>became a none believer when I was 16 because logic, now 26.
>Never left the country and don't intend to because of my also Redpilled gf.
>I'm quite safe and all my family and friends know. also, there is a very high percentage of people like me in middle East.
>Islam has a lot of disadvantages but there are some great advantages as well, like women always be submissive to men. Extreme disapproval of degeneracy. Etc.
>There truly is an agenda to replace the whites. I truly feel bad for you white people because I know without you the world would still be in the middle ages.
Get your Redpills about Islam from an ex Muslim. AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
>Extreme disapproval of degeneracy
>Fucking goats, camles and 8 year olds is fine tho
No thanks, Ahmed.
That’s the first step. The next step is Christ
Nobody approves that these days and it's truly frowned upon. Those things happened during muhhamed. And some very underdeveloped Muslim countries like Yemen and Afghanistan. Oh and the western gay shit is any better? Although I'm an ex Muslim I'd still prefer if my kid lived in a Muslim country than be subjected to gay and leftist propaganda from school.
What is the common opinion on jewry in the muslim world? Both official government stance but also regular people in private
Why do all your countries suck russian cock as hard as we suck american cock?
Almost every Muslim hates the Jews. As literally Islam and Mullahs tell them they are the primary source of all the bad things that happen to the world and specially Islam.
In Italy there are some talk, from right wing parties, to threat islam not as a religion but as a law (you cant ban religions)...if we ban islam as a law (sharia) will this be usefull to BTFO islamniggers forever and ever? Will they leave our country?
Know anything about Salifism?
My best friend is a paki and a muslim. Even though I'm agnostic I'm treated as a family member by his family. How does he really deep down look at me?
Because Russia is probably the only western country left with balls. Muslims respect those who have power and are dominant. Believe it or not, a lot of Muslims respect Hitler to this day.
They are the worst type of Islam. Literally the most extreme form of it. Only a step away from isis.
based and christpilled
How do we as Westerners effectively fight Islam in your opinion?
glad you got out op
Never let them in. Trust me on this one. Unfortunately your kiked masters wouldn't allow you to do that.
Thanks a ton my dude. Glad as well.
>Almost every Muslim hates the Jews
Based. Are you worried our ZOG is going to bring you some (((freedom)))?
This agaik is weird to me
During the cold war countries like egypt syria jordan irak all sucked on the moscow tit while those communists preached for a world whithout religions
Yes I know, but how should we deal with the ones who are already in?
Don't fall for this shit
I guess I can agree with Muslims on something after all.
How do you feel about the idea that if we were to no longer have to deal with Jews, that other religions would end up targeted by Muslims? On one hand, the Jews are active in earning Muslim hate. On the other, the Muslims have managed to pick a war with Buddhists of all people. Is there any real hope of coexistence?
I have another question. Are people in the muslim world afraid that the western world will one day loose its shit and start rekting muslims as revenge? Or do you view us as too pacified to do great things anymore?
A fucking crusade of course. But I know this is far fetched as you white people all becoming a minority and brainwashed with leftist propaganda 24/7
>those communists preached for a world whithout religions
not exactly true cuz communism is religion itself in a way.
I love the Iraqi flags colours. Red, white, black, grey are my 4 favorite colours.
What's the difference between salafism and wahabism ?
Based. Choose the right side when we come marching.
I just wish we had a place that was for us and a place for you guys and that we were just working on our awesome cultures that were our own thing yet still human. I wish we would have valued ourselves more. We are all a little screwed up from the last 300 years
To some degree. But they probably know that you would never do that, to be honest, like I mentioned earlier, the middle east has a lot of people like me, who hate Islam to the guts. Don't think it would be wise to kill off everyone just because they were born here.
From a general point of view, none. They are both the same shit.
Yeah but there's a trend that kebab migrants born after 1980s all submit to liberal degeneracy. Men start doing drugs and partying with materialism mindset while women seek European cock to suck behind parent's back who think they have honorable daughters and sons.
Some Arabs are very generous and nice people. Most of these Arabs that I have met have been Christians. The whole region has been destroyed by Muslims and Jews combined with the massive amount of fucking oil there and US intervention angering people. Constant civil wars and lack of stable governments. Rich neighboring countries like Saudi Arabia do nothing they just fund and arm more militias to fight.
God bless Syria.
True. People here follow Western media, pedowood and use western social media. Which are all used by kikes. So go figure.
So would muslims want to kill me for being catholic? What if I said I hated and wanted to kill jews?
Honest question, because this is fast becoming a “enemy of my enemy is my friend” situation.
Is it true that most muslims are just larpers? Many of my friends said that muslims often drink alcohol and there are bars too, only wine is banned.
Also, why did the most fanatic inbred retards moved to Europe.
Extremists would definitely want to kill you, but not the common people. Yeah Muslim do follow "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"
What was it that redpilled you on islam?
Common sense man, I mean not just Islam but all religions.
All muzzie gangs in West presented by conservative media a sharia brings are mostly just low IQ drug dealers and sex traffickers just like Eastern European orthodox mafia. They mostly strive to be criminals who have villas and luxury cars and drug kingpin empire, not to have caliphate.
Also women are starting to develop Western idea of prince on white horse who'll kneel down and ask them for hand in marriage. If you look at articles written by muzzie women active in public sphere in West they all think arranged marriage is outdated and how they want more freedom.
