Breaking kike news goyim!

Breaking kike news goyim!

King bibi is fallen!

Adolf liberman will decide the future of our country a based red pilled ruski.

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Why is Israel allowing to convert filipinos to Judaism?
A droplet of my people would kill Israel on the fertility rate alone.


Oh shit. That means that Israel will provide information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.

>kikeland ruled by someone named Adolf

Redpill me on bibi and the russian guy.

Democracy can't stop winning. I think the new guy will let Americans build that wall now.

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Liberman will fuck the kikes

muh Russia II?

There will be a unity government, there's no other viable option

Can I get a quick rundown on candidates other than Bibi? I missed entire election.

>in 100 years the jews will be the most powerful race in the world

goyim are FUCKED

arabs are trying to jew jews, the jews are trying to jew arabs and the superjews are trying to jew the normal jews

close call

A Russian guy won and he isn’t even fake Jewish

Putin will run his pipeline straight through Israel if he wants to

straight through israls ass

They should not have targeted Flips with a holohoax guilt film like Quezon's Game. Now we shall play their game.

Wasn't a coalition the most realistic outcome?

Holy fuck that's a metric shekelton of jewry Any word yet if khazar milkers are involved?

Qrd? What does this mean?

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and that is something bad right? muh bad russians all over again


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open borders for Israel

Look at me
I'm the jew now

most israeli ruskies aren't based, fact

kek. this has been a fun night.

So has Mother Russia conquered the Jews?

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yes the ruskie has the last world to build the parliament coalition he already stated that he wants joints coalition with both biggest partys in without the orthodox kikes

Maybe we hacked their elections. That's like our signature move now.

Now Russia's greatest ally, China, is also Israel's greatest ally. Who could have foreseen this? What a masterful play.

the jew fears the russian aryan. that's a well know fact.

New sources say Maharlika is a corruption of Michael and therefore the Filipinos are a lost tribe of Israel

>jewish russian aryan turko-semitic communists descended from italian women

I don't read chicken scratches.

WTF! Jow Forums became a Jewish den

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Adolf is still a kike though.

>Hey '1 post by ID', It's Lieberman
> Also no link
Anyway, I'm curious how it could evolve

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These usury runes mean nothing to me. Apply yourself.

So who's going to be our next leader if it's not Bibi?

>Israel starts converting Filipinos to Judaism
>Filipino ISIS becomes a thing
really makes you think

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best part about this is the zionists just rekt themselves with the same garbage multiculturism shit they push in other countries
bibi is salty as fuck, mad that the muslim vote BTFO him

Coalition government

Pinoy isis is already a thing and they have worse.

>wishful thinking this hard
cringe, no one support "multiculturalism", certainly not Lieberman

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So you got a guy named adolf and your country is ethnostate and your annexing lands you shouldnt sounds familiar

I can't read your sand dune chicken scratch graphic. Explain.

>no greater israel
>no two state
a true fence-sitter

stop hyping everyone
barely half of the votes were counted and in 2009 he wasn’t the biggest party

haaretz sez 92% counted,

Literally a Facebook meme.

So who will be prime minister?

63.01% counted
some news website claim they have data for 91, no idea from where or how

we don’t know, it will probably take over a month all the negotiations

>we don’t know, it will probably take over a month all the negotiations
Who's most likely to be the US' new Prime Minister after all the negotiations?

>King bibi is fallen!
BIBI is Trump's biggest, if not only, ally. Trump is doomed.

he isnt russian hes a gypsy

> became
> implying

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>he doesn’t know

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for the milionth time

Serious question, is the population kvetching out over this, or is it just the same bullshit

ynet also has 91% somehow
they’re probably there or some shit and the govt website is slowly updated

>no other option

post your face when you realize haaretz made it up and ynet copied from them

in all seriousness, maybe. but i wouldn't count on either. especially not haaretz lmao

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ynet usually is credible though

The only group of yours that breeding at above replacement is the orthodox kid fuckers who won't fight or work and are nothing but a drain on your society

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> orthodox: 6.9
> religious non-orthodox: 4.3
> semi-religious trad: 2.6
> non-religious trad: 2.2-2.3
> secular: lowest at 2.1

Get fucked pedro

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she looks like a degenerate by i like that attitude
fucking lapid

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How big is the percentage of Ashkenazi of each of these groups? Serious question

Most are secular, with a non orthodox religious minority.

based yair meticulously calling out the russian goyims

nah. lapid is just being a retard

this fake news. bibi need to win for greater israel to become true to create peace on earth and have jerusalem be the capital of earth. the jews are chosen to rule and it shall be so. all goyim who behave themselves will be able to live as servants. those who do not follow the law will be exterminated.

spotted a glowing one

What's the odds of a right wing death squads executing muslims in the streets?

Is Gantz is zionist?

everyone but joint list is

Oh. Is it tiem for open borders for Israel now?
You know you want them.
Just a little.
Everybody needs them from time to time.
Open them.

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Why would someone name their jewish son Adolf?

Because they are based and have good sense of humor.

Let's be real, Adolf is a name that deserves a comeback. Joseph never got blacklisted as a name, and I am sure there are plenty of Maos in China


"Political Science Dimensions of Khazar Milkers in Modern Globo-Homo" -- t. Prof. Apu Powrsqueez

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Your women has great ass.

Bibi can have the labor in to replace the fat russian and secure 61 seats, i'm assuming he's going for that right about now.

Neither the likud nor the avoda have any ideology anyways.

To all the brick headed goyim who literally think that theres a politician named Adolf..

His name is Avigdor Libermann.

lol what a kike

We must keep pounding the memes that Israel needs to be a diverse nation. That Netanyahu was too focused on the jewish race in power, and not welcoming other groups.

Russian guy is russian.
Bibi is a complicated fellow that I personally think became too weak lately.
But if we'll get ganz we will miss his strength, that's for sure.

>keeps pounding the memes
>nothing happens because no one cares about Jow Forumscels and their opinions
>keeps getting enriched in his own country anyway
many such cases

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Pinay ISIS allready exists and is being eradicated by catholic Spanish HAPAs.

Have fun giving back everything to the arabs.



-- - “How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump”

>NOTE (importint):
Even if you do not like Trump, or do not have faith in him (honestly it is a naive thing to think Trump supports Israel, but to each its own), if you want to help destroy support for Israel by turning ALL Trump supporters against it, this is the way to do it.

Another thread related: - “If you think Trump supports Israel, you're retarded” - “Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law” - “Just for some perspective” - 2 minute read, redpills anyone. - “Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal”

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