What If a Girl In The Holocaust Had Instagram?
What If a Girl In The Holocaust Had Instagram?
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>please engage in my bizarre made up fantasy that only serves to guilt trip innocent people
But they didn’t have Instagram duhhhh
Kind of funny how putting it in this kind of framing makes the entire concept absurd.
They didn't tho
>What if Frodo in LoTR had Instagram
She's cute
>Kommandant! She's an ebegging thot!
>Vhat? Throw her into the gas chamber!
>What if!!!!!!!
>never ever EVER forget the 6 gorillion, goyim
They don't shut the fuck up about it.
Lies on top of lies they will not stop until their is an actual holocaust of white Europeans but these demons ought to be careful they are not exterminated for real and for good next time.
how long before pregnant anne franks come flooding
>Jew Thots filming themselves in the camp theatres and swimming pools and cucking genitaly mutilated Kikes for Big aryan cock
This is why it's absolutely meaningless, same deal with calling someone Hitler or a Nazi. They've whinged so loudly for so long, no one fucking cares anymore
coom flooding
oh god I want to fuck her
well, i'm going to dump the whole folder. don't coom too hard, user
Down you fucking pedo scum
their act made me wanna cringe
So, does this mean she's a Belieber?
>changes her status to ash
The irony is, if they hadn't beaten us over the head with "muh nazis were evul" for literally my whole life, I'd probably not have cared to find the truth
Hahahahah wowwww
is this absolutely neccesary?
Just a typical e thot.
Why would a girl supposedly hiding from Nazis who wanted to kill her use Instagram?
as a student I had a side job, as a guide help for american and israeli tourtists that went cracov, auschvitz etc. One trip a jewish lady, educated and rich, asked a question that made me want to choke her out. She asked where did they get toilet paper from. It was the 90s, and back then I though she was insane. Right now it looks as if a big part of the US seems to be the same.
oy vey, i just actually watched the OP link. fair fucken' dinkum, mate
>still gunna dump the rest of my lil kikes
Where did they get it from, though?
>thinking everyone on here is an old fuck like you
saved and kek'd
> She's an E-THOT
Like pottery
>exactly that, my professor just went over how people were laying on the banchs and how top was best(because most people had the runs), and she asked where did the people at the camp get their toilet papers, because she hasn't seen any toilets around. I wanted to choke her out.
here have a you. they didn't.
must have been a rich family if they were able to spend that much ( and probably more ) makrs on making pointless (((?))) photographs of their child
which will later turn out to becoming famous posterchild for marketing a book edited by her father ... ( if i remember that story correctly )
yeah, that was kind of the point i was making (that there was one) before i stopped being a sperg and realised that for once OP wasn't a faggot and was actually linking to something that was a fucking grouse red pill to norms. also, it's just a (((coincidence))) there happens to be so many photos of the (((posterchild))). don't worry about it, goy.
>making up a fantasy based on a jew fantasy
missing part when Jews greet the German army
>What If a Girl In The Holocaust Had Instagram?
Unless there are sexy thot pics of her in a miniskirt bending over to pet some SS guy's German Shepherd, who cares?
well this is how my family looked like(it is not them), at the time of the war and in the years between WWI and WWII.
didn't get much better after WWII, for a long time, because durning the war their village was burned, and after the war the border between us and soviet russia went straight through the village, and the fields and forests my great grandfather owned ended up on the wrong side of the border. My parents were the ones who finished the building of the house my great gfather started to build in 2003.
Have you read the full Diary? she obsessively talks about her vag and how she wants some dude she's hiding with to fuck her. It's like some pedo porn story.
it was just a fortunate cohencidence that the girl whose diary became famous happened to be photographed constantly as a child.
well I would like to point out that at that time getting married at 16-17 wasn't an unexpected thing to happen. So a 13 year thinking about sex, is not something suprising. it was the post war world that somehow turned children in to retards. Pre war a 13-14y old was expected to work at home, or learn how to work and some kids straight up had a job.
In my part of the world boys of 13 were sent off to learn a job somewhere, and girls were send of to non family members(as those were considerd to be too "soft") to learn how to be a house wife, how to care for kids, make medicin etc.
Born from the brain of Jew no doubt if they are not pushing degeneracy in one form or another they are not satisfied.
Yes goy fuck your kids turn them into sodomite whores and homosexuals damn your next generation poison the well so that each generation that follows will be more vile and corrupt than the last.
over 18 board faggot
What if a Japanese soldier in Nanking or Korea had Instagram?
Guys, can you explain to me why Americans, or the anglo-sphere in general has such a total fucking hard on for Anne Franke?
You americans and anglos probably dont realize this, but the rest of the human race never heard of anne franke in their entire lives, and yet for some reason you poor losers are forced to memorise the entire diary of some jewish girl?
What the fuck is up with that?
