Serious question,why do some beautiful white women date and marry black men?

what do they even find attractive about them?

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Kikes still pushing their interracial agenda to counter the great COOMING!


Women are narcissistic. They’ll do what feels props up their image, even if it means dating the most feral nigger.

different doesn't mean better

Because they're attention seeking whores? What do you think? I have no data to support this, but I'd be willing to bet everything I have that white women who date black men have several times the rate of like-fishing posts than those who aren't coalburners.

Mental illness

If they can stand the nigger smell there must be something physically and mentally wrong about them.

do women who date black men get more attention?

and then it comes down to normal relationship stuff

They are so cute together...

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They can even sex with dogs and horse. Women are born to be slut. They put anything into their vagina. Even apes’ BBC

white men date outside of their race more than white women.

Not sure rabbi, enlighten us


So edgy

>implying white men can get any pussy

I heard they got big peckers and I also heard roastie whores like big peckers

Guys with aids are more tolerant of women with herpes, warts, etc.

Maybe they like being abused, mentally ill and/or victims of repressed childhood sexual abuse id assume schlomo

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increased societal value they have due to modern propaganda. Oh and the bonus points they get for looking progressive.

Not all of them

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Neither does being the same though.

Guaranteed single motherhood.

Some women just want want babies with deadbeat men that wilk never be in their life afterwards.White guys tend to want to see their children

One shekel has been deposited into your account

Just be the RB for the Vikings than you can get any white girl you want!


Niggers are living proof that looks are not everything. Had a nigger in school who looked like a literal monkey, but he was confident, athletic and dressed well. Dude consistently fucked instagrambabe lvls of chicks.

>what do they even find attractive about them?
women can't stop following status quo.
if the mainstream transmits a certain message - women follow. that's how fashion works as well. have you noticed how quickly women change their look as soon as the mainstream transmits the new accepted fashion look? women react immediately.

so the mainstream has been shifting the sexual narrative to interracial paring. so women and men as well, started to react.

of course it's not on a massive scale yet, since niggers are so fucking dumb that they can't provide for a woman whether she's white or not, but white women reacted hastily about 15 years ago and now probably around up to 5% of couples in some areas are interracial.

for instance in the entertainment industry such percentage is insane. something like 60-70% among the top artists. you can check for yourself.. almost all top artists are in interracial relationships. many recently divorced their white spouse and married a non-white.

why is it happening?
to confuse people and cause problems due to confusion. it's all done to break the racial bonds between people for easier social control and shaping(engineering)

daddy issues

Status plays a part, blacks are beijng artificially elevated to a high atatus position in our society by our overlords, they are portrayed in movies as intelligent brave heroes, they dominate the music scene and of course the area where they really do naturally dominate - power sports, so they are seen as a prize.

Plus of course they are almost synonymous with sexual prowess and big dicks, so there's the erotic element too, for some white women it's a no brainer, high status dominant alpha males with almost supernatural fucking ability, whether it's true or not is irrelevant, that's hwo they are being sold and that is how they are percieved.


That's Georgia Ellenwood and the the nigger in the picture is the runningback in the NFL. A professional athlete that is fucking rich.

Any decent looking man with money and status can get a beautiful white woman.

its a bestiality fetish. pure mental illness.
the samel women into fucking dogs are into niggers. its a fact. niggers should be offended, but inside they know they are not human either.
porn genres implicitly admit it: its why interracial is always black/white, but not asian and white or any other racial combination.only when a black is involved is it considered interracial.
interracial is code for bestiality.
all other races are human,
blacks are subhuman.

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I see

>I see

This isn't even that bad. The real suicide fuel is Russian women. African Niggers that are sons of Warlords and rich gooks go to Russia to snag the finest White women you'll ever lay eyes on. It's all just about money but this is just how it is.

Failed genes. Might as well consider them not one of us anymore.

female cumbrain

yeah I know how russian and east european women can be.

what the fuck...

Because it makes them think they grew up in the "hood"...

They think that by sucking black cock it gives them some sort of street resume.

And for most of them MSM has led them to believe white men are bad.

The same reason they carry little dogs around in their purses, because they want people to look at them and to notice them, particularly other women.
If you pay attention though, we're nearing the end of the curve where black men are going out of fashion, it's just not controversial any more.

... And also, outside of owning a sports franchise marriage is the only legal way to own a black man

Because the negro penis is superior and the white race will be extinct

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That's kind of a secondary aspect of things. The initial one should be evaluating whether a person's genes are something you want in your children. If they aren't subconsciously disgusted by niggers, there's something dysfunctional with their brain. Attractive or not, she's a defective human being.

You are fucking delusional. Multiple studies show white women are much more racially loyal than any other group. Only right percent of white women allow black men as part of their dating pool. Another thing? Both Lifestyles and Durex condom companies have commissioned studies to find out what size the average penis is, because their bottom line depends on accurate information. The BBC is a lie. I swear to Christ you can put all the information of the world right in someone's hand and they STILL can't get it right. Fuck.

>why do some beautiful white women date and marry black men?
Because its socially promoted to do so and many women do what is trendy, even if it means doing a nigger.
Then there are the seriously fucked up whores, the majority of coalburners, who get off on doing depraved things, the more the depraved the better. These women do it because they know niggers are basically animals, and it gets them off deeply to do something so disgusting. That's also why you see a lot of women doing fucked up shit with animals.

Women are just generally kind of fucked up, and in a situation wherein they are bombarded by perverse sexuality and media propaganda, they'll do all kinds of fucked up shit. Not that men are much better, really, but women are actually the more sexual of the two sexes - they think about getting plowed basically all the time.

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That said, it rarely works out for them, whether long-term or short-term, and it basically never works out for their kids.

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Anything out of the ordinary does

And if you're wondering why niggers make such shit-tier partners for White women (not that they make much better partners for Black women, mind you), you need to look into something called the Matrillineal Belt in South Central Africa, and Matrillineality as a behavioral trend in general.

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>why do some beautiful white women fuck niggers
Daddy issues. Simple as.

White people who race-mix with another race are basically proving they don't care about those children at all, just like they don't really care about their interracial 'pet'. Its all either a status signaling effort or derivative from self-hating sexual depravity.

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Pushing agenda threads

Because daddy fucked their ass.You should know being pretty has nothing to do with mental health

This is a fair point, as most women who engage in interracial relations do show a tendency towards high-risk sexual behaviors of various sorts, and this likely does stem from some sort of sexual trauma, likely experienced early in life.

its not always the case sometimes mixed race kids can look really are cherrypicking

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>blue eyes
is this guy considered white?

Every time you see a 10/10 blonde with some fat hood rat looking nigger like that, she’s European

So you can imagine it’s because they’ve barely been around niggers in their lives so they don’t know how bad they are and the idea of dating one has a lot of novelty

he is a mutt.

He looks like me but hes slightly less masculine and slightly fatter lips and nose

>tfw niggers cannot compete

Looks are only part of the issue though, and genetics suggest that no matter how you might look, you're going to demonstrate reduced cognitive ability. Almost no half-breeds are regarded as White, so Whties are by definition less-likely to breed with them.
Regression to the mean, all that jazz.

That said, in reality, you're the one cherry-picking. Fucks sake, you chose a nigger-halfbreed with blue eyes (which are probably contacts btw). That's quite the genetic cherry to pick my jude.

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Alot of babies that come from White-black couples just look like light skinned black. That's because white genes are so recessive.

Even still mulattos are incredibly overrated. They are like every other race have ugly people, average people, and good-looking people.

But at the end of the day the majority of them still have dark hair, dark skin, and dark eyes like 85% the rest of the human race.

Not to mention all the health disadvantages that they come with. I'm not saying that mulattos are worse off than any other ethnic group but they are just so overrated.

cause jews won

He is, however, like an octaroon or some shit.
His mum was an ugly White lady and his pops was a halfbreed or something.

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These two are swedish twins. They got a scholarship at an america university, and within the first month of being there they started fucking niggers. Their parents are both pagan larpers too (serious)

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because they are christian pieces of shit

Do you have any fact to back that up?

Yes like I said, mostly only European 10/10s are dumb enough to go after hoodrat niggers like these


>She has a younger brother called Brandon, 25, who was famously treated to a performance by Beyoncé at his bar mitzvah.

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>They got a scholarship at an america university, and within the first month of being there they started fucking niggers.
Bro, lets be honest, they were fucking muds before they left sweden. That's DEFINITELY a combo of sexual trauma + social signaling.

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There aren’t that many shitskins in much of Europe still. They likely had no experience with shitskins or they’d be done with them already

It’s novelty

Pretty much all the data suggests as much desu.

Again, strong suggestion of sexual trauma.
Probably from a wealthy family too I wager. They seem to be more prone to it.

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The most common miscegenated couples I see is a white guy with a chink girl.

>There aren’t that many shitskins in much of Europe still.
Get real moron. They were riding 'Syrians' (Africa) refugees before they left Stockholm or whatever. Going to America, its as you say, novelty + social signaling, but built off previous sexual trauma, like most high-risk sexual behaviors.

why do I find this hot?

For thousands of years, all of those men in her family tree died in battles and worked excruciating jobs, only for her to flush her entire genetic lineage down the toilet in one generation.

