Tell me /pol

Tell me /pol
Is it true what the ex banker Ronald Bernard said about the world being ruln by about 8500 Zionists who are Lucefarians and sacrifice children to Satan? He seemed pretty convincing in that interview where tears ran down his cheeks. Was it an act of a mentally ill man or is it actually real.

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Other urls found in this thread: toaff&tn=blood passover&sortby=17&cm_sp=plpafe-_-all-_-link

I dont know but Saudi Aramco makes a billion dollars a day +

>sacrifice children to Satan
Jews don't even believe in the fucking devil! Who ever came up with this satan worshiping has no clue about Judaism!

jews are the devil user !

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>The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince everyone that he didn't exist

Video interview btw

Ultra Zionism

Get a clue bro

Didn't (((they))) off him?

Holy fuck he’s dead

We didn't learn from history. Should have never trusted the Jew

He's alive. I don't know if i believe him tbqh he seems like a visionary in the negative way. He's part of his own kind of idealistic bank now. Why would he made it up? Honestly i don't know

Oh yeah there has been no kind of evidence that he truly worked in the banking world. He counters this by claiming he didn't need a resume(cv). Like i say it's more likely that he made shit up

>The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince everyone that he wasn’t a Jew.

So the new testament says there is a prince of power in the air, satan is the god of this world and there is spiritual wickedness in high places. This was written 2000 years ago, why are you asking if its real? Next up is a one world government, cashless society, wars and then the antichrist will save the day with a staged order out of chaos freemason meme.

You better get eternal life:

Some work branches could use more indians

Checked and HH pilled

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>the greatest trick the jews ever pulled was to convince goyim to believe in their fantasy stories

Sabbateans and Frankists
Jewish apostates and occultists - the redemption through sin heresy

millions of people (most likely) can't be wrong on this type of stuff alone at least. I know a ton of people at least are black pilled on this type of stuff.

He could have made it up
But then again he's being shamed n censored by left n right wing zionist media for 'criticizing world Jewry'
The same zionist media that doesn't want constant kusters on because he's a national socialist.

Does anyone have a sauce for that gif or links to longer videos, that is so fucking sexy!

You have issues

Yes, but what I need are links and search terms anaon.

Imagine watching this and still believing that the gender pay gap is an actual, real thing. lmao

Jacques Yves-Cousteau would be proud

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He's fairly unknown to the media. He has like 1 article in the Volkskrant and that's just about his current bank. Not one mention of the video or his believes


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There are some docus about constant, hes a tard tho.

If he is legit the only reason he is still alive is because he has not named anyone.

This devil or "Satan" worship that people go on about is in fact Yahweh, the God of the OT, and the Jews are his chosen people. Jews have been sacrificing children, waging wars and genociding people on behalf of their death cult blood god for millenia. Its all written in the OT.

The greatest trick the devil ever played is not that he doesnt exist, its fooling foreign, non-Jewish goyim to worship and venerate him as a benevolent, holy monitheistic god. Christcucks and Mudslimes have been worshipping the Devil this whole time and dont even know it.


Have you read the Bible? lmao there is no "star of Daivd" There is only the star of remphan, an idol and god they took with them from Babylon. A modern "Jew" is literally acting out a blasphemous Pharisaic religion that values the culture/ religion more than their own Creator and Jesus.

based formula knower
equally based and checked

yet jews were the ones to start church of satan and promote atheism

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Jesus is just the most famous of their creations

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>that webm
>chink runes
Every time there is a sick irl video involving shit like that, gore, or general rekt.

except for the labels. The labels are only there to confuses and divide us. Our opponents created pseudo-identities for that purpose.

Pedovores and their legacy and social media protectors are being delivered to justice

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Remember when shit happened in August? Yeah I don’t either. At least cripple Chan got shut down leaving us with this last barren shithole.

THey are an amazingly effective way to control human thought. They appeal to our desire to have something tangible to wrap our heads around and pour our hearts into.
Ironically the more complicated and crazy the world becomes the harder it is to deconstruct it and greater your impulse to want to fight against something you can understand.
If think about it the entire 20th century of communism was based on label think.

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kek imagine being this new

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The best slaves don't consider themselves slaves.

There is only one God. You can blather on about "yahweh" as much as you want and imply that polytheism isn't retarded, but you won't change reality.


Wew checkem!

>one post meme flag coming to the rescue of israel with flimsy defense
It's like that meme where you're almost compelled


first thread i looked in it was boomer this and qoomer that. Sorry the board is already comped and filled with shills.

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Sounds like current day

Based and checked

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Satanic kike spotted.

>yet jews were the ones to start church of satan and promote atheism
I can confirm.
Go into any social media atheist group and you'll see them knocking Christians saying Christians are cannibals and Muslims are pedophiles, the posts will be almost nothing but that.
Mention that Jews are allowed to have anal sex with 3 year old boys and fuck 3 year old girls, and they cut and then suck babies dicks and you'll be called an antisemitic and banned almost instantly.
I have been banned from every FB atheist group I have found for simply bringing it up.
It's always the jews.

