The government is going to slowly show us that aliens are real so that people don't freak out.
The government is going to slowly show us that aliens are real so that people don't freak out.
>government telling the truth
>government caring for our mental wellbeing and if we freak out or not.
user, they literally have fucking kidknapped people and tortured them for fucking science experiments, as well as irradiated entire fucking towns to see the results.
Never post that ugly kike ever again.
>pedo secrets start coming out
>look goyim ayy lmaos hehehe
They care that we're mentally well enough to give shekels to the elites. Other than that you're right
when the FUCK did they ever say they werent real in the first place? its literally video THEY captured.
fuck zogger zoglerson
>needing shekels when they have shekel printers
user, they need our fucking souls. this is literally the only thing that makes sense after a decade of research into more areas of "conspiracy", politics, and general fuckery than you will ever do.
explain plz
no skepticism
just wanna see where this ride goes
fucks sake just look at this hand rubbing money changer on the right..
fuck this schlock.
project bluebeam
We're under a firmament, space isn't real, and aliens are demons
>explain plz
this isnt the spoonfed learning hour, im way past wasting my fucking time writing blocks of knowledge on Jow Forums just for retards to continue being stupid.
if you cared, you would look into the necessary info yourself. if you DO care, you will do this eventually. nothing I say will change anything for you.
and retards like this are here to muddy the waters of critical thinking with conjecture backed by nothing.
im done here.
Satan is real.
The Bible is 100% real.
I'm not larping, this is the final redpill and the only explanation for satanists and luciferian secret societies controlling the world.
Jesus Christ is the only one that can save us.
Time travelers, nothing more. Nothing less.
>videos are real
The US Government is *pretending they have no idea what these are.
Read The Omega File.
you could have been cool like
but you chose to be a shitheel
OH.... OK
I get it now.
(((They))) forced Tucker Carlson to talk about UFO, to discredit him and all the redpills he dropped lately.
Now people will associate him with conspiracy lunatics. It's over for Tucker. You will now witness his show fading out, and they will move it to different time-slot to further lower views and kill it eventually.
for Tucker.
This, go deep enough down the alien rabbit hole
You’ll see
Probably a psyop to push a new world order, one world government.
Why does this guy have a fake British accent? Don't trust this merchant
Based and fed up boomer pilled
The final redpill is hermeticism
scary stuff
meaningless until confirmed as signs of life by NASA
How do we know that this isn't just a distraction?
It does seem like our souls r the endgame but in the meantime it seems like they feed off of our fear/anger/hate. Evil is real and it runs this world
What a bunch of self indulgent greedy people, like they don't have enough power...
I can't say conclusively, but my best guess is this:
Since they could wipe us all out at anytime with the press of a button, and they most certainly do not need 7billion people to press their buttons and serve them coffee and twist their levers, I surmise they need us here in the flesh until we provide whatever it is they get from us.
It could be fear/anger/negative emotions etc, feeding on us like fucking parasites.. but I tend to think it is more than that. If it was only fear and such things they wanted, they would simply torture us openly and without any sort of respite. They wouldn't provide netflix, video games, tinder, and general circus-tier distractions. I tend to think they are trying to distract us the best they can, fear is a good distraction, but too much can give themselves away. I think there is a balance they try to achieve with distraction.
I think their ultimate goal is to distract us from thinking about ourselves, thinking about the direction of our spirit, and thinking about the true purpose of life. I tend to think this life is like a testing ground, and they are the assholes on the sidelines trying to pick off the weak ones. Maybe they are condemned to be here assuming this role after they themselves failed.
UFOs don't mean shit.
>something was flying around
>what was it?
>we don't know
>guess it's a UFO
Is it enemy military technology? Maybe. A glitch? I'm not educated in how robust the technology they use to find this stuff is, so Idk how possible, but it's non-zero I would assume. Is it an animal? Possibly. Natural phenomenon? Could be. Is it aliens? Least likely.
You will find a rabbit hole for every single rabbit hole you enter while looking into this subject, 5 years down the line you will be absolutely no closer to anything concrete, and you will have a patch of grey hair.
stupid idiot, the pilots would know if something is just a bird or not based not only on size but also speed and I'm pretty sure that military software doesnt just randomly have consistent moving and rotating glitches or you couldnt trust that thing at all anymore.
What an ultra stupid comment by a turbo normie
If the gov released it, just assume that it is a waste of time pursuing.
Knowledge is not given, it is gained.
you need to be above 18 to post here, kid
That's implying I give a fuck.
I just said UFOs don't mean shit because there's not enough evidence that it's MUH ALIUMS.
It's information that is now public but will probably lead us as common people nowhere.
Thats why you have the rebel flag sir.
>Since they could wipe us all out at anytime with the press of a button
I've come to the conclusion that nuclear weapons aren't real.
The elites know that there is a God (who they call the Demiurge) and they know that there is a judgment. What they believe, however, is that they will be found guilty and perish, but Satan will raise them from the ashes of judgement of fire like the rising phoenix. A spiritual holocaust. However, amongst their many heretical errors there is one of a the eternal soul that trips them up. What they don't realize is that the judgment of God (Lake of Fire) is annihilation; the Bible clearly teaches this doctrine.
In order to realize this goal of rising from the phoenix, they have to provoke the return of Jesus Christ by killing the children (Like Herod) through abortions, putting nation against nation (nation = ethos; ethnicity, or race), starting wars (WW1, WW2, Korea, Afghanistan (Russian), Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan (USA), Syria, etc.), rumors of wars (Cold War, propaganda in media, etc.) and the return of the false Israel (Fig Tree in Matthew 20 that was cursed, and in Matthew 24). There are numerous false Christs, prophets, and church heresies to count.
