Why does she look so happy?
Why does she look so happy?
having a fun time i guess, why?
A homosexual is rubbing up against her.
Is that a crime now?
What would happen if I started dry humping a lady officer?
Because by her welcoming this harassment she proves that she's not racist.
England needs to be nuked. We fucked up.
God Save the Queen!
holy shit tupac just flew over my house
as soon as the shift ends
Because she is freer than her mother. She will never have to pop out a pale patriarch.
Being such a cuck to have these on a Pc with a small dicked nigger, kek!
This is like the maximum curse possible. A sodomite being allowed and encouraged to exist while the law enforcer smiles with delight as the beast presses his disease infested corpse upon her. I say corpse because the bible calls sodomites twice dead, meaning guaranteed lake of fire. Not only is the law enforcer happy in her clown world, she is a woman and the taxpayers are paying for a female to enforce their clown world psychopath laws.
There is no fear of God and I understand why God says he will cast strong delusion when the antichrist shows up, that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
I pray I will be allowed to watch the faces of the kikes who caused this clown world as their antichrist is cast alive into the lake of fire. Let me see their terror.
You really fucked up
She is getting attention. You ever been around women?
Their judgement is a place so terrifying that the word terror must go super saiyan to even comprehend what they will feel. The smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever. Imagine what it myst be like to be tormented for eternity, you never escape, it never stops. And all because they chose to hate God and reject the free gift of eternal life that Jesus bought for them.
Pretty sure this is just 'Dancing Bear' porn, but the look in their faces really shoes one of the old school PUA principles of getting women in an excited atmosphere (like a club) then being sexual in that context. It's like skipping the step of needing to "seduce" them since they're already in an "excited" mindset.
I wish Hitler had nuclear weapons in 1940. Thr more I see of the Jewnited Cuckdom, the more I wish we Aussie faggots would remove that disgusting cuck union jack off our flag. Fuck these Britcucks so very much. We are nothing like you.
cos she's getting bummed by 2pac.
chicks love ghosts
Brits were already declining at that time. The Empire has literally fallen.
Brits won ww2 because of computers and then brits and anglo americans pretty much created the modern computer paradigm as we know it. To stop the US/UK beast you'd need to be able to fight the computer-based system, but you can't even resist Jow Forums.
it would be extremely problematic
Because she's jewish, as you can clearly see
For you
>she is a woman and the taxpayers are paying for a female to enforce their clown world psychopath laws.
Yeah. Everything is inverted. Men blame men for not being men and failing women, but the system has does this. They have inverted natural law. Men are victims of it, too, from the day they are born.
>I pray I will be allowed to watch the faces of the kikes who caused this clown world as their antichrist is cast alive into the lake of fire. Let me see their terror.
I believe that you ultimately cannot subvert nature indefinitely. There will be a correction at some point. But maybe it's also cyclical. We were unfortunate enough to be born at this time.
Woman is an animal and enemy of civil society.
Jamal has his dick in her ass crack. She's a degenerate brit.
>the look in their faces really shoes one of the old school PUA principles of getting women in an excited atmosphere (like a club) then being sexual in that context.
I don't know that PUA rule, but I see what you mean. I've seen those Tinder experiment screen shots where a handsome Chad's profile is posted, and he says that he was convicted of pedophilia, or of being an ISIS fighter, and women do not give a shit. All they care about is that he's good looking. Everything else - the pedophelia, ISIS terrorism, murder - gets overlooked.
Because if she didn't, she'd be fired and executed by the Queen.
>Woman is an animal and enemy of civil society.
Nietzsche said something like, "Women need to be ruled with a whip." aha. Another one I like, but forget who said it, "Women are like a fire. And if rocks or bricks are not placed around it, to control it, it will burn everything in its path to the ground." aha
She caught 5 people this month walking around with plastic utensils so she's up for promotion.
Also, countries like the U.S., UK, Canada are putting women in charge of major police forces. Obviously they are not earning these positions on merit. It's this artificial clown world that the elites are creating - pushing non-Whites, women, homosexuals, and now I guess also trannys', to the top and shutting out White males.
Imagine if Goebbels or Himmler saw this shit? I bet if you told them that this is what it would come to, they would never believe you.
Actually, on second thought, maybe they would. They new how morally and ethically corrupt the Jews were.
Because she's an immoral harlot who has no defined standards and lives a life void of honor and self-respect.
Melanin receptors working hard in proximity to that BBC. In this moment she is not a police officer, she is merely a vessel for a mulatto baby.
You have to go back
Because she earns the same wage as a male policeman despite never having to deal with violent criminals on her own. Women should not be allowed in the force or if they do, should be on less pay.
I'd be angry as fuck as a male officer risking my life in violent confrontations while those splitarse cunts hide behind me and get paid the same.
I fucking hate niggers
You should do it and post results
Those eyes are faking it.
She going to get rapped
and to think you have none in Chile.
Africans and muzzies own the bobbies, who are now weak.