Long nose tribesman paint naked grugette in cave wall

>long nose tribesman paint naked grugette in cave wall
>Grug feel something
>must touch under loincloth

Attached: 1A373284-2422-4A56-9BFC-ECEEAB8BBE34.jpg (750x475, 147K)

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Mods are trigger by the coomer meme. I just got warned.

Mods confirmed coomer Cumbrians

Yeah because this thread is top tier politics

Go back to /b/

Best meme

Modern Jow Forums mods are triggered by literally anything. Fuck them!

finally the CIA was funny

They're fucking deleting coom posts why is porn always off limits if we save 1 coomer this was worth it

Makes me want to stop cooming desu

porn feels ridiculous to look at now
For me, I'm grateful that coomposting took off

Admit your a coomer!

I haven’t jerked it nor looked at porn since Friday last thing I wanna end up is like this guy

Attached: D5E75E29-A2A9-4E2B-AA94-79F707F65239.jpg (716x908, 58K)

That god damned long nosed tribesman

COOMER posting > grug posting

>Grug hardly shows up for meeting tribe around campfire anymore
>Grug cooming every day
>Grug no longer interested in Grugette. Grug rather look at naked grugette on wall

Not nearly as much as criticizing Christianity. Yesterday's Christianity hate thread with over 200 posts where a rabid Christcuck said he feels one with African Christians was deleted without any explanation. Happens every day. Circumcised fuckers love Rabbi Yeshua's cock down their throats.

It's because the mods are all copy pasted from that one bald soulless blacked coomer guy

Attached: coomer1.png (2452x1812, 1.31M)

yes goy lets falsify discord screenshots for our epic propaganda compilation to protect israeli social engineering firms such as MindGeek from the evil right wing coomer meme

Attached: Untitled.jpg (891x317, 87K)

the invites are open so you can easily see that the screenshots are not fake

i dont use discord so i have no idea how "invites are open" means that the screenshots are real

the coomer meme is a legit meme that is funny and originates from sam hyde, ofc this makes the mindgeek kikes such as (((swaglord))) very mad and conjure up garbage fake discord screenshot compilations to prevent any subversion of the CoomComplex

ok dude

also all the posts on those images are literally "yesterday" or "today"

a bunch of asshurt kikes could easily make those posts to paint a narrative and attempt to shift the narrative against the authentic coom meme

of course, yet another failure by the left

Jewish pornography is highly relevant to our current situation.

the coomer meme is generally funny and effectively combats the mk ultra of pornography.. It makes you realize how silly masturbation is. You cant help but laugh at your own chimp sexual urges and seek to ascend into higher planes.

Attached: bill burr.jpg (330x262, 22K)


Attached: 1482482146364.jpg (1000x1430, 104K)

Minimal jerking, no porn. That meme was highly effective, wish anons kept it going a bit longer.

>hidden posts
so unaesthetic


Attached: Coomtism.jpg (3120x4160, 1.46M)


Fuck I'm dying