The most glaring prophetic message in Biblical eschatology is deception. I've watched thousands of hours of documentaries, lectures, speeches, I've read countless articles and books, the modern deception is so overwhelmingly real that it is neigh impossible to discern truth anymore. One has to have a transcendent authority (the Word of God) to tells us truth that the Spirit deciphers for us.
The elites have effectively created a Matrix for YOU to rebel from. They only function off of rebellion of societies, that's how they think they stay in power and challenge God and His creation.
There's only one escape from this.
>pic related
It's the narrow path and it is not from your works, lest you can boast.
But that means we can't conquer the galaxy..
Why even live?
no such thing as aliens, only demons
Are you ready?
Could you be ready?
They bring peace, can we only respond with Fear and War?
Imagine a world where spy agencies and militaries all of drones that get smaller and better every day.
Imagine a world where spotting those drones in plain day even with all our tech would be very difficult.
Wouldnt it ne great if everyone was pointing their phone cameras at everything they see? And if they could have fun doing it, wouldnt that be great too? And if you could just tap those phone cams...
I'm not saying there arent aliens, but I do question the motives of those stirring the pot on this.
wrong. the government is releasing confirmation and denying they know what they are but they know exactly what they are and they are being used to verify to foreign enemies 'hey look what we have faggots' while denying it or not giving any other information
Rare and underground meme
This, OP is a newfag
videos released are the low res versions. the navy is keeping the higher definition copies from the public. they think we will freak out if we see aliens waving from a window on the UFO.
>The most glaring prophetic message in Biblical eschatology is deception. I've watched thousands of hours of documentaries, lectures, speeches, I've read countless articles and books, the modern deception is so overwhelmingly real that it is neigh impossible to discern truth anymore. One has to have a transcendent authority (the Word of God) to tells us truth that the Spirit deciphers for us.
Couldn't have said this better; this user knows what's up.
have similar spooky ayy shit
"Politics" is like a Christmas present with layers and layers of wrapping paper until you get to the center where you find the eternal conflict between good and evil. Beautiful isn't it?
The origional COOMer
Man that ay chicks tush is pretty nice, 9/10 would smash if she wasn't a 10k year old mummy.
Face isn't bad either, the wierd bump ass character like a beauty spot, think there are more of those flying around def want.
Newfags are too stupid to see through this propaganda as nothing more than a marketing campaign for the new Super Hornet threat identification and tracking systems.
He's just Britains main UFO disinfo agent. Brit equivalent to Richard Doty.
These are fake models made relatively recently by the way.
No it's Trump's plan to red pill boomers and get a funding for some kind of space force and council so he can be the 1st space president
>The US Navy specializes in electronic warfare and is known for spreading disinfo in honeypots
Does this even need to be mentioned?
the whole idea that people would freak out over aliens is a hundred year old meme.
nearly everyone alive today already accept the possibility and would not find it that shocking if it was true.
OP is a fucking dumbass. You really think they care about our mental well being when they push transgender shit on us daily?
you do know that the classic UFO disc shaped with a beam coming down is just a representative of a mushroom right? I mean try going through history again and see what many cultures truly meant when crafting something that gets mistaken as a ufo. it gives new meaning to exactly what was bringing knowledge to mankind. especially when you consider that science has shown many fungi are immortal and there are vast underground networks of fungi that are untold years old all across our planet
guys seriously.. i really dont want to have to keep doing this. every time dammit, every time i leave my horses tied up here SOMEBODY sucks their fucking cocks. you guys have GOT to get your shit together.
do you know how embarrassing it is, trying to tell my wife that our horses cocks get sucked every time i bring them in to town?? do you know what she is starting to think??
No one cares if you leave just as they didn't care if you were here to begin with. No one cares for leafs
That, and sell those over priced F/A 18
>FLIR system so good it even caught the USAF fancy toy with its pants down
Thx for telling me about this part, apparently it was various videos scattered on youtube and I think the one I linked has most of them. There is some kind of advanced space suit in the video too right next to her butt
Would Jesus be an ayylmao too?
Also: why does pol have better /x/ threads than /x/?
Seriously wish /x/ was like what it was in 2010
It ain't aliens. It's Russian stealth bombers.
>Muh Russia!
See DARPA Falcon Project.
Hypersonic vehicles have been flying around for at least a decade now. Hell the SR-72 has just been signed to enter production next year.
>Seriously wish /x/ was like what it was in 2010
me too
There are no ayylmao's. It's a deception ritual which they are extremely proud of.
It's one Luciferian ritual after another.
>pic related
It is a good sign if they're pushing UFOs again, that's desperation, that's getting ready to pull the last card they have, we want this, we need to force them to pull their last card, it will fail hard on them and will their crushing downfall
H-He's (jewing) fast!
There are no aliens
What's up with america's obsession with ayyliens
I will never be able to take anything regarding outer space life seriously when it is coming from them, really, I'd give more credit to something coming from my shithole at this point
perhaps they harvest the loss of potential energy?
Look into Podesta, Delonge, Greer. It's an agenda. There's also that Reagan speech and Von Braun's deathbed confession
>the people who have fucking lied to you for the last 100 years are suddenly telling you the undivided truth for no apparent reason whatsoever
Aliens are demons
Tucker has been covering the TTSA videos since they came out. He’s never been dismissive of them or scoffed at the possibilities. He’s the most open minded pundit I’ve seen on this matter.
Other than his ridiculous Reefer Madness bullshit, I’m a huge fan of Tucker.
He’s basically the evolution of WF Buckley. TC is truly The Populist Republican spearhead. More-so than even Trump at this point.
>videos declassified
>but not meant for public to see
i don't care, united states government is boring.
they could show us UFOS are real, i don't care.
cover things up forever, who gives a shit, you
guys are worse than dogs with bones. show the
ufo footage up your ass.