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sabbatean jews faggot

Fucking interdimensional universe brained post right here, goddamn

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>Micah 3 (KJV)
>1 And I said, Hear, I pray you, O heads of Jacob, and ye princes of the house of Israel; Is it not for you to know judgment?
>2 Who hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones;
>3 Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.
So scared is the jew of this history being exposed that mostly all new versions of the Bible have the word "Caldron" removed and it is even removed from the Google Chrome dictionary. The meaning of the word has been changed in most other dictionary to simply mean "pot".
The Caldron is in fact Moloch ritualistic sacrificial pot used by jews to cook the human flesh of their offerings.
A great deal of history is behind this, as to why Christian call their children "kids" and why it is good luck for children to always keep a silver coin in their shoe. Even the Vampire tales stem from the jewish ritual murder.

Attached: Moloch Caldron.jpg (644x599, 46K)

based and Christ pilled

Bernard said that?He's dead now right?

My independent research points to this being true.

The formation of the ADL purpose was to defend jews who are caught in their ritual murder of Christian children.

Attached: ADL.png (1498x2459, 2.55M)

it makes sense as a way to ensure total loyalty.
it's like narco gangs telling new members to kill some random person to make sure they are ruthless and loyal.
BIG MONEY runs on cabals and loyalty, not IQ.

it's 100% true and it's not even the full story

I think the number of people engaged in child sacrifice rituals have to be a thousand times that.
>In the United States, an estimated 460,000 children are reported missing every year.
And that's just in the US.

Here in Canada we have an average of 130 Children going missing a week. There is always a spike before the jewish holidays.

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>banned from Amazon
I wanted a physical copy of this but can't find it.

Before anyone asks they have never explained this photo to the best of my knowledge.

Attached: blood libel zoomed h3.png (675x1200, 785K)

There was a few physical copies for sale on "Goodreads" but they're in India and I dont want to contract a pajeet fecal virus from touching it so I just downloaded it in PDF form

that's fucking creepy. any context on who these people are? etc?

What does this pic show? These Jews probably get their blood from the Orthodox.

>Jews don't even believe in the fucking devil!
they believe in El dumbass

I saw a copy but the page number was way off. Probably a shitty bot-made PDF.

Oh I see. Hmmm...

It says the last known copy was sold at auction for 2,980.00 Euros.

this lists it at around ~375 pages, and the PDF I have is the same amount toaff&tn=blood passover&sortby=17&cm_sp=plpafe-_-all-_-link

I researched him and found he was starting up hiw own 'peoples bank' hmmm. Also, if he really was in their society I don't think he wouldv'e been able to get out, he would have been videotaped and kept for blackmail. IMO the guy is a sociopath out for himself.


Posted by H3 youtube jews to twitter on a Passover holiday night and then quickly removed after they where asked about the child on the floor in the back ground.
I heard they claimed it was a doll but they haven't answered about the cut marks on the arms.

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>that's fucking creepy. any context on who these people are?
I believe the h3h3 podcast people, idk.

I wonder how many female sewer workers there are... Probably very patriarchal job. We should force a quota to destroy the patriarchy. No women can apply to any job before it's 50/50 sewer workers.

About R. Bernald I have my doubts. He went off the rails a lot with some of his stories. If you fear devil worshippers that control the world you don't go to the press and blurt it out and go home and eat pizza. You either use counter-subterfuges or try to destroy their system with your money.
It's basically the opposite of this The biggest trick the devil ever pulled was showing himself in plain sight and get nobody to care. We see it everyday, its existence is apparent. Yet nobody does anything.

And not just the daily stuff like LGBTQ+ lobby creeping on children, but actual politicians with full names given to the public shown to be involved in pedophile rings and they either get pardoned or ignored and nobody does SHIT.

>Zionists who are Lucefarians
What's the difference?

What peculiar b8

What.the fuck


fucking kikes

the main problem with Satan and what he represents is the idea that we can do better than God.
you don't have to worship Satan directly. it's enough to worship the idea itself - we can grow and become larger than God and take his throne.
all religions(secret societies) which make men the center of the universe and the ultimate goal to become gods are in fact driven by Satan.

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Zionists are sabbateans, get redpilled on them

any good non-jewed links to learn about it?

No they are reptilians from space who worship allah the goddess of dick sucking.

Robert Sepehr,1666 Redemption Through Sin

Sure, memeflag

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What the fuck

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>Zionist are Sabbateans
no they're cut from the same cloth and have mutual aims, but Sabbateans merely adopt Judaism for advantage, whereas at least Zionists believe what they preach.


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Brave man

>any good non-jewed links to learn about it?
Most everything gets soho'd or is filled with misinformation in order to misdirect,
You can look up the dates in the image, every single one will say it's because people are antisemitic.
As I said earlier, everything from the silver coin in the Christian "kids" shoe being good luck to vampire stories stems from it.
>The silver coin in the shoe
There would be a specially marked (silver usually) coin in childs shoe back in thee very early mid evil days. The reason for this is if a child was grabbed the child could kick off the shoe exposing the coin. Thee jew would certainly go after the coin giving the child the chance to escape.
If the child did not escape the jew would still have found the coin and would spend it. The coins where specially marked, the "kidnapper" (jew) who spent the coin could then easily be tracked down due to the spending of the coin.
The system turned into that keeping a coin in the shoe is good luck.
>The reason Christians call children "Kids".
When the "kidnapper" (jew) was confronted while boiling their Caldron the jew would say it is a baby goat in the Caldron that they are sacrificing to Moloch. When checked it would turn out to be a human child. The king and Church then decreed to call children "Kids" to bring awareness to the jewish sacrificial rituals.
Hence kids and Kidnapping

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