Internet Censorship !!!!

Ok Down Under here M8 we have been blocked down here for a few months with the Internet Censorship !!!! What have I Missed ?

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No block for me.

Buy a vpn...

who else is still blocked from making threads?

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Shills are pushing sex with dogs, being attracted to tom boys, and stories about 12 year olds girls having sex, usually in the form of ‘l over heard my niece talking...’
Other than that it’s the same shit

Not me. Is it because you use a smartphopne?

yang gang shills got an injection of DNC cash, MIGAs vs MAGAs, slide threads out the arse, and a rogue jannie floating around yeeting pedowood and jew world order threads pretty quickly. so nothing out of the ordinary, also seems like asio or another alphabet agency has been trying to flood b baiting pedo pics probably for evidence to get Jow Forums logs or censorship.

OMG!! You dont know? I thought everybody knew!!! Only the most important information mankind has ever seen and you missed it?

I couldn't believe Australian universities cut Internet access for students after a certain amount of data had been used. It's the most shit place I've ever been for Internet.

>Brenton Tarrant pulled off one of the most epic stunts ever, getting him a high score, promoted Pewdiepie and killed multiple muzzies
>Jow Forums is now ISP banned in Australia

was it worth it lads?

>promoted Pewdiepie

that footage ended up in tarrants live stream because what was actually happening was a huge data dump.

they dont want the video circulating because it provides evidence of unprotected signal bleed internally engineered to fuse because of the clauset-newman-moore cluster algorithm being used here > < these people did it.

Kylie has sadly been written out of Neighbors

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Yep Cunts Shit M8

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>sloppy job Mossad

mate take off that tin-foil hat would you? he promoted Pewdiepie cause he wants the media to give him attention

Just you.

mate get a free vpn...ya bloody dingbat galah!

Me as well. Also I can't comment on any posts.
Goin' cray cray

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>What have I Missed ?
new deathspell omega

that might be because i keep blackedposting sorry about that mate

They're banning you guys from viewing certain websites ?
Are there no rocks, or gasoline in Australia ?
No rust and aluminum for thermite ?

Jesus !

We were? I'd already changed my DNS server for infinity.

searching "pol" on google now seems to have the result removed

Me, I can't even post replies.

Fuck up Fed

Bet you wished you had changed your DNS

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Telstra is now unblocked but optus is still blocking everything

Greatest meme since the NPC. Makes shills and jannies SEETHE

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you can still access Jow Forums through Tor

Based coomer

Thank god.
I've been lurking on the mimi app but unable to shitpost.

what the FUG

use DuckDuckGo

just change your DNS faggot.
i use Yandex (russian) aka dont co-operate with western faggot governments

he's just some degenerate that went to event

I'm not sure bit when auspol stated targeting the esafe twitter page it took 2 days for Telstra to bow down. Dose anyone have any insight to this?

I think you'll find it was blacked RAAAAAWWWW!


Your governments not really high on the alerts list for lack of internet freedom basically you guys are in about 5th place behind the likes of china and north korea.

It really does. They can't delete them fast enough.

I know, problem is pilling fucking normies on how regulated we are.

The main problem is the censorship conforms to them and they like it or they are completely unaware

lol britbong, still shows up for me.