Im 30+ and in my entire life ive never heard/seen anne franke up until i started to notice americans have to mention Anne Franke at least once a day or else Tel-Aviv will call the red phone in Washington.
what a slut
I have heard crazier Holocaust stories.
Tinder would be funny
Based tour guide, how often did you have people asking about polish death camps? When we visited the dumbest that in our class kept saying it even though the guide explained several times it was wrong so eventually he just said chuj w ustach then walked off
OH FUCK. A 19 year old finding a 16 year old girl cute, someone call the glows
Do you know what a pedophile even is, user?
A member of the LGBTQP community
more or less every trip. But unlike some of my folk in the country, I understand the difference between a geographic description, a who did it description and a jew from NY being an asshole.
It is strange you see, most of the people that came from Israel had some family members that got to "enjoy" WWII in the east. With americans what you got at best was pre war ex pats, or people who had soldiders in the family in the west front. Now if one were to go on like/dislike, the Israeli jews should be assholes all the time, but they weren't. most of the time they didn't ask questions when in places like treblinka or auschwitz. The american jews on the other hand, those are probably the worse people in the world.
I have enough stories to write a book about the stuff they did. And what is worse about all of this, that those weren't some worker jews from the early XXth century. Those were educated people, often professors themselfs, people with money and with time to educated themself. yet they were asking questions like "what do you mean there were other people then jews in the camps". Or they gave you some fanfiction story about public rapes, and told you to show it to them where the place is today(with some underline that maybe there are public rapes happning there even today).
good one brachu.
It's almost as if they can't stop.
Young pussy = best pussy
Flag checks out
Anne Frank is (((one of us)))
Did you get the land back or what?
Rabbi Low creates the Golem, in Prague, a mechanical body, an artificial one, imitated from man, to which he gives life using a formula of a judaized Kabbalah. He sends it out to carry out tasks at a distance. It is a machine, the first robot of Prague, where Carel Kapec would later imagine others. A picture superimposed over another backdrop. Inside it has nothing, perhaps only a clockwork mechanism. This is the same way that the Jew must be, because, the rational mind of Jehovah is just as the Demiurge´s one: always repeating his schemes, without inspiration nor variations. The Jew is a Golem. He has the shape of a man, but inside he would be a reptile, an animal, just like these Jewish movies of science fiction about extraterrestrial beings. He´s been disguised with human skin and entrails of dead beings, like the creation of the Jewish doctor, Frankenstein. He sucks the blood from living beings. He is a cybernetic machine, a robotic mechanism connected to a big battery, or power source, which he himself helps to feed, and which he has called Jehovah; another cybernetic monster, another machine.
The jew does not create. Just as his creator -Jehovah, this prototypical "crumple" of the Demiurge, and also the jew, his "cybernetic crease"- can only copy, and plagiarize, having to rely on the Vira (Virya), the Aryan Hero, the Divine-Man; double-wise, as a creator and as a source of nourishment. He cannot go on without him, so if he would destroy him, he would vanish too. He should only enslave him, keep him as a servant, while at the same time he drinks from his blood. That´s the reason why he will always be exposed to the dramatic danger that his victim wakes up. That´s why the Fuhrer -Adolf Hitler- came, and the Avatar will return as Kalki-Lucifer-Wotan-Hitler: to wake him up forever.
>has a shit ton of makeup on
At least try.
Make no mistake, in 30 years that will be considered historically accurate, like Swindler's List is now.
The dependance will become lethal for the parasite, because there´s nothing he can do to help it. That´s why he trembles, even now, and every minute. The bloody sacrifices, the massacres and the wars, the jew provides them to Jehovah, as a homage to the master. He keeps for himself the obscure science of mixing with the Aryan blood, which allows him to keep an appearance of real blood in his cybernetic veins. The same way in which the fuel is necessary for an engine to work, Aryan blood is necessary for the jewish Golem. As long as they keep acting in this visible Universe -and only here they are able to act- the jews will need the fuel of other racial blood, and the efforts and energy of the non-jews, because, as Hitler would say, they are parasites. In the deepest sense of the word.
This tragic and demonized situation is a double-edged weapon for the jew, for Jehovah and for the Demiurge too, provided that, at the end, this "weapon of war" could be neutralized by itself. The drama of judaism could be summarized in one word: deceit. Everything is false. Only by lying can he make his deceit, his falsification and his corruption to last long. "The jew is the organic lie" Alfred Rosenberg would say. The rabbis, these satanic draculas, will have to keep the harshest control over their people of genetic robots, in their synagogues and kahals, regulating the gregarious mixture of their blood so that the absorption of Aryan blood does not exceed the allowed percentage, because they fear that the jew could be dejudaized, eliminating this way the continuous impurity, with the archetypical risk that the Golem will become against its creator, Jehovah, so they can destroy each other, like in the story of Rabbi Low - the Golem and the one of Frankenstein.
She's not very Braun