Does this speak more poorly of Americans or Europeans? Why don't Europeans ask questions?

Does this speak more poorly of Americans or Europeans? Why don't Europeans ask questions?

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Sweden is top cuck, after all.

I bet Greta has a massive horse cock

this little cunts condescending face pisses me the fuck off. It almost feels intentional.

no, but the other 9 Greta threads do.

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in Europe nobody cares because we are generally less insane than americans. No eco tax is ever going to get passed here because politicians generally have some sense of compassion with the population.
In the US the politicians and everyone else dont care about the individual at all


Sweden's favorite flavor is boot

there is critical thinking and there is denial burger.

what? like denying that the glaciers that covered north america disappeared without anyone's pollution?

give me a quick rundown of this little potato
who is she? why should I listen to her? when did she get all over the news?

Continental Europeans are submissive twinks. That’s why they so easily fall to strong men like Hitler and Napoleon. It’s also why they never beat Anglos in a fight.

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This coming from the continent of Merkel me Macron?

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europeans are like caged animals. they trust their farmers

she wants to kill all niggers for climate

eat the carrots bugs

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europe isn't a country mate, you can't say europe is more this or that as you can with the us

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Two delusional people
>A retarded Swedish teenager who doesn't go to school has been manipulated into thinking we are all going to die because it got a bit hotter
>A mixed race South African who thinks a full nigger thinks like him and that South Africa is better now than under apartheid

why would you agree to a european union, which is basically trying to emulate the many states that constitute the us of a

Is this an actual stance she seems to hold?
Is there evidence that she does not hold this standard to those outside of the West?

>It's also why they never beat anglos in a fight

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France revolted at the proposition of green taxes (yellow vests). Merkel would not even propose them in my opinion.
Now compare this to the US. Would you revolt over some extra green tax? Of course not, half your country is violently in favor of them. That's what we mean when we say that Europe is more sane. People are kept poor by socialism but it also means that we cant take another 3% for some environmental cause. Every tax needs a really really good reason.

*shits all over every European countrylet*

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She was the one that shot up that mosque I think

Your countries have less people in then then US states. My state governor manages a population over twice that of Sweden. When you speak in such broad generalization you come across like an idiot.

The point is she is apparently paraded on burger TV as if USA is the one that needs to change

that little androgynous faggot is full of shit, but the people who are behind who
the shadow government is sending everybody a message.

we're basically fucked. not from climate change of course. it's all bullshit. only volcanoes shit out trillions of CO2 tonns each year
what human industry produces is nothing but a fraction of no effect on climate whatsoever

what i wanted to say, is that little faggot is pushing the abolition of private property, because what she essentially says is that all these CO2 levels are cause by private property and there is no policy to control that. that means is that somebody behind the curtains doesn't want us to use whatever the fuck we are using that produces CO2

and what are those??
-cars. (they want us riding in public transport)
-our private manufacturing business (they want is at their factories, not running our own)
-private housing that burns wood and coal(they want us living in commie blocks)
-private farming(they don't want us to have our independent farms and meats, they want us to eat their shit, like maggots and whatever the fuck else they see fit, because it's cheaper and more efficient to feed us this way)
-ohh yeah and they cherry on top are the people themselves. they plan to have a certain fixed amount of people(they don't want the population to grow at will, instead they will control who reproduces or not), so they will depopulate those who they think will not be useful in their new system

so, you get the picture.
all the propaganda and psy-ops that you see are tied to these points i just made. you can trust me on this one.
we are heading towards some fucked up future, not due to climate change, but to social-political shift.
we are going to live in a surreal more fucked up version of the ussr. so fucked up that even 1984 would look like a camping trip in comparison.

read this carefully and try to really understand.

There are no individuals in Europe. You faggots are one step away from being like the chink drones
California isn't half the American populace you fucking retard. Also where are you getting your info...from the fucking polls?

Holly Cova (GBP)
Copy/Pasta: I recently started working as the team manager for Boris Herrmann Racing and Team Malizia based predominantly in Hamburg. I am supporting Boris in obtaining sponsorship and managing this process, as well as a range of other roles

Her bf is Axel Hackbarth
Axel Hackbarth is co-founder of triXcite

TrixCite: We're developing the Tesla of the seas. A fully electric sailboat that's greener, smarter and faster. Felix Messerschmitt's design turns the heads of superyacht enthusiasts, without polluting the environment. Come join us and follow our vision to an outstanding life on the water.

Attached: HollyCova.jpg (1267x713, 240K)

Team Malizia / Boris Hermann

Attached: TeamMalizia.jpg (753x747, 222K)

high CO2 concentrations in the air coincide with stadials, they know the world is about to ice up and Africa will turn into a desert overnight. Only whites and asians will survive.

This kid is literally the embodiment of the left. A self entitled, worthless, privileged shit who tells everyone else they are fucking up while having none of their problems. She is glorified for saying the right things and lauded for hitting the most easy targets in society. She has zero capability to sway people not already in her camp to her side because she has the charisma of a wet stain on a cinema chair. She is arrogant without earning the right to be arrogant, lacking experience or challenge. A perfect symbol for the left and everything they stand for. A wealthy, entitled, holier than thou smartass who flaunts their wealth in the face of people who live pay check to paycheck then tells them they need to serve her needs.

I fucking hate this kid.

>foreign nationals from russia buy facebook ads
>muh russians trying to infuence election
>this is such an outrage
>foreign national from sweden lectures us and congress on climate chnage
>muh repubitwats wont listen to this genious girls
>this is such an outrage

>why would you agree to a european union
>talking to switzerland

also the eu was meant to be an economical union to have more leverage against the big usa and growing china and not something political

>Why don't Europeans ask questions?
Europeans have always been more eager than Americans to kneel to authority.

Europe is a country if you think the entire United states is homogeneous by comparison.


That's very interesting, greta.

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Because it's a proven fact.
But the real issue is that jews are using it to tell white people to not have children.

>politicians generally have some sense of compassion with the population
unironically importing countless shitskins out of compassion

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Well, maybe that's just the thing the burgers need.

That's strange because it doesn't seem like europoors are making any serious effort about tackling it either.

>No eco tax is ever going to get passed here
Several European countries have already passed some kind of eco tax, like swedecucks and their chemical tax, and are planning to pass more. It might not be a thing yet in Austria but don't speak for Europe as a whole.

Those warriors mostly became Anglos.

Ya it speaks very poorly of euros! They don’t ask questions they just except that taxes will save the world lmao

>No eco tax is ever going to get passed here because politicians generally have some sense of compassion with the population.
So compassionate towards their constituents they flood their countries with savage hordes.

Eur*peans are happy with this lmao

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Work on your trolling dude. Den Scheiß kauft dir nichtmal ein Deutscher ab.

As opposed to America literally doing the same thing?

>That's strange because it doesn't seem like europoors are making any serious effort about tackling it either.
The Dutch are.

Absolutely the eurocucks for sending this puppet to talk about some bullshit issues only the left gives a fuck about. However it doesn’t help that people in America are giving her a stage and audience. It takes two.

England is a fucking island, you willingly let them in.

Here we share a 2,000-mile border with a massive shithole whose people try to sneak in here by the thousands every single day, year after year after year.

>ambassador of your bullshit is literally a retarded child
>people actually take you seriously

Europeans are truly a lost cause.

Swen, why would you unleash this monster upon the USA?

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>tfw the rapebaby is acting up again

what a ugly boy

Europeans unironically re-elected Merkel

That’s all you need to know

I think they are mad one of our nigger rappers and his friends beat up one of their sandniggers

Brexit is never going to happen.

>atleast 1500 kids raped on your soil
>nothing done - in fact - encouraged
>main capital controlled by a foreigner
>got a loicense?

>still no brexit
You have no ground to stand on.

notice the nice duping deright on her face. Hue-hue.

It’s not about measuring dicks guys, how about we are all in fucking trouble? Some more than others. Better to maintain a united front instead of squabbling over nigger bullshit.

It is the look of the "smug retard"

You're alright Nathan.

Literally what does that have to do with anything? He's saying climate change exists not that it doesn't

>the French kid is black


>implying burgers ask questions

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You are right except for the last sentence. Brits are the biggest faggots of them all.

>taking an autistic child seriously

I used to braid my hair a lot and now I cant because people think I copy this stupid cunt.
I hope she gets raped by a bunch of niggers.

Pretty sure angsty teenagers are one of the ten plagues of Egypt.

Yes, that has been the basis of most of the so-called science based treaties - that the west must face a tougher set of penalties than the third world

Factor in the reality that pajeets will build their factories badly and they are corrupt and will lie about the pollution while well managed factories in the west are closed down.

mom i don't want to

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based skygrain poster

>import millions of niggers
>protest or online words against this are criminal
Bahahaha kys or go Tarrant you massive nigger-faggot

Leaders of Swedenistan

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Greta can't even play the banjo

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Read Linkola.


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>Why don't Europeans ask questions?
Shit, you go to prison for that. Part and Parcel is just part and parcel of living there.

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Eat the fucking bugs!

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I think it speaks to the desperation of our kike media the most. I mean does anyone even watch this white America hating communist half nigger's show anymore? I honestly thought it had been cancelled years ago.

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>one country = europe
even if it made europeans look worse, you'd still be dumber

Because the little, fetal alcohol girl is sad and scared and I should be too.
Why should I think when I could feel?

The first 5 panels are all a result of the needless consumption marketed to the 6th

>no eco tax

>literally every country in europe that's part of the EU has some form of eco tax or incentive program

Why do Anons lie on the internet to complete strangers?

Why would one take any advice some down syndrome face?

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Ladies and Gentleman, : Blame Whitey!!!

Our climate who art in statitics
Hallowed be thy name
Thy funding come
Thy will be done
On Earth as it is in models
Give us this day our daily temp
And forgive us for our footprints
As we condemn those whose footprints came before us
And lead us not into emission
But deliver us from ourselves

not gonna lie, she looks pretty fuckable.

Fuck that kafir bastard though