anything on here, i'm warning you they will show up, as a brother save yourself, they are abusing their power, they did not have a warrant.
I actually believe this faggot. I remember this happened to someone on infinity chan a while back and they had video proof. user next time record the interaction and put their faces on the internet. What did they want?
No shit. We're on a list for having a conscience and not serving Satan. But you'll all be judged.
I got kicked out of my house by my mother after it was over, they just came in because my moms boyfriend invited them in. (dumb idea).
i posted some edgy shit, but nothing much more edgy than shit i had already said in the past, 3 or 4 fbi agents and 5 cops came in to "secure the weapons". they asked me about my post and i told them to fuck off, then they left.
This is a great place to build your social credit score.
Leaving your ip address here is like dropping your credit card during a bank robbery.
Long story short they are "cracking down" on the intimidation. It will never be the same between me and my mother. They ruined the relationship i had with her now, she wont see me.
That sucks I'm sorry about what's happened between you and your mom. These fuckers have no power over you remember that, that's all they're trying to do is intimidate you. They should have been told to fuck off at the door, your mom's bf truly is a retard. Give us an idea of what you posted? You don't have to be specific if you don't want to but I'm curious.
My advice, don't post here anymore. It's all over for anonymous image boards.
More importantly, now im fucked, they are gonna watch me like a hawk and spy on me like a pedo.
Well maybe you shouldn’t have posted whatever dumb bullshit you did
Bet you this kid said something crazy and they responded in kind.
No shit. Fuck the internet though. Just because people live vicariously through a cord doesn't make this real life. Keep that shit on your myface if it needs strictly moderated. I was born in the United States of America, and in U.S.A., we have the 1st amendment. Any agent with half a brain can discern a credible threat.
>These fuckers have no power over you remember that, that's all they're trying to do is intimidate you.
They have a lot more people to visit, i'll tell you that.
Did you tell them to fuck off?
Whats my name oh na na oh whats my name
Its not any worse than what (((they))) and "them" say about us everyday.
>babby made a threat online and got a talking to
learn how to not be a complete retard and play around the rules, you'll be fine. everything is satire here until you make a threat dummy. i guess it's too late for you tho. here's a pic and a (You)
You're right
I don't even care anymore, if they put me in prison for having radical views, i will serve my time.
Maybe a better man will free me later. Maybe better men than me will see all the violations to the constitution.
And to add to that, not just the constitution, our whole society is ass backwards and this just says to me, were finished, if anyone wants to say otherwise, that we aren't finished and we aren't well and truly fucked, please explain.
What did you say and I will decide?
>they'll get you! Stay off this site! You're sleepy anyway right?
Mass spying is old news at this point. You think we don't know the IC knows who posts here if they wanted to look?
Who cares? Enjoy the extra company. I have a cop do surveillance on me whenever I go to the nearby fitness park. I just look at him and continue with my routine.
This, the amount glowniggers here is increasing by the day.
Lol i called him a glownigger too.
>who cares
i have to live somewhere and if they keep coming i keep getting kicked out, im broke dumb and weak my guy, i have nothing and no one and a part time job.
i saw that vid. user could have handled it better, but overall 6/10. fedes were pissed, especially the fat chick
are you using an electronic device? yes?
then you're not fucking anonymous. they track everything.
every. fucking. thing.
texts, ims, emails, phone calls, likes, posts, you name it.
it's tracked.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
lrn2proxy niger
Man the fuck up nigger
Its so easy for you to say being 6'0 and a aryan chad, i'm just some 5'7 hungarian retard who likes to LARP for (You)s
Any sexy female glow niggers want to interrogate me?
furthermore, everyone has a unique digital 'fingerprint' used to identify them based on algorithms identifying things you talk about, people you associate with, regions of the globe you post from, interests, and speech patterns.
nothing online is anonymous. the saving grace is that there's so god damn many of us and so few of them, there is safety in the herd.
but anonymity? forget about it.
user, if you weren t a useless piece of shit, i would hire you in an instant. unfortunately, youre a useless piece of shit. you might want to fix that
>babby's first redpill
yes it's common knowledge... but apparently not, given the fucking thread we're in
I'm not american and cia niggers tongue my anus anyways.
What are they gonna do, throw me in jail for posting on a Image Board. Now that would be fucking hilarious. I would make a badge and wear it permanently
You have to be a weapons-grade retard if you’ve warranted intelligence agencies to come to your door.
I'm not even in the country whose flag is showing here.
Me neither
nah idk, maybe they just put you on some list and we get blackballed from certain things. or treated poorly by the courts, the state, higher scrutiny, fuck if i know
I dont care about any of that shit. The ride never ends anyway. Better go hardcore mode
butthurt deep state nigger made this thread
Yep, like an idiot I posted on here to without a VPN along with some other things. Now I have black SUV's that follow me around, found strange devices connected to my private network (with no IP addresses and when I looked them up their MAC addresses were linked to a company that does sub-contracting work for the feds), and even think they came into my apartment. For a while I thought it was gangs-stalking or something, but don't really know if any of that is true. To me government surveillance just seems more likely.
Haven't you ever heard of opsec? Don't you think I actually have a loo?
I can post the MAC addresses if anyone is interested or can find more info about them.
>user somehow is abl;e to look up mac addies and trace them to the feebs
>user states a point on his network has no ip addy
Seek revenge. Shitpost twice as hard now - they've already confirmed you're 'not a threat' so they probably won't waste any more time on you.
useless info. mac addies can be spoofedf
Ah shit i been barebacking chans for 15 years whens my agents gonna show up. Please visit fbi-kun im lonely
I legit wonder if I'm in any databases having been here for so long. I don't recall ever posting anything too edgy since I come here for the lols as this entire site it's pure comedy but I bet I'm one of those weirdos nobody cares about since all I want is to make the world better but I've got a mean dark side so I love the evil that gets floated around here.
It would need to be uber edgy, make sure to record.
You'd have a Jow Forums sensation.
They're not going to waste their time on a no-ambition anime shitposter. They only check up on the people who make direct threats as far as I've seen.
>expecting a website operating under US law to also not adhere to US law when a law is broken on said website
>actually thinking anyone here is anonymous to federal agencies who very very easily can see all traffic before it is anonymized
You are only anonymous to other sitegoers who do not have this kind of access, to think otherwise is foolish
normies can suck my dick
yeah,, like that ausfag you sent the email to the pm of tuvalu declaring war.. he got a visit from asio apparently. shame that didnt go ahead. the .tv domain could be worth a a bit
Sarah Silverman? Is that you?
just learn to shit post without making any threats and the glow niggers might not come to your basement
>why bother visiting anyone at home when I can just post some bullshit to scare people away?
go suckstart your sidearm glownigger
oy vey goyim im tracking your packets right now.
A Lot of threats are made on here, are they going to all of them?
I swear to you it was showing on my network without any IP info. I'm a sys admin and know basic networking since I had to for my previous jobs. The MAC address pointed to a company called "" and their website says they do work for the government. I was strange, there were two devices like that on my network and I swore I saved both MAC addresses, but it only shows one in the txt file now. Maybe I forgot to copy both of them.
Fuck I had to click it to post this. At least I am stealing wifi from my white neighbor so he gets arrested.
Nigga I'm autistic, already subjected to far worse than that.
how did you link mac addy to a user? i am not convinced. as for the ip thing, i call bullshit. youre not a sysadmins asshole you skid fuyck
dude they can collect data, but they wont take an intrest in you until you do something triggering a red flag.
An user E Moose just flew over my house!
user, a non e moose is a moos.
Did he do it behind a vpn?
i get the feeling all you niggers are paranoid. you seriously think they have the resources to just follow some random dudes around.
nah. that wouldnt have helped anyway unless he was using a vm and tunneling our from there... or something
its only paranoia if no ones out to get you user.
Of course they do USA is a police state it's the only thing keeping the country from consuming itself. Burgerbros are cool when they wanna be but crazy af is their default setting
MAC addresses are tied to their respected manufacturer, and this info can be publicly searched with a MAC address lookup tool/website.
I'm trying to find the Cadant website, but can't locate the one from before. If you Google "cadant inc mac address" there are other people with this issue, but can't seem to figure out what's causing the MAC to appear.
Holyshit they shutdown the website... Check this out:
If you click on the link for the Cadant website it's shutdown.
Oh really glownigger? I can post my degree if I wanted too.
youd better hand it back you fuckwit. you didnt learn shit
sudo ifconfig
if that doesnt make you realise your degree isnt worth a tenth of the presumably hundreds of thousands of dollarydoos you still owe for it, youre beyond redemption
ive been here for a while nigger. im retarded, but not thatarded
oh, and by all means.. start firing your lazors, you fucking nub
haha you mean a basic command in Linux which is the Microsoft "ipconfig /all" equivalent? Sudo is basically giving you "admin" privileges, I have a Ubuntu server on my old 2000's computer moron.
I already told you if you Google "cadant inc mac address" there were other people who had this issue too. Keep glowing though.
yeah man the cops are busting my door down because i posted a spurdo meme at 5am
This is getting interesting to say the least.
lol. ok fagget . you Jow Forums nao. kys
You think I care how many glowniggers it takes to figure out where I belong on the threat matrix?
yeah user we know this.
also anons, Jow Forums is owned by jews and is used for demoralization, psyops and marketing.
Lol yeah but my family is ruined now.
And I went to trade school not an Uni, but keep sperging out glownigger. Why would I spend that much money on an IT degree that's going to be obsolete by the time I grad anyways? I'd only go to a Uni for IT if it's like manufacturing/software engineering or something like that.
fuck off with your shitty LARP and do something useful with your life you stupid fuck
This is a well known fact good thing everything I post here is satire
The poster's word are true not false.
>>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
ditto. Anyone that would believe internet trolls on Jow Forums are almost as retard as I the entire thing of coke
tell me where I live
tell me my name
tell me my favorite airplane
t. BTFO Aussie techlet