I chose picrelated.
user, what do you think about the theory that the Jews created Islam?
I agree 100%
>Rafidi pretends he was once a Muslim, the thread
Completely agree with everything you said. True.
I honestly would consider that, but islam forbids telling stories about things that never happened, so I wouldn't be able to write fiction anymore and produce any art depicting people. That's kind of a huge deal breaker.
Nah bro, Muhhamed saw a pattern and creating something he later even lost control of, Islam literally was like that company which someone creates and then later he loses power by the majority of share holders. Muhhamed was smart as he knew what men at that time wanted and created a religion based on that. That's why it was so successful.
Is your mind literally so small that it can't comprehend that in an a huge place like the middle East nobody would turn out like me? Damn.
just ban circumcision and halal. That would fuck the Jews and the Muslims, just look at who the ADL was kvetching when Iceland tried to do that.
Dude I never said you should become a muzzie. Islam is cancer.
>There truly is an agenda to replace the whites. I truly feel bad for you white people because I know without you the world would still be in the middle ages.
You say this from you research or things you have seen in the Muslim world? Do Muslims see it as their job to conquer the rest of the world?
didnt he basically just take the Bible and change it a bit?
What's your opinion on niggers?
Why is it forbiden to draw muhammad, or make any public pistures of him?
Corruption, no jobs, and shitty laws inforce the youth to seek a normal life somewhere else. And what place is perfect for a young guy like that? Europe.
I think there is a subtle push for people to start respecting Islam is the west because how bad things are getting with all the progressive horseshit but ultimately Islam needs to fuck off, Christianity is the best program for the masses, it supplies it's own antibodies to the globohomo bullshit. Islam is fucking cancer in America and Europe. If there has to be another crusade to save Europe so be it.
Yes and that bit is what made it so successful, that fact that it completely benefited Arab warriors at that time.
No, it's just obvious you're an ex-Shiite so never were you ever a Muslim :^)
This dude soundin like a real bean
Niggers are the scum of the Earth. They all should be exterminated.
You have been saved. Now get ready to save Iran.
Because they know it would become a sort of a meme and people would use it for a lot of things like propaganda and things like that. To be honest it's brilliant. I mean look at what they made out of Jesus.
He's right. Id rather my kid be raised in a muslim country rather than the faggotry the US has to offer today.
Fucking lefty faggots.
Truly terrible, I know
>we suck american cock
wasn't it the other way around
> without you the world would still be in the middle ages
Don't worry. Without us, it will be again.
i was talking to a gay afghan uber driver and he said lots of the taliban mullahs have young boys as lovers in the classical greek style but don't class this as homosexual. is this true?
Unfortunately, I agree. Wish I could save the whites.
Unequivocally based. You can become an honorary aryan if it were up to me
Only in Afghanistan, I believe it was developed as teens and males aren't even allowed to see the eyes of women, so you can expect things like that to develop.
Thanks man, it's an honor. now go Redpill more Dans. And save your women.
I didn't know I agreed with arabs about anything. Thanks OP and fuck israel.
>Wish I could save the whites.
Oh that's okay. We just want you to know who was responsible. So that when we're gone there will be no denying what they did. A group of people annihilated a race of people in the world. Like the dodo.
What the world does with them after, is up to them. But I hope you all do something. Before they do something worse.
I'm not an Arab my dude, not all people in the middle East are Arabs, Arabs are a step away from niggers.
Kill yourself via bullet to the head, mutt.
but they still throw other gays off buildings? how do they justify this hypocrisy?
They would most likely be assassinated. Nobody who's gay dare to admit they are. Let alone take pride in.
>>Islam has a lot of disadvantages but there are some great advantages as well, like women always be submissive to men
To me this seems like an advantage that defeats most of west's "advantages"
based burger
Arabs were quite based by being pioneers in astronomy and mathematics. Then islam happened and they only care about raping and conquering.
Also, I believe they don't consider it gay as they only do it with trap like teens. They have a different name for it, "bacha bazy" which literally translates to "kid play" something like that in Persian.
Please know that Islam and Arabs are different things. There are a lot of people and countries that are Muslims but not arabs.
Double edge sword my dude.
idiot, you are missing half your working force if your women are submissive. dumb fucks, you are in the middle ages, eat shit and die hungry
What was better, Saddam or US?
why is Islam exactly like Judaism, except for the interest rate thing?
You are kurd
>Nobody approves that these days and it's truly frowned upon. Those things happened during muhhamed.
And he's the perfect man and role model. Yes all muslims.
As if anything can be perfect.... But lets be honest - even living in a shithole with a wife that is not a bitch and 2-3 kids that you love is better than living in London, alone, with money, but noone that gives a shit about you.
The "women" issue is the biggest defence of any Muslim for his religion. It is the one thing where any anti-muslim person would have to admit that islam got it right and got it so right that it will be the reason why the majority of people in the west in 20-30 years will be muslims.
Kill yourself via bullet to the head, mutt.
In my country, Iraq. women have all the rights, they now work more than men. You didn't really get my point and called me an idiot without you realizing what have made out of your women. Your problem is you give too much power to your women. Unlike here women help men with a job and do the housework. I, however won't step down to how low you went.