Open borders to Mexicans and annex Mexico, white boi

> Hardworking
> Best foods
> nice chicks
> catholic family values
> oil, silver and gold
> great architecture and culture
> 11th economy
> friendly and not nig nog
> 50% white and castizo, 40% caucasoid(mestizo) and 10% injun

Attached: northern mexican.jpg (640x960, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gib California and TX to mexicans and wall the rest off and ship Democrats down there to "help" with the political disaster

Fuck you I’m from Texas!

Only if you are 2nd class citizens and call me master.

tx is full of angry white trash and cali is full of niggers, so noI want Colorado and all the east coast

Libertarian cucks that are white texans belong in Mexico too.


How about a bleach campaign in Mexico and then you leave us alone?

Texan here, unironically fuck the U.S.A, Mexico should have its land back.

>Texan here, unironically fuck the U.S.A, Mexico should have its land back.

welcome back to your motherland Mejico/Spain

Attached: reino de españa.png (1000x723, 483K)

The economical and social backlash. 4th grade shit.

>this gay
You could have gotten 1000 mexican concubines and some land. You are no American.

Attached: D-MuSEPWsAYwyol.jpg (817x540, 39K)

And? How many you shot?

>Wanting to be annexed.
Maldito traidor a la patria

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Attaboy, fuck these liberal faggots.


Attached: 1567708171975.jpg (640x567, 27K)

>Took church´s claws from the state
>Took their land
>leader of the fight against french intervention
>Executes royalty like it aint no thang, despite pleas from Europe

All of those are liberal causes. Fuck you, hes not the saint they make him out to be. But he was a great leader

Attached: 1553130945971.gif (480x602, 492K)

Fuck you, USA doesn't own Texas. Texas has chosen to participate in the USA and can choose not to whenever necessary. Texas could conquer all of Mexico in a month with an army of trucks and drunk rednecks.

My ancestors killed a passel of em. I will too when the time comes if something doesn’t change very soon.

Robespierre was also a great leader. Atilla the Hun too.

Texas itself has been conquered by Mexicans.

Go ahead and try, I´ll sit here and wait

Attached: 155296303067.png (960x720, 1.57M)

Private citizens own more tanks in Texas than all of Mexico combined.

Im still waiting

t. Doesn’t know history.

Texas fought the entire Mexican army and won. That’s exactly how it became its own state (The Republic Of Texas)

History doesnt matter when 80% of children born in Texas are not of the stock that founded the State.

a mexican girl talked to me at work the other day out of the blue. she seems really nice. are mexican girls nice in general or does she like me?

They are very nice.

>Entire mexican army.

Thats just alamo circle jerk

No beaners know history. Either too lazy to read or too stupid to understand history, or in utter denial of the facts. Also Shitty food and Ugly women that age like milk and insecure and prone to fits Of jealous rage.
The most beautiful site n the world to me would be every nigger swimming back to Africa with a Mexican under each arm.

Nothing worse than that spic accent and their stupid sounding “language”

worthless quads lmao

Too much jew in your dna. Annex canada instead
>fresh water
>no mexicans
>everyone speaks english, even the french who deny it.

No one wants your shit. And Everyone knows you'll never make it better. So cope harder with the inherent weak mindedness of your birthplace
The areas in Texas which have been (((conquered))) have been majority hispanic enclaves that already existed or kike infected shitlib areas which no real Texan gives a fuck about anyway.

no. then we would have more mexicans. also mexicos economy is in a down cycle and advertising catholic beliefs isnt actually a selling point. goblinos are not pretty and thats 99% of what you send to america

Jow Forums is retarded and doesn't understand demographics

based white Hispanics helped found Texas and thus about 60% of Texan kids are of the founding stock

You're forgetting Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada bud.

The women coming over do not look like that

and they all will want public assistance, bankrupt us.

>Hispanics helped found Texas
wrong, google TX independence, nigger

Mexican culture is retarded and indigenous

Mexico has shot to do with Spain you shit coloured, monkey palmed nigger mestizo

Lmao you have Indian blooded wonder

That man has the darkest hands I have ever seen for someone you claim is 10% indigenous....

Because they're lying. Over 89% of Mexicans have indigenous majority blood...they just self report as white on national census here and back home in Mexico

Attached: thank-youp-jesus-for-this-food-de-nada-14045828.png (500x746, 227K)

mestizos aren't caucasoid, and are the large majority of the population, not 40%

I live in Southern Colorado and have plenty of experience dealing with Mexicans. Most of you motherfuckers are on public assistance and none of you niggers driving around have insurance. You commit all of the crime in my neighborhoods, despite making up a minority of the population. You can't speak English and expect us to either understand your broken gibberish or speak Spanish ourselves. You are low IQ, subhuman monkeys and if I could push a button and purge you from my state, I would in a heartbeat. Also, beaner women look more like pic related.

Attached: 20 year old mexican women.jpg (750x492, 147K)

exactly, mestizos are subhuman half mongoloid, not caucasoid and constitute the large majority of the population

mexicans are subhumans, they subconsciously know that

How long till kikes in Mexico start trying to niggerize Caztizos?


Attached: Hispanic Supremacist-Jorge Ramos.jpg (663x470, 66K)

50%.... hahahahahhahahah

Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos declared on Friday that the United States belongs to Latino migrants, emphatically stating to a Spanish-speaking audience that “it is our country, not theirs.”

Attached: Jorge Ramos-Hispanic Supremacist.jpg (630x473, 174K)

If all spice look like that then America would become a better place.

W-whoa. A white Mexican.


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Yeah fuck those subhuman child molesting rapists. They can go work hard bustin' rocks on the chain gang. If they get loose kill them. Zero tolerance for these people. People should just start shooting them on sight

Spics need to learn some English talk.

>be Mexican
>gf is a white German chick
>only with her because she's white
She's a good girl, fuck her almost daily, can't wait to pump a few kids into her. I want them bleached a little.

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Texan spics literally served in the TX republic legislature, how about you google you retarded fucking zoomer

Fuck you, AZ is ours and forever will be.