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Because you're demoralized and sexually traumatized as the result of watching jewish pornography.

The real, non-cope answer is that women are attracted to masculinity. White American men today have become total pussies. They are so considerate of female boundaries that they barely even talk to them. They like to call themselves “feminist.” They prefer video games over exercise and banging women. The “soiboi” phenomenon is essentially a white male in the years of his life where he should be playing catch with his kids.
Nig men make terrible fathers, but since women are all whacked on birth control anyway, in their minds, a black man is at least still masculine. And yes sometimes this means they’ll be beat up or murdered. But they want a male.

The reason for all of this is feminism. Modern feminism is the eternal enemy of humanity. It destroyed a generation of white men.
Of course chimping out and killing women is NOT the solution. It goes deeper than that. Gloria Steinem was a CIA agent. A demoralized and socially sick male population is easier to manipulate and controle. Males are the ones that change society.

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how do I stop watching porn?

White men can impregnate 10 women. White women Carry one baby. Which do u think is more important?

Not in this age,you are basically stuck with the same person you had kids with once.

Bro aside from cities and a few select towns they’re probably still practically entirely white

Even lots of smaller northern American towns are still practically fully white. I think. Just not near cities
>sexual trauma

Nah, just sheltered hoes who have endured tons of propaganda and faggot shit since they’re european

They seem to get over the nigger novelty. If they were really abused and fucked in the head, I don’t think they would

They’re simply just naive and their faggot eurocuck parents have absolutely no problem with it

Women are not honest about how many men they;ve slept with or the race of men they;ve been with. Deep down they know this lowers their worth

People in the media industry will tell you
In all honesty

The reason they promote BMWF relationships soooo goddamn much is because it’s what they consider “trendy” and “hip” with modern pop culture today

Blacks are a small portion Of the population yet are a big part in the entertainment industry

Kinda like jews
Jews love blacks

Gas the jew and all these problems will disappear

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>The real, non-cope answer is that women are attracted to masculinity. White American men today have become total pussies
Nah, this is the cope answer on behalf of shitty shills trying to run demoralization threads.
I mean, have you SEEN Blacks? 90% of them are not masculine in the least - hell, a huge proportion of them are straight-up faggots.

You're right on the feminism thing though.
See, men have been trained in the modern age to think women don't want to be fucked. But they do. They're way nastier and more psychological in their sexuality than men. As a consequence, men kept them under control societally for most of human history, lest they wander off into all manner of depravity because they're mostly stupid holes who think about getting fucked more often than the guys around them are thinking about fucking them.
Without that grip, with women running wild, this is the sort of shit you see. And this is mild compared to some of the stuff women - of all races - are getting into these days in societies that permit such behavior without severe punitive measures (whether corporal in nature or societal; ie, you've dishonored yourself, we're going to kill you now/nobody wants to do anything but fuck you and dump you).

Funny thing is, our current society is kind of creating this condition. Niggers don't generally make good husbands or partners, and so these girls go out and fuck niggers for kicks and to signal and because they get off on the gross aspect of it.
Then they get old. Or knocked up. Then nobody wants anything from them but pussy. Go on Tinder in any american city and look around - its full of White slags with kids from guys (White, Black, etc) who pumped em, dumped em, and now they're desperate for someone to pick up the pieces... But nobody wants to. They just want to cum on the pieces and move on to the next pile of broken meat.

Invest in boxed wine and firearms.

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Look at the fuckin Kardashian’s

All fuck blacks
Media oozes over them

A family who got famous because their daughter made a porno with a nigger rapper

Fuck off kikenigger show flag

Develop self-control.

>Bro aside from cities and a few select towns they’re probably still practically entirely white
And where do you think those girls were most likely from?

>>sexual trauma
Yah. They aren't 'sheltered', they're almost-certainly rich girls who've been engaged in modeling or some shit since they were like 12, and getting bad touched since before that, potentially by their shitbird father.

As much as I hate kikes I think the real reason why commercials use white women and black men is because those are the groups of people who spend money like fucking idiots. They’re the best consumers

>love to party
>love to consum
>worship money and social media
>live on credit
>watch reality tv
>listen to garbage r&b hiphop music
Am i describing women or nigs? The description fits both thats why they get along so easily. Its like dating a girl friend.

>Jews love blacks
1,000% this.
Half the coalburners you see are privileged jewish girls.

You can tell they view those nogs as nothing more than a toy. A symbol to show off on Instagram. Is this slavery 2.0?

its the truth faggot,you are a hypocrite.white women are more loyal than white men.

OP has made variations of this thread multiple times a day, every day, for at least a year.


A bunch of stay at home housewives are white women

Who watch tv all day telling them miscegenation is good